There is a plentiful amount of vibrant energy here tonight. We thank you for inviting us to be part of your learning. Please know that we are here to help, teach and guide yes but also to walk along side you as friends and collaborators of your great incarnation. This is how we refer to the time you are in. It is the great collaboration between realms and we are most excited to be with leaders such as yourselves. Party on!

This was a message that came through when I was doing the Experience the Realms class this week. We were in the Spirit guide realm and they pushed me to send a message along. I thought it was for the group attending but it turns out to be applicable for all beings at this time so I decided to share, with their permission of course, the guides that is!

So, while there was a lot of energy the night of the class, there has been plenty universally as well. It's all going to be relative to where you are on your path and in your vibration but regardless, it has picked up speed and it has been fun!

 The message I have been receiving myself has been along this message as well. Lately, the spirit world, while active, is not as directive as it used to be. There was a time where in four readings a day, three would have messages from the other side, those who had crossed. There would be direct messages about people here and what was going on with them and what happened that helped the one who had crossed to croak (their word, not mine) and other data like that. Lately though the messages have been coming in less and less. I thought it was my antenna and that things were shifting again as there was a time when I wasn't aware I could hear them, so perhaps it can switch back I thought.

I finally decided to have a sit down with the other side, my guides and the energy I refer to as Source. As I settled in I asked, "so, what is going on with the energy communication lately? Where is everyone and why aren't they coming through like they used to if the energy is more open and there is less work the either side has to do?" The response I received I suppose I could have expected as it wasn't news to me but would be to others and maybe I just didn't want to deliver that news, but, here goes.

So, what is happening is we are moving from a place where we interpret the energy from a higher than us resonance to one of next to or inclusive of our being. That is what the guides meant by they can lead or they can walk next to us and we are learning to work in collaboration. We are entering an energy that is conducive to working with all realms very easily. I understood this and accepted it because I have never felt like the other levels of vibration whether they were guides, angels or Ascended Masters have looked down on us but rather over  as they walked next to us and we were the ones who couldn't see that. What I didn't understand is why that was shutting down one of my communication stations!

I further received that the astral realm, where we go when we croak and is one level above us in vibration, those that are in that realm are no longer interested in playing the position of higher authority or energy either. They want to walk along side of us as if they were here in the physical as well (only with a great gig of no limitations and still learning about their life path without resistance.). They know the importance of moving along with life and not dwelling on how long someone was here, what they passed of or what they didn't do when they were here and they want us to learn that too while we are still on this side. Sooooo, being Vicki, I asked ANOTHER question of, ok, that may be so but why aren't they talking to ME? (cause I'm special you my own mind) The response back and it was LOUD as if everyone on the other side wanted me to hear it this time "THEY DON"T NEED YOU TO COMMUNICATE WITH US ANYMORE! THEY NEED TO ACCEPT THIS IS WHERE WE ARE AND THEY ARE WHERE THEY ARE AND WE ARE TOGETHER LIKE WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN". Jeez, you don't have to yell, I said.

I then asked so what is my part? To which the reply with loving kindness was, "just let them know we are ok and if they open their hearts they can hear and feel us themselves and if there is a message that has to get through and we need to use you , we will, but for the most part your job as mediator is complete". WHAT? WHAT? It was like I had been fired! The nerve, interrupt my sleep for seven years and then poof, you are complete. blah!

Once I finished my hissyfit, I calmed down and thanked them for their messages and healing over the years and pouted for a bit. It was not my finest hour. Then in true Vicki style I saw the positive side to this (I know my silver lining view can be annoying to others sometimes, but it is how I roll!). It wasn't that there wasn't ever going to be communication again, it was just that we had evolved as we all come here to do and I am proud of us.

The other aspect that occurred to me was more of a personal one, although I LOVE connecting people here to their loved ones, I light up when I can help someone grow and move in their own incarnation and focus on themselves to be the best they know how to be. Thank goodness I am diversified as I don't know that unemployment covers intuitives whose dead people satellite has interference!

Let me be clear that this does not mean there won't be communications from those that have crossed or that they are ditching us for some fun party in heaven. What it means is you will have more access and more fun when you learn to open your heart and listen. I am sure there will always be mediums and those that can be the conduit to those who have crossed because that is part of evolution too. I, however, am going to respect the wishes of the other side and not go poking my psychic nose in where it is not in our best interest to be. Should they decide to make themselves known to me, I will pass the message along but I do believe I am being lead, pushed, guided in another direction. Wheeeeeeeeeee

How can you help yourself connect? Well, you can trust that those that have crossed have been blessed to do so. They have completed their journey on this Earth for this time around, whether they pass in utero or they are one hundred and fifteen years old. They did what they had to do this round and released their physical bodies. We could celebrate their passing and high five them for their time they were here and the completion of that process. Do you know that I have never been to a service or heard of one where the spirit who passed wasn't happy, bouncy and silly? Do they miss us? Sure, but it is not in the hole in the heart way we tend to act out, it is with a wow, I wish they would realize I was here and I can see, hear and speak with them through love. They don't dwell on it because there is way more fun stuff to do on the other side where growing is expected, encouraged and exciting. Wouldn't it be nice if we COULD learn that lesson here?

I say this with all the reverence my heart and soul can hold, I have completely enjoyed being a medium and I know that will always be an aspect of my energy. I have loved more souls that I have not known in the physical then those I have known in the physical and I am so grateful to all of their teachings. I am excited for those that are feeling more, seeing more and connecting more and I will always be here to guide them as they emerge into their own abilities, at least until I croak and then they will have to use those abilities to chat with me. :)

We all have the ability to communicate with Spirit. Be it the astral realm, spirit guides, angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Source or those pesky little faeries. We ALL have that. Now, it is time you remembered that part of you and celebrated it like you won the energy lottery!

Be happy, use white light to surround you and be AMAZED at the awesome universe we live in.

Viewing my role a little differently and doing a happy dance as change is good,

Fear itself is not the issue, it is quite natural. Allowing fear to be the prevailing energy is where people get stuck. Vicki

The month of January has been both eventful and predictable in my life. It is moving incredibly fast and has had more growth and learning opportunities than I think I had all of last year, and last year was a doozie. That is to say in a less spiritual language, it has stunk big time. I can take change, I love it in fact, and I can accept that others may not like my path or where I intend to grow, that is their right, but the combination of the two right up in my face and combined with the energy of get er done of this year and it makes for a very tired and sometimes cranky Vicki. Then let's add to the mix, just for fun, the lack of boundaries in the spirit world lately and it makes me wonder if the world really did end and I popped to some parallel universe or something. The predictable part is that there is always something to do and something that wants to shift and grow.

I don't know if you have noticed the shift in vibration but we went from a kind of plodding along and heavy energy to a high vibrational frequency with very little groundedness to it. I LOVE it but my physical self keeps saying, can we take a nap, pleaaaseeeeeeeeee, with a kind of whiny voice. I would love to listen to her and I may this weekend but for now, it is full steam ahead because the energy self seems to be in charge today. Are you able to hear the discord messages within yourself? Are there any? Maybe you are in a great spot of go with the flow and all of you is going along. Congratulations, ride that wave! If not, be sure to listen to all sides before making a decision. I could take half an hour and do a power nap but I don't really think it is a physical need as much as it is a body used to being in the old energy.

This month is all about transitioning the energy from the old kind of stuck energy to the new, what do you want and can I get it for you now, energy. Of course, there is always a choice about embracing the energy or denying it. Either way, it will be clear if what is in your life is not in alignment with what your soul has planned for you. Number one, you will feel awful and number two the reminders will just keep a coming! So what can you do to help yourself? Well, you can be willing to ask yourself does how I am living light me up or put out my fire? Does it feel like I want to keep moving or does it feel in discord with who I want to be? Am I willing to allow others to live their own lives and take the energy I was putting into their drama into my own?

The part that makes us most afraid to grow is that we will grow away from others but that is the very idea of coming into this plane in the first place, to be able to reach that level of individuality as a soul AND THEN connect with others and contribute. We cute little humans tend to have it backwards, totally enmesh ourselves with others and try to find an identity in that. Not going to work. As I say when doing the white light energy, everyone in their own bubble! That individuality is what leads to us being such a fantastic whole.

So, how can you help yourself move through this energy and find your own individuality? You can start by asking, what am I afraid of? Is that fear real or am I creating a reason to stay mired in my own fears? Hint: a real fear is one where there is emminant danger to self and your fight or flight kicks in all the rest are based in our imagination. Never ignore the feeling, but be willing to look at your part of it. I had a client say to me last week when I said well, how much are you willing to take responsibility for, she replied she would take one hundred percent responsibility of her fifty percent in the relationship. I loved it because it was perfect. We can only take responsibility for our portion, but in order to do that we have to be willing to look at it. Are you?

Once  you do, you will feel relief because that energy is there whether you want to look at it or not. Better to get it out and have it be effective rather than destructive. Plus, this energy is going to help so why not take advantage of that?

Give yourself the gift in the last few days of this month, along with the full moon energy, to shine light on what isn't working and be willing to shift it a little at a time.

Viewing life with a bit more clarity,
