It's only a word...until it's not.

I had the distinct pleasure of being raised by a woman who demanded we use proper grammar, read a lot and reach for the words that have more than one syllable. She also loved Wheel of Fortune and would take you down for not knowing the a fun way not a whole Mommy Dearest way. It was rare to see her without a book or two going and if I got lazy in my choice of words or expression, she would say,  "don't give me those fifty cent words, Victoria." It makes me laugh to think of her saying that now. For the record, call me Victoria and you will get the look. Only mom got away with that.

To say she instilled a love of words in me is an understatement. It wasn't until later in my intuitive development did I realize she was also teaching me to find the vibrations in words. When she implored, or ordered, me to find a new word she was showing me that while words can mean similar things they have very different feelings to them. Maybe she knew this. I don't know for sure but I like to think she did. Dianne demanded word choice but she didn't share a whole heck of a lot. Woman of mystery, you have to love it.

Words matter, energy is matter, but it matters too. See? How fun is that? The inflection behind our words matter too,we all know that but when was the last time you took the time to feel the words you were choosing?

Ask my kids, or clients, and they will tell you that I often suggest words for them to use instead of the ones they offered. I don't do this in a know it all way, I hope, but rather in an almost automatic detection method that then spits out of my mouth. Sometimes I can control it and sometimes I can't. It is my intention to help people become aware of the vibrations in everything and how we speak, to others and especially ourselves, is extremely powerful.

Imagine my complete joy when I discovered Belief Re-patterning and it is word choice and vibration combined with emotions based. It was like home made maple walnut ice cream good to me. (That's really good for those who don't have a clue to my love of maple walnut ice cream.) To be able to combine my natural word detector with a system that will help YOU develop  yours. Utopia. That is why I am having so much fun bringing it to the Berkshires and beyond.

I had an example of the more than a word thing this last week, and really the reason I came up with this blog in the first place. All of a sudden I had this whack upside the heart that I really am a widow. Now, it's not like I'm in denial of the fact that Howard has moved on to his next adventure, but for some reason my cognitive mind could use the word, even check it on all the emergency contact forms I had to change, but it didn't fully register the implication of the word. That was being stored in the subconscious, perhaps hiding it in some kind of protection mode.  Also for the record; I still think it's not the best word but everyone understands it, until I find a new one and create a revolution!

So, when it got through my subconscious and came into my conscious mind, it created this explosion of emotion and tears. But, and here is the amazing part, once I allowed it to be in my consciousness and looked directly at it, the pressure came off of it. It didn't change my circumstance or the past year but it did allow me to move a little closer into that acceptance of where I am and that is a huge gift.

I want everyone to feel this relief. To realize we have a choice on what we do with our emotions and a lot of times this starts with how we talk to ourselves. I could have judged myself for being too emotional or a little slow on the uptake in realizing widow does really apply to me. I didn't because I had the Belief Re-patterning front loaded as I call it. I had it on board and my brain had already been shifted to know these emotions were a benefit to me and while they may be intense right now, they will subside into a gratitude of awareness.

What are some of the words you use when you talk to yourself? Are they supportive or do they involve a verbal form of a billy club that you whack yourself over the head with? Would you talk to another the way you talk to yourself?

Observe yourself this week in what words are part of your automatic vocabulary and see if you can't choose one that has a slightly higher vibration. For example; if your self talk is about not being good enough, you can recognize it, look at it and be willing to say, "Well, I am not really sure what enough is, but for this moment I can accept that I am doing the best I can with what I have at this time and that is plenty." Enough shifts to plenty. Feel that for a moment. Right? Doesn't that feel good?

If you'd like to explore this a little more, I do a class every month on the third Tuesday. You are welcome to join me as I combine the Belief Re-patterning, coaching and my word detector to help you develop your own inner coach.

I wish you the ease of talk to yourself and others this week and the fun of learning how word choice effects our lives and how it can elevate it to the supercalifragilistic level you are capable of. No, Dianne would never have taken that word as an adjective BUT she did instill the love of musicals in me as well, so I would have argued that she entered the word into play and gotten an "oh, Victoria" with a shake of her head as she tried to hide her smile.

Rocking my thesaurus,



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