There are so many ways to describe the feeling of a new year coming in. There is an excitement that is in the air, our emotions and the celebration of time moving on. This excitement can get mixed up with the reviewing of the previous year. While I do believe being willing to look at where you have been can be very rewarding, it can also be that pit of woe is me that doesn't get anyone anywhere.

I am going to challenge each one of you to take some time over this New Moon, New Year and create a list of the things that you have accomplished this past year. A list of the attributes you have expanded on and the milestones you have reached. Look into the essence of you and find all those really great things that get hidden because bitching is much more common then bragging. Remember to count each and every one that comes to mind. The walks you took instead of giving excuses, the ways that you stepped out of your comfort zone (Personal training in a gym full of people for me. You want to challenge a fear of being on stage, holy macaroni that will do it for you.I love a stage and it still caused some really big doubts.), the people you contacted, the breaths that you took before losing your temper or even the breaths that you took admiring the flowers and scenery. Whatever the movement, great or small, acknowledge it because they matter all. (Like that? It rhymes.)

Then, if you wish, you may do a list of what you would like to see in 2014. Please remember to include the emotional, spiritual and connective journey as well as the physically manifested one for in order to really appreciate the physical, the rest must be in attendance.

I wish all of you the very best and know without a doubt that you are amazing.

See you in the New Year!


“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.” T.S. Eliot

I love this quote for the fact that it so succinctly points out how people see the new year. It is a chance to shift who you are and how you acted and somehow it is a magic eraser that takes away any marks of the last year too. While I am grateful we have such a great tradition, I believe that we have this ability every day. We can shift in any moment and we can be true to our language, even learning a new language, at any time. We have that ability. Everyone does, regardless of circumstances but for some reason we save it like prized dinnerware for the first of the year.

While this post is about using the time to help yourself as well as the energy of the coming year, universally, you are in charge of your own, I am going to encourage people to get the idea that they are magical and can decide on the spot to shift up how they are being and reach for that better feeling.

2014 is a year of opportunity. Now, every year is as well but this one has turbo fuel behind it. Energetically it feels like someone is manufacturing rocket boosters for all of us. Those that are willing to strap them on and do some clarifying and allowing are going to LOVEEEEEEEE this year. Those that are not so fond of change and accepting of others may not be so gleeful. As stated probably a hundred million times by myself, we have choice. We always have choice in how to respond to a situation, how to inspire ourselves and how to leave what does not resonate behind but how many of you are brave enough to stand in that choice? How many are willing to say, "this is who I am, how I operate and what I want." without checking in with the masses? I hope you are one of them because it is going to be a heck of a ride and you are going to want to check your limitations at the door in order to take advantage of the energy of this year.

What does this mean to you? Well, that is a personal thing but what it can mean is that you are showing up with who you really are and not giving a flying fig if others don't like it. I don't mean you are being confrontational, I simply mean you are able to say, I love me and this is who I am and I know that others opinions have no say in who that is. (If you have challenges with this, come see me, it seems to be a specialty of mine to help others see their own shiny self!) The ability to be willing to hold this vibration is what makes it really cool to be human, in my humble opinion. We have the drive to be better than last year with the intelligence to seek that out, whatever the mechanism.

Let's face it, we may be on this planet with billions of other people and beings, but we are still alone in the who we are as individuals. I don't say that to depress people but to encourage them to be good with that alone space and to truly love who they are so others can then love them too. You are the only you, do it up!

What does your voice say about you? Do you offer up kind words when talking to others and yourself? Do you hear yourself repeating how others feel and it isn't exactly how you do but you follow along anyway? Do you know what you really want in life, in this year, in this day, in this moment? If you don't, that's ok. Spend some time with you and ask those questions and don't be afraid to answer them. Honesty above all other traits is the most important when connecting to self and others. You may not like what you first hear and that is ok too! Often the things we don't like help us to get pointed in the direction of what we do like. Thing of clothing sizes, jobs that don't fit, friends that aren't real friends or relationships that don't light you up. All these things that aren't just right are helping you to figure out what you would like and hopefully you are open enough to hear them and chart a course of improvement.

The energy of this year is in complete support of our best selves. It is the most giddy energy I have felt since 2008 so I am so freaking ready to be in it! I, for one, will be adding to the energy by figuring out how I really want to be in my own skin and soul and creating movement to allow that to happen. Some may not like it but I am not going to hold back on my souls path because others are stuck in theirs or they just don't like what I decide. It may sound cold to some, but I know I filed a flight plan of my own before I got here and as the pilot, I get to decide where I go. Are you ready to fly with me? Have you tuned up your engine and checked your wings?

Grab your goggles and scarf, let's go see what we can create!

Loving the view from up here!