How do you know something before you know it?I heard myself ask this of a client last week and thought, hey that's a pretty good line. So often we put intense pressure on ourselves to KNOW what we don't even know yet. The pressure to perform, to be perfect, to be the knower of all information which just is not feasible. I am a true believer that everything is possible but to know everything would not only be a lot of pressure, it would be boring as there would be nothing else to learn, right?
When we are a child people applaud when we learn something new, like walking or finding our mouths with a cheerio. Something people have done for ages and yet we clap for it. Why don't we do this for adults or the older children we expect to have all the information simply because we already do, or do we?
Why don't we celebrate the fact that someone doesn't know but is willing to learn? It seems we have shifted from a place of comfort and excitement in being able to say, oh wow, I don't know but I can find out, to a place of fake it and hope no one sees that you don't know. This faking place not only takes you out of alignment with your soul that came here to learn, it feels awful, mostly because it takes you out of alignment with your soul. Cycles are fun aren't they?
So today when you don't know something, I am going to suggest you say, I don't know but am excited to figure it out. I am also going to ask that you celebrate yourself for being willing to say you don't have all the answers AND for seeking them. Then perhaps you will know something you didn't know before you knew it and feel empowered by the process. There may not be a lot of people surrounding you applauding that you did it, but I promise you, you will know you did and that is more important than what anyone else thinks anyway.
Viewing life as a continuous learning experience,
Vicki's website
How do you know something before you know it?

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