This is another installment of the book, Everyone Has an IT, and boy is the timing appropriate for this chapter.  Identity Theft is our IT this week and I feel like I've been taken over by the body snatchers.  My husband has decided to do a tour of the ICU unit of the hospital so we have been here for thirteen days and counting.  Have you ever spent more than two days in a hospital as a support person?  My goodness is it a learning experience.  Every area of life is up in the air from food, shelter, emotional balance, a bed, not to mention the amenities of bathing.  Then there are those pesky lifesaving decisions to make.  It's no wonder people walk around looking a little loopy.  Their identity changed on a dime and the new rules aren't written yet.  Identity theft; its real man, it's real.

Identity Theft:

In our ever evolving, growing technological world we hear a lot about identity theft. Whether this comes from someone receiving your information in a fraudulent manner or whether it is someone who lives with you and decides that they would like to have access to your credit line, either is considered a crime. Either is considered an attack on ones safety and feeling of well being.

One can purchase insurance to protect against this and can keep a vigilant watch on their credit report but I wonder; where is the protection plan for identity theft of your personality, of your drive, of your soul energy? Where is the policy I can purchase that will allow me to ensure that my feelings of strength, confidence and happiness are protected? Well, there isn’t one, at least not one that someone else can sell you as you will find out by this chapter, which would just perpetuate the very thing you are trying to protect against by handing over your energy and power.

How many times in your life have you wondered who am I and what do I want? What is it that is mine, me for myself and of myself? Often it is during a time of “I can’t take it anymore” that these questions come up. I have often been accused of teaching selfishness to which I say, absolutely I do because it is only when we are taking care of self that I believe we are able to help others authentically and with a feeling of fulfillment rather than depletion.

When one feels like the above questions, it is often because they have given away their energy and have become resentful of this. If there was an agent to call to create a claim there would be massive amounts of them on a daily basis as people awoke to the fact that they have given away the very essence of who they are.

Some very real examples of giving away your energy can be asking others their opinion on what you are planning on doing, asking a lot of others, not just a feedback request but looking for others approval. When this happens the energy field dissipates and becomes watered down. It is almost imperceptible at first but then one  begins  to feel like they aren’t themselves and it is actually true. The times of asking others and perhaps most importantly, giving more energy to what the other person thinks or says, add up and there is a gradual loss of the sense of self. I truly believe this is some of the challenge we have in relationships of all levels lately whether it is from sibling to sibling or country to country, we have forgotten how to feel for ourselves and be good with whatever the emotion or belief is that is there.

From a young age we are encouraged to ask others what they think and while it is great to consult a person who may have more experience on a subject or to sometimes to reach out to a friend to bounce an idea off of, it is vitally important that we remain in alignment with what resonates for each of us so we are authentic in our interactions. When we are good with whom we are and what others may think or feel, there is no room for resentment or any other lower vibrating energies to show up because we have respected each other’s energy field and can feel and think for ourselves.

There isn’t technically theft here if we are giving it away but it is something to keep in mind for when you are finding yourself asking others more than you are asking yourself what is in your best interest. I always tell people when they come for a reading to take what resonates and throw out the rest as I believe our own compass to be the strongest indication of what is best for us. Sure, occasionally that compass gets bent and due north is a challenging to find but when honored it will always lead you home to self.

Another example I see often is the where do you want to go to dinner dilemma. One person will ask where do you want to eat and the other will respond, “I don’t care where you want to eat?” Now, if it is the case of your really have no preference than that would open a dialogue but often it is a passive way of admitting you have no clue who you are or what you want. It may seem simple but it is often the simple requests that can bind us up the most.

Another example of Identity Theft is allowing the past to hold you in place. You may as well hand over your happiness to another if you are going to allow whatever happened in your past to hold you back. Sure there are some times and perhaps some tragedies that have helped form who you are and if you are using them to help you recognize what you want in life then congratulations but if you are using them to hold you back, you are doing a complete disservice to you and your soul. The very essence of you is always looking to grow, always looking and very willing to expand and to use every situation as a learning tool. This essence, this knowing soul has your back. It not only has your  back, it is your back! It is the support mechanism much like your spine is to your skeletal system and if you take care of it like you take care of your spine, you will do just fine.

Where in your current life is your past putting the brakes on? As I mentioned previously, this is one of my most favorite quotes from a client who brilliantly said, in a slightly whining voice, “but Vicki, it takes courage to see your life differently.” To which I replied, “you are brilliant, because yes it does but if you know that it takes courage it would seem to me that you have already considered leaving your past behind and moving forward with that courage.” She did and to this day is one of the most amazing souls I know for even when she was so scared her knees were knocking, she would choose herself over her fear and eventually that fear would dissipate. In her situation it was the family dynamic that was creating an issue for her as it can and should at some point in all of our lives for this is where we grow as well. She was allowing her “role” in her family to dictate who she was and how she acted. Often validating it when they were together as if it were an old 
play they had rehearsed so many times that she had no choice but to act along. But she did have choice and she will always have choice on how she acts and how much of her energy she is willing to give away.

Where are you giving away too much of your energy?

Where do you see yourself changing when in a relationship dynamic? Is it your family that can push your buttons and have you resorting to a role that is familiar? For instance, are you the “baby” of the family and no matter how old you are you are still seen in this manner? Are you the oldest and holding the role of having to be responsible for everyone else, the second mom so to speak?

If you were to file an identity theft claim right now, who would you name as the person or persons you are allowing to steal your identity? Notice I said allowing for someone can not steal our identity without our permission. Much like no one can hurt us or disappoint us without our permission it is completely up to us if we are giving our energy away. When it comes down to it, the only person who has the ability to feel or express for you, is you. So, if you are hurt or feeling like someone made you mad, back up your emotions a little bit and see if you can be in observation of them so you can determine where that leak in your field is. Perhaps you are tired and not feeling refreshed so you are more vulnerable or perhaps you are someone who really likes your own misery and doesn’t know who you are without it so allowing yourself to hurt as the result of others actions seems comfortable, even when it is uncomfortable. When you take responsibility for how you feel you will recognize a great relief in your own body for when there is choice, and there always is, there is empowerment and someone who is empowered is not likely to be a victim of identity theft on any level.

The other way and perhaps the one we hear the least about that we allow energy to be taken is in the energy field that surrounds our physical body and is often referred to as the aura. The aura is fascinating  and a wealth of information for there is a plethora of receptors there that translate the energy of all that is the universe and bring it back to us in the form of communication, of emotion, of mental process and of intuitive reception.

I often see people with big holes in their aura which for me is an indication that they are giving their energy away. They are allowing others to tap into the field and siphon their literal energy stores. I call these people psychic vampires (and long before vampires became cool). Sometimes these energy drains are not aware they are doing it, they are often the whiners, the needy soul that has to have others around to validate their existence. We all know someone in our lives that may fall into this category. They are the ones that always turn the conversation back to themselves and their daily soap opera drama. They are the ones that post on social networking that there is drama a foot every day and it can be something as small as burning breakfast to the I am never going to meet someone because my life is so tragic posting. They are often so caught up in their own story that they aren’t aware others even exist, except when they need to make a withdrawal to keep going. It is exhausting to maintain that level of drama so there must be donors available. Don’t be a donor! While I maintain most do not know they are doing it, they are simply caught up in their hamster wheel, it is up to each person to recognize the person in their lives, the spouse, the child, the sibling, the parent or the friend and at least agree not to feed the vampire any longer. It really is a good thing for them as they will often find ways to change that habit.

If you see yourself in this description, do not worry and do not judge, simply set the intention to replenish yourself and commit to lowering the level of drama to maybe two alarm fire initially and then back off to very little smoke over time. This will help you to feel the best you can and then go on to strengthen not only yourself but those relationships around you that truly do want to support but simply can’t provide the nutritional support equivalent to a blood bank! If you didn’t know you were doing it, there is absolutely no reason to beat yourself up for it, just shift.

There are however, those that are fairly savvy at draining others intentionally. They often have an awareness of how energy can be shared and will “tap in” to the field and make their own withdrawals, usually to fill a hole in their own world, be that energetic or  emotional.

I have found a very effective method of blocking the vampires and no it does not involve garlic. Does that really work anyway? My  way is nothing new; it has been a part of the metaphysical world for eons. I simply ask Archangel Michael to surround me with white light of protection and ask him to remove all the etheric cords, past, present and future to all beings and return mine to me. I then ask that any holes I may have in my field be repaired. I picture it similar to a spiritual spackling. Then I say thank you for I am most appreciative of his help.

This method, free, easy and can be done inside ones head is the most effective manner of protecting oneself from the  energetic identity theft that I know. I use it every day before I even get out of bed and sometimes during the day as I have found it is a bit like sunscreen, you must reapply if the feeling of vulnerability is there.

So, where can you find the holes in your field? Can you feel if there are any there? Are they divits and not full holes yet? Can you see them? If not no worries, simply set the intention of having a clear and smooth field and allow for the help. Simply by being in this world and trying to figure things out we will have some divots. There is no need to identify, just rectify.

Where do you feel you hand over your own identity? Do you keep quiet at work when you have a good idea or if you see something that isn’t in alignment with the company? Do you not speak of your preferences to your partner or spouse whether that is in the relationship or in regards to your living situation or parenting style?

It is actually pretty easy to figure out when you are open to the theft, you will always feel off. There will be a feeling of discord or conflict in you. Learning to pay attention to how you feel is the key to any kind of living improvement and I know you can do it, so get on it would you?

As for me during this journey, I have found a new strength I felt I had but hadn't seen in action. I have returned to running, which had taken a hiatus during biking season, and I have found humor, appreciation for the amazing family and friends I have and a voice to advocate for my husband. Please, for the love of all humans, don't leave someone in the hospital on pain meds by themselves. The staff mean well, but know your personal identity enough to be able to advocate if someone needs you to. 

Riding this roller coaster we call life. Hands in the air people! It's supposed to be fun, 
