belief in self and universe
create a reminder
knot at the end of your rope
What happens if there is no knot at the end of your rope?

What happens if there is no knot at the end of your rope?
So what does happen if there is no knot at the end of your rope? What if when you get there it is slippery, your hands (or paws) won't hang on and you find yourself falling, falling, falling?
Have you experienced this? I bet you have. I bet we all have because life is full of moments that are potentially freaking scary and falling, falling, falling, is scary...until you realize that wait a minute, I always bounce. I always get up, find my way, claw back up to the top of the rope where hopefully there is a platform to stand and catch my breathe and maybe contemplate what the heck just happened and how can we NOT do THAT again?
Many times it isn't the circumstance that is happening but rather how you handle it that determines how well you live and how bounceable you really are.
This past year I have had the opportunity to learn this through my husband's illness. While we navigated the health care system as well as the mine field of emotions that happen with any unknown, I've learned that even though it created some diversion of what we considered our path, it has also given roads that we may not have gotten to so fast. For instance, would I have realized that asking for help is not weakness on my part but rather as much fun for others to help as it is for me? Would we have deepened a relationship that works well or would we have stagnated like lots of couples who have been together for over twenty years?
Learning to be bounceable (admit it, you just had a vision of a me bouncing) also known as trusting is where I learned I had a knot that I just couldn't see. I learned that all the other smaller trials and diversions helped me trust that whatever the outcome we would be ok. I would be able to move forward and look for the next side road that shows up. Sure, it was incredibly scary and tear producing but even that helped me to accept that sometimes things are just hard and that's ok. That knot will always be moving and may be invisible at other times but the knowing that I have it will be the strength that helps me hang on to that rope or cliff or side of the building.
So trust in myself and the universe eventually lead me to the knowing that whatever road we were on, I would eventually find my direction again and my endurance. What is your rope? Is it your faith? Your belief in the universe? Your commitment to working out? Your track record of thriving through some tough times or are you just developing it now and could use some help in tying your knot.
Ask yourself how you have made it through and eventually learned from past experiences. Also think of when you have seen others hold it together, or not, but move through trying experiences and advance themselves both emotionally and spiritually. What did they do that may inspire you to try?
However you find the knot, create a reminder that you have it. Place a sticker on your odometer, a reminder on your phone, a bracelet or something that says, hey, you have created a safe spot, why don't you use it?
Viewing the journey from ALL the roads offered,
Vicki's website
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