Fear itself is not the issue, it is quite natural. Allowing fear to be the prevailing energy is where people get stuck. Vicki
The month of January has been both eventful and predictable in my life. It is moving incredibly fast and has had more growth and learning opportunities than I think I had all of last year, and last year was a doozie. That is to say in a less spiritual language, it has stunk big time. I can take change, I love it in fact, and I can accept that others may not like my path or where I intend to grow, that is their right, but the combination of the two right up in my face and combined with the energy of get er done of this year and it makes for a very tired and sometimes cranky Vicki. Then let's add to the mix, just for fun, the lack of boundaries in the spirit world lately and it makes me wonder if the world really did end and I popped to some parallel universe or something. The predictable part is that there is always something to do and something that wants to shift and grow.
I don't know if you have noticed the shift in vibration but we went from a kind of plodding along and heavy energy to a high vibrational frequency with very little groundedness to it. I LOVE it but my physical self keeps saying, can we take a nap, pleaaaseeeeeeeeee, with a kind of whiny voice. I would love to listen to her and I may this weekend but for now, it is full steam ahead because the energy self seems to be in charge today. Are you able to hear the discord messages within yourself? Are there any? Maybe you are in a great spot of go with the flow and all of you is going along. Congratulations, ride that wave! If not, be sure to listen to all sides before making a decision. I could take half an hour and do a power nap but I don't really think it is a physical need as much as it is a body used to being in the old energy.
This month is all about transitioning the energy from the old kind of stuck energy to the new, what do you want and can I get it for you now, energy. Of course, there is always a choice about embracing the energy or denying it. Either way, it will be clear if what is in your life is not in alignment with what your soul has planned for you. Number one, you will feel awful and number two the reminders will just keep a coming! So what can you do to help yourself? Well, you can be willing to ask yourself does how I am living light me up or put out my fire? Does it feel like I want to keep moving or does it feel in discord with who I want to be? Am I willing to allow others to live their own lives and take the energy I was putting into their drama into my own?
The part that makes us most afraid to grow is that we will grow away from others but that is the very idea of coming into this plane in the first place, to be able to reach that level of individuality as a soul AND THEN connect with others and contribute. We cute little humans tend to have it backwards, totally enmesh ourselves with others and try to find an identity in that. Not going to work. As I say when doing the white light energy, everyone in their own bubble! That individuality is what leads to us being such a fantastic whole.
So, how can you help yourself move through this energy and find your own individuality? You can start by asking, what am I afraid of? Is that fear real or am I creating a reason to stay mired in my own fears? Hint: a real fear is one where there is emminant danger to self and your fight or flight kicks in all the rest are based in our imagination. Never ignore the feeling, but be willing to look at your part of it. I had a client say to me last week when I said well, how much are you willing to take responsibility for, she replied she would take one hundred percent responsibility of her fifty percent in the relationship. I loved it because it was perfect. We can only take responsibility for our portion, but in order to do that we have to be willing to look at it. Are you?
Once you do, you will feel relief because that energy is there whether you want to look at it or not. Better to get it out and have it be effective rather than destructive. Plus, this energy is going to help so why not take advantage of that?
Give yourself the gift in the last few days of this month, along with the full moon energy, to shine light on what isn't working and be willing to shift it a little at a time.
Viewing life with a bit more clarity,
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