It probably doesn't come as a surprise that I am a good talker. If we have never met in person, you can still tell from my writing style that I have the gift of gab as my mother would say. I'm not one that wants to talk about every subject but I do find people fascinating and appreciate a good chat. This comes in really handy as my work has a lot to do with talking. Listening is important and a skill I have had to develop for this gal, as a child, was known as chatterbox!

Occasionally, my fast moving intuitive brain and chatterbox tendencies can get going at the same time and some fun word combinations come out of it. I thought it would be fun to take a break from some of the help others help themselves blogs that I so often do and share some with you.

Since I subscribe to the belief I have never met a stranger, sorry to those of you in the grocery store that this belief freaks out when I smile at you like you are a long lost friend, I am often so grateful to the friends I have made as a result of my role as an intuitive. I was introducing such a person a few years ago and called her a frient. I laughed and tried to say friend, since I believe in confidentiality and only the client should say that they come to see me (Insurance agents and other sales people please pick up this habit as I will drop you like a hot iron if you suggest someone purchase a product by name dropping!). It shouldn't come from me first that someone has been in but I couldn't get it out. She turned to me and said exactly what I was thinking, she was a client first and became a friend so the brain just mixed it up and frient was born. For those thinking, like I did, that it should go in order of meeting, cliefr or cliend were really hard to say so frient it is. I am blessed to have many frient's now and I don't know what I would do without some of them.

Another occasion was with a male client who has some fascinating and sometimes hard for me to follow ideas about our world and how to be in it. I'll admit it's because some of  the concepts go over my head or just do not compute on my hard drive, but we have some amazing awareness's along the way. I was communicating to him what the energy field around his head looked like to me and how it was contributing to some of what he called confused thinking. I told him that it looked very hectochtic. We both laughed at my confusion of what just came out of my mouth but it ended up making sense to him and that is all that matters to me.

You see, his head was feeling very hectic and chaotic at the came time and much like two negatives make a positive, when I blended the words he said "yahhhhhhhhh, that's it man". So, if you are looking for a description for a thinking process that feels both unorganized and rushed at the same time; I give you hechtoctic.

There are many more in my dictionary, but my personal favorite because we all have family is the word energenetic.  It was during a session that this came up as well. I was helping a coaching client understand that her family environment would of course, effect her perceptions and actions in life. This would not only be from the experiential place, but also from the energetic place. I explained how we absorb things from our family as well as learn from them.  In my description I was trying to say that we are a compialation of energy and genetics. It came out energenetic. We both laughed, but then thought wow that's really good. Upon reflection I had to agree that it was really good because often we  absorb and then become. So I would imagine it would become part of the genetic code. So I give you energenetic.

Perhaps this is how new words are discovered.  I know it brings a great deal of joy to myself and is even a great deal of fun when people ask me if I've invented any new words lately.

I hope you've enjoyed this walk through the vocabulary and Vicki's life. I also hope that you invent your own words.

 Have a fantastic week and more,


One of the aspects I have come to appreciate about the work that I do is it has helped me learn that people really are amazing and have a lot of similarities. We all want to be and give love. We all want to be understood and we all have a reason for being here at this time. We also, in this culture, focus on money and want to have a life where there is plenty of it. We earn it, we are given it, we exchange it on a daily basis. Sometimes it comes in the form of plastic, loans or some other form of borrowing. Other times it may seem that we are selling our very souls to receive the currency. Whatever the means,we have to relate to money in order to get on with our lives.

It can be one of the perceivable dividers in our lives. I hear it often, the comparison of what others have that another doesn't. I hear the fear in people around the subject. This is whether they have no savings or they have, in some clients I have worked with, over six figures or more in their savings.

I know that it may seem odd to someone who is wondering how to pay the electric this month, and I've been there, that another with all the means to not even check their balance, could be worried about the same thing, but it most definitely happens. Once I started to realize this I had to explore what that fear is really about. What I came to was the persons misconception that the money and the ability to enjoy it was outside of their control. That somehow the currency that is meant to be an energy exchange had somehow become an enemy to conquer or capture. An opponent that had more power then they themselves had within.

What happens when we think like that is the ability to bring the income into our lives we would like to have completely disappears. Money is energy, just like everything else in our universe. It really doesn't have an opinion about who it lives with. It would like to live with you, if you would invite it in. In order to do that though, you will want to learn how to see it as the form of energy and what could be effecting the flow of abundance to you.

Most of us did not get any training in how to be financially smart in this world. I know I was taught how to be in survival mode and lack during my childhood and can even create that same process out of habit when it isn't necessary. I have created amazing systems to support myself and my clients when these old habits show up, but it was a learning that I had to go through intentionally. By realizing that money is an exchange of energy, I have learned to honor it and embrace having it in my life.

I wonder if you realize that if you detach from the idea that you don't "have enough" in your life because you "aren't enough", if you wouldn't feel some peace around talking about your financial habits and be willing to accept that you can be abundant.

I wonder if you thought that the universal bank was willing to deposit to your account if you couldn't have some fun with the idea and get busy opening those bills you allow to pile up on your counter or inbox?

I also wonder if you know that when we handle our money with respect, honor and fun while meeting the agreements we have made with our creditors, that the energy is then met with more gifts?

What if there was a way to unhook from the feeling that your debt owns you? Well, there is. Help your subconscious to understand that when all aspects of you are in alignment, abundance in all areas flows. If the following statements resonate, say them and then take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  • "I forgive myself for believing I always have to be in debt because that is what I have been told by others." 
  • "I give myself permission to see the changes I can make and use them to practice self compassion around the subject of money."
  • "I make choices every day. I choose to live a life that is plentiful and abundant."
  • "I claim my freedom to create a life where savings accounts exists!"
  • "I remember feeling abundant. It happened when _______________.I allow myself to feel abundant daily." (For myself it was when I had to buy my own house after Howard passed and the bank was impressed with my credit score. Something I had worked diligently on for five years to improve.)
  • "I am a money making, pleasure experiencing, donating being with financial prosperity in my mind, body and soul!"
Like most subjects, I really believe we make too much of a process out of beating ourselves up for things rather then getting to the clearing up and the allowing. Take some time this week to explore your feelings around money and what, if anything, could use a change. If something is stuck; call me and I will help. I'll have to charge because I am running a business where the energy exchange is necessary to pay my rent, but I would be most excited to help. :) 

You are very worth it, 