Acceptance can be practiced and acted on in so many areas of our lives. Maybe we could start small and work our way up completely accepting others.
This idea isn't new by any means and it is something I work to achieve every day. Some days I am more successful than others. The intention is there, the act is in process. I think the most challenging part to me is when others feel they have a say in how someone lives their lives. News flash; we have no say in how someone else chooses to live their lives. Sure we can have an opinion but ultimately, it is up the individual how they live and what they choose to do.
Recently I was contemplating this when someone thought it a good idea to tell me how I should live my life. They went as far as to tell me how I should feel and operate with my emotions. Yeah, this is where I had to practice acceptance about where they were coming from. I did ok, and then reminded them that I haven't been a minor for a very long time so unless there was some sort of time warp I wasn't aware of, they may want to zip their lips. I told you I was working on it. In process, I am.
I'll admit this is incredibly difficult to do with those that we believe we love or have loved in the past. That connection does not give us permission to exert what we believe to be in their best interest, it just doesn't. Somewhere along the line we became so self important that our way must be the way and I want to challenge all that are reading this to step back and assess whether you are that person who believes they have a right to say how others live. I don't care how long you have lived or what you've experienced before, you have not lived the days of the person you are advising or talking about so consider accepting that they have a personal GPS that will direct them.
Maybe they will ask for help. That will be great if they do. Then still consider asking them what they feel would be the best for them. I truly believe we all have our answers within and if we are willing to be quiet and with our own thoughts and feelings.
So, my theory is that if we work on this with those close to us, we can begin to take it out into the world. We can then accept that when another person lives differently than we do, it is NOT a reflection on us, nor are they asking you to do and be how they are living. If they are, send them to this blog to remind them that they have no place or need to weigh in on your life, unless invited to do so.
As the challenge this week, perhaps when someone is acting or doing something YOU don't agree with, but is causing no harm to themselves or another, reach up and zip thy lips. Open your ears and heart and hear what they are saying. If you still can't shut your mouth, then ask for space and walk away.
I really believe that the more we respect each others way of being, the closer we will actually be to peace. Like I said, it is a theory and you are welcome to work your own theory. I accept that.
Minding my own business,
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