“When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice.” William James
It is almost (almost) spring time here in the Berkshires and trust me, people are ready with a capital R. It got me thinking of not only is mud season approaching, we are so lucky to have seasons, but so is planting season. Planting involves many steps and one of those is feeding the plants. Often fertilizer is used to feed the plants to help them grow strong and produce. I love the resourcefulness of nature. A recycling program before recycling was even hip.
What does this have to do with us? Well, it then occurred to me that we all have fertilizer in our lives. Sometimes it is the decisions we make, sometimes it is the past we've lived and sometimes it is our surroundings. Sometimes there is sh*t in our lives and the only thing that determines whether it is seen as poop or if it is seen as fertilizer is our view of it.
So, if you take a look at your life, do you see a bunch of poo? I guess I should ask if you are willing to take a look at your life first. As the quote above says when you have to make a choice and you don't make it, you are in fact choosing. You are choosing to sit in your poo rather than see the opportunity to fertilize change. It is not always easy to admit that things may need to be cleaned up but if you've ever had a pet, you know that cleaning up a little at a time is sooooo much better than waiting and doing it later. Besides, poo of any kind starts to stink after awhile.
Ask yourself if you are going to take seat in your poo chair or are you going to plant a seed in that fertilizer. Are you going to keep complaining about how your parents raised you or are you going to parent yourself and grow some flowers? Are you going to blame all your issues on the town you live in or are you going to use your surroundings to propel you to a better neighborhood and then realize that you have power that is beyond the stink in your life?
While I love fresh veggies, I am not one to tend a literal garden, but a spiritual or emotional one? You betcha! This week I am planting a whole garden of seeds because man, the poo seat is uncomfortable. I know, I used to spend time there in creating excuses to not be great, to not succeed or be happy. How silly was that? Silly and not joy producing. I am going to take advantage of spring and grow more and use the energy of the sun to work with my fertilizer to create the abundance that life has available. Care to join me?
Blooming happy about life,
P.S. If you would like to support a REAL garden that may need to buy fertilizer, please consider clicking the link to help a local community garden; The Giving Garden Fund Raiser
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