I posted this picture on my Instagram and then thought, wow, that would be a good reference for life wouldn't it? At first when you read the sign you think, whoa, 127 steps! Your brain would probably start to figure out if that is a big number for you, perhaps wonder how far apart are the steps, or wonder, like I did, who thought to put that number up in the first place and is it meant to inspire or intimidate?
This sign was at Letchworth Park in New York. What I thought was a funny picture to take to prove to my trainer that I was working out even though I was missing our date, is now a great memory as this is the last trip Howard and I took together and one of our best in my opinion. There were amazing views and we were in awe of the beauty.
As I remember going down the steps and then back up again, I recall the fact that Howard and I both came up with 126 steps. The best part is we didn't tell the other we were counting. I love that with two different personalities, we both went to counting. Me, because I tend to do that anyway when I climb stairs and him because he had a natural tendency to not believe what he read, heard or saw until he put it through his own questioning. Frustrating at times, and very telling at others because he had an annoying tendency to be right when he listened to his doubt radar. I used to think he was simply being contrary but over the years I learned to hang back and see what the data gave us because it often turned out to be as he said, especially when it came to people who were looking to take advantage of me and I wasn't seeing it because I believe the best in people. I'm going to miss that help!
Either way, neither of us even thought to take the easy view of the falls. Without discussing it, we naturally went to the 127 stair option. I pointed this out to him and he said, "the easy way won't have the best view". At the time I thought it was purely a photographic perspective, when contemplating this later I realized it was actually pretty profound.
How many times have we taken what was the less challenging way because we thought it would be easier and cause less stress? How often have we not wanted to rock the boat and just went with what was option number two? I know I have done that when it meant having a conversation that might be tough or if it meant admitting I didn't know something. What if we believed what Howard said, the experience with the best view was worth putting a little effort into?
In the picture below he was up on the wall overlooking a huge cavern and doing whatever was necessary to get the picture. I took it because he was breaking the rules and I wanted proof of where he was if he fell in! I was being playful about it and I'm glad I was as not only do I have the photo, but it is what sparked this thinking for me. I could take the "easy" route and not challenge myself either in work, life or soul growth but what fun would that be? I want to break some rules too and trust my balance in life to get up on a ledge to get the best picture. Don't you?
What if we agree to trust that life supports us much like the wall above held Howard up? What if we decided a little bit of fear is a good thing and may just be the inspiration we need to stretch and grow? What if we took the 127 step option to see the falls and we did them one at a time?
If there is anything I have learned this summer, it is that life is meant to be lived and every moment we have the choice of how we will do that. I choose the ledge and the great view.
Breaking rules left and right,
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