It is a gorgeous day here in the Berkshires and an abundance of green, sunshine and cool crisp air can be found. There is something about the combination that makes one feel so alive. I am very grateful for not only the opportunity to experience it but the awareness to take the time to appreciate it. This has been a challenge for me for the last few weeks, awareness. I have been both hyper aware and mind numbing unaware. (ok, that second part may be to too many hours viewing House Hunters International but the data is still out on that. )

I had mentioned in my last blog that the energy is a doozie right now and we were in the middle of something amazing and ridiculously challenging at the same time. I  stand by that description today. WOW has it been a challenge to not overreact or to bite someone's head off or to say, GIVE ME SOME SPACE! How about you? Are you feeling the compression of the energy yet? Appropriate that we are going into Labor Day here in the States because I feel like my head is being squeezed through the birth canal again. Luckily, I don't remember the first time and I was happy about that. I am not impressed. I am however completely stoked (can you say that if you aren't a surfer or a pot head? Does anyone even say it anymore? Well, I'm going to. ) about the ushering in energy.

I vacilate between this is so great that I can feel what is coming and man, I'd like to be oblivious for a bit so the pressure cooker will turn down. I'm nosy though, so I would probably always pick the prior. There is no doubt that we are moving to a higher frequency and what that means is both our soul selves and our physical selves need to adjust. If you are finding you are more tired or lack inspiration to do what you would normally do in a day, give yourself some space and compassion and perhaps rest and take care of you for now. If you find you are using the energy as an excuse though, reevaluate why you don't want to do something. Perhaps there is an emotional or a very logical reason you just don't want to do whatever it is.

As I have stated before, I believe there to be a BIG breathe of fresh air, universal, not Berkshire fresh air, September 4th. There is a feeling of great relief at that time and I am using it as a beacon for my sanity. I am asking each day "what can I learn from this" so that the turmoil, one doesn't have a say over me and two, will be put to good use.

Along with this energy is a great deal of sadness. I do believe that it is the purging that we go through as individuals as well as universal collective energy. Hey, we asked for it so it is being delivered. I know there is a supposed Blue Moon and I say supposed because there is so much disagreement in the astrological world about whether it is or not. I say who cares if it is a Blue Moon, a green moon or a moon made of cheese, we have another full moon, just like we do every four weeks or so, to use for our advantage here. The full moon is fantastic for releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us. So, did the moon cycle come first, absolutely, did the energy that is present add to the full moon effect, yup, can we use it our benefit. You betcha baby!

What do you want to release? What is no longer serving you? What would you like to have in your life? Use this cosmic 2x4 energy to help you find that. Write up a list of what you would like to release and then burn it outside to release it to the universe. If you can't burn, a good shredder will do the trick but be sure to take the papers outside to the trash so that the same principle is applied in releasing.

Along with the ushering out of old behaviors, there has been a huge amount of people passing lately. I recognize that it is the nature of my business that I encounter the emotion of loss on a daily basis but there is more of a frequency of souls transitioning lately. You will notice I do not use the word die. We don't die, we transition to another form. Life goes on not only for us but for those that have transitioned. I have seen time and time again where the one who has passed is comforting those of us here in the physical by acknowledging how awesome the process is. Let's face it people, we are all going to transition. The sooner we find a place within us of the gorgeous nature of that, the more fun the physical plane will be.

I know everyone is on their own path and they will come to that place in their own time and it may take passing to get there, but they will and for that I am sure as well as grateful.

Many of the souls crossing are doing so simply because their journey has completed. They have learned whatever they were here to learn and they are releasing themselves to the other side. Not to cease to exist but to learn in a different energy.

There are others that are choosing to up their exit date because they are not all too sure they want to go through the next wave of energy that is coming. Most of the time these souls had a hard time being on the Earth plane to begin with and have had challenges with addictions or mental health issues or plane ole don't feel like I belong energy. Some of these will be at their own hand and some will be at a divine intersection from anothers. There are no accidents and there is choice in everything so let's honor those that felt they were complete or were just so sure they didn't want to do this any longer (suicide, overdose,deliberately putting themselves in harms way) and remember them for their lives and thank them for being a part of yours.

There is also a group of souls that are leaving that will help us to the next level of learning or expansion and as a soul felt they could assist better from the other side. I saw this right before September 11, 2001 as well. So many are leaving here in order to be able to assist in a higher manner.

My point is that each and every passing is by choice and while that is challenging to believe from a human point of view, I hope it brings some comfort to those that are grieving the supposed loss of their friend, lover, parent, child, pet, local hero, sibling, etc. They aren't lost, they are still present and they are still able to communicate. It may take processing through your own grief to be able to feel that but I promise you they are there.

So, while this weekend may be bumpy energetically, why not find the time and space to be with those you love and spend some quality time with them and allow yourself to learn how to LIVE in every aspect of the word. Allow yourself to feel and allow yourself to become clear about what is in YOUR highest interest.

I believe in the strength of all souls whether enjoying their physical life or their non physical life and I believe in the love that is there at all times to be felt. Allow that love to comfort you and allow whatever feelings come up, not just in the next few days, but for your entire journey. I promise you, you will be glad you did. When your energy or your behavior wants to go to complaining or pointing out someone else's faults, take the time to look at yourself and perhaps learn to let go of whatever that anger is and allow the love to come in. Remember, where you put your attention is what you get in return. A little awareness goes a long way.

I do wish you well on your journey here in the physical and to those amazing souls reading this from the other side, I thank you for your teachings for I know it is because of them that I trust this whole process of transition and trust the vice grip will release itself soon.

Choosing to view from the heart,

 Vicki Baird website
Well, how is life going for you? I have found this last month to be an absolute roller coaster of energy, emotions and everything button finding and pushing! Amazing, it has truly been amazing.

I decided a few years ago to not publicize too often the energy that was present and upcoming as some people can't balance the knowledge with allowing. They often want to jump on the drama of it and in turn, creates more and more of the negative wavelengths. I have stuck to this as I didn't want to promote a reason (even though that was not what I was saying) for people to audition for their Oscar performance.

It became very apparent to me this week that I was allowing a few reactions to overrule the positive effect it can have. Sometimes I have a slow return rate but I always get the point eventually!

So this is what I am seeing and feeling in the energy. HOLY SHITTAKE MUSHROOMS as my daughter would say. It is moving so fast that I feel like I am in the white water rapids competition in the Olympics and I didn't even go to the qualifying round or training! While I feel this is all leading to a fantastic awareness of self as well as the how I connect and communicate with others, I am not sure at times I have the fortitude to hang on to the oh shi*t handle on the tube to make it through to the finish line....which keeps stinking moving!

So, if you are feeling like you are on some kind of fast forward button and are having a hard time hanging on to your handle, well, hang on because much like the bucking bronco ride in the honkytonks (isn't that a great word?), the energy will require you to throw that arm up and just move with the motion of the ride and hopefully, laugh like a fool while you are doing it.

The reason for this isn't very just is. We are ready collectively to experience the next level of energy evolution and believe it or not, have been asking for this. We are asking ourselves and others to be more compassionate, we are asking ourselves to connect our soul to our human self in a cognitive and inclusive way and we are now trusting that we can carry out this mission.

Over time we have had some  huge openings and it hasn't been talked about or advertised but we made it through so just imagine if you had a heads up and were able to approach this next one with some reminders to breathe and to trust that if our soul has traveled this far, it will be able to lead us further with some ease and acceptance of self and others.

When will this happen, well, it is already in motion but the culmination feels like it will happen around September 3rd of this year 2012. I find it very appropriate that in the United States we will be celebrating Labor Day as the energy feels like I am going through the birthing process again only remembering it this time. I'm not a fan but I am tenacious and I am nosy and I know you are as well so we will get through this and breathe well after the 5th and well, then it will start up again in November but hey, at least we will have a month or so between sessions.

What can you do to help yourself through this? You can remember to take time to yourself, to be kind to you and to be excited about every challenge which presents itself,  because I promise you, if you are experiencing difficulties they are there to help you clear them before this opening so on the other side of it, the messages aren't big enough to be cosmic 2x4's upside the head!

Another way to help yourself is to say this too shall pass for it will and things will calm and then we will assimilate the new energy and then it will kick up and then it will calm and then we will you see a pattern here? yup, the same one that has always been there it is just more intense now. Maybe it is because we go so fast ourselves we are adding kinetic energy to the process or maybe it is so we can vibrationally expand and use more of our abilities or maybe it is just the process of life that when we accept that there will be changes and things will go on and on and on. Then we will relax in whatever the energy is...which is really full circle to this post because if you just relax and ride with flexibility, your experience will be fast but it doesn't have to be frenetic.

So, what will you do to get some practices in place before that first weekend in September so when the energy is challenging you, you see it is as a personal request from self to be more than you were and to be proud of yourself?

I am going to keep with the promise I made to myself to walk and bike and breathe and visit with self. This became a necessity when I first started feeling this wave come in as I felt I was going to explode and was so overwhelmed with life where normally I see everything as an adventure. So perhaps you can borrow some of these too or will find your own but whatever happens, I am going to ask you to hold the energy that this is a FANTASTIC thing and that you will be with me in the excitement of the changes happening, rather than add to the fear.

I trust you will be there when I am careening down those rapids or challenging that dang bull for a redo because the view from here is spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!
