"It takes courage to imagine your life different." Lindsay TF

This is one of my favorite quotes because it really does take that courage to look and see that things could be different for you. It also takes bravery, a sense of adventure and a just a little bit of silly to start making those changes that you would like to see. It is also one of my favorites because I actually know the person who said it! It isn't just a random collection of words from someone afar, it is someone I have had the pleasure of seeing grow and use that courage on many occasions. 

I am seeing a lot of people lately who are digging deep into their own fears and moving forward in whatever form they would like to see their lives unfold. This is really exciting to me as a person, soul and coach. As a person it helps me to remember to look at challenges as a fun thing, as a soul it makes me happy to be part of this time in our universe and as a coach it excites me for it means we are growing as a people and I get to be a part of that! Sweet!

I said to a client yesterday that what if the feeling she was feeling wasn't doom and gloom, but rather a feeling that she was about to bloom? Using a plant as an example, they have to push through the dirt and the layers of Earth to show up and reach the sunshine. I bet that is uncomfortable at some point but the plant, knowing that stagnation is certain death, isn't going to just lay there and lament, it is going to keep reaching for that breakthrough. Nature is amazing isn't it? We are amazing aren't we? I believe so. 

So, the next time you feel like you can't do something, remind yourself that you have the same innate knowing as the plant or you wouldn't have come here to learn and grow. You would have remained an inert being simply floating around the stratosphere. I, for one, am glad you decided to push through that dirt and show up and we got to be in this garden together!

How are you riding this wave of energy? Do you feel like you need a seat belt for life? That is how I am feeling. A cross between a whoaaaaaa this is intense and wheeeeeeeeeeee, I want more. We are coming off of another wave of energy that went from the last week of June through the last week of July. THAT was intense! Things were cranky and we were being pushed to bring clarity to what wasn't working in our lives. Now we always have these waves of energy but they don't usually hang on for FOUR FREAKING WEEKS! phew, I feel better just yell typing that.

Hopefully you were able to use that time to clarify what you really want in life. For myself it came with a clarity of no longer wanting to run a retail store. I adore the customers, I love the product and hey, I'm pretty fond of the staff too, but phew, I was stick me with a fork done. This energy helped me be honest with myself first and then be able to formulate a plan to allow the store to grow to the next place and in turn, allow myself to grow. FOR FOR FREAKING WEEKS! oh, did I mention that already?

The energy that came in yesterday a bit like a freight train on speed, is much lighter but just as fast moving. It is propelling all the changes that were made during that time. It is fast and it is taking no mercy. The reason I came up with the wave is the visual I keep seeing is lying on my back with my head toward the vastness of the ocean and my feet facing the beach. I am lying on my back and just riding the wave into the beach. The interesting thing to me was that I was on my back. I wasn't boogie boarding or directing, I was allowing the energy of the wave to guide me in safely and totally trusting that I would end up where I was meant to be. A very cool feeling. The learning to put my head back and just ride may have taken some time to develop, but it is so worth the journey to get here to be able to look at the sky and listen to the ocean with my ears under water and to smell the perfect saltiness of our largest body of water.

This trust didn't come over night, I have really been conscious of where I put my energy and how I use it, especially lately and that clarity of what I want to do as opposed to where there is a perception I should do something is so freeing. Sure, people may get disappointed but what they think of me or how I am living is none of my business. You read that correctly, it is none of MY business. I want my wave to continue to move forward and to use that expansiveness at my head to my fullest potential. If I pay attention to them, that won't happen, so here I am floating away creating my bliss.

This is not to be considered a warning of energy, this is to be considered a helper. Use it wisely, the energy that is, what you do with the blog post is up to you.  Use the frequency of it to propel you forward to create the life you really want to have. Looking back and complaining will only turn you in circles, so why not put your head back and look at the sky with me.

This energy will phase out by Sunday ushering in a calm...for a little while. :) September is setting up to be another very fast month so please learn to slow down now and find the beauty in meandering, or floating or watching grass grow. Whatever works for you. If you are slow when the energy is fast, you can create amazing leaps and manifestations. If you get all wired up when the energy is fast, you will only create anxiety. I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of frenetic energy.

When you are feeling like the world is spinning too fast, just return to your breath or that meandering and be grateful you KNOW there is more going on then with you and if you relax you can reap the benefits. How nice to be in the know, isn't it?

Kicking back and catching the wave,
