Ending or Beginning? Your choice.

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard 

I am sure by now that you are aware that there is some speculation that the world is ending tomorrow. I can't count how many times I have been asked this question in the last few years and really, I am very happy that this date will pass and we can move on to other topics. I would like to point out that it is already Friday the 21st in twelve other places as I write this, so therefore, if the world is ending on the 21st, I missed it because I seem to be sitting right here composing this blog.

This situation like any other in our lives is one of choice. Will you feed into the hype and the marketing of this fear or will you remember New Years Eve 1999 with fond memories and an awareness that yup....we are still here even though it was ending then as well?

I have noticed so many people live beyond where they are. They are living in the supposed future so much that they can't even tell you what they had for lunch or who they spoke to that day because they were not present. This is a habit we get into I believe, and the nice thing about habits is they can be shifted or changed as one grows.

I am certain the world is not ending as a whole but I do know that the energy is shifting at such a degree it is can feel like an ending. We are completing a long process of using force and mental capabilities as well as conviction and entering a time of allowing, conscious thought and intention. This shift is one that I am so grateful to be experiencing and while it has been happening for quite some time, the push is indeed this weekend.

I have felt very strongly that there is a sort of entry point, think of it as a train tunnel, and this entry point is where we are to pass through into the supportive, kind, loving way of being. Those that have been aware the other way of living does not work for them will have a fairly uneventful shift. Those that are afraid or simply unwilling to shift to this place will, in my humble opinion, experience the proverbial cosmic two by fours. These can be an experience as mundane as a flat tire right up to the crossing of themselves physically. Of course, once they cross they will be in a place of acceptance and the tug of war they felt here physically will be no more so it will be similar to being here in the energy anyway, but I digress.

Bottom line? How do you want to experience your journey in this new, exciting, so vibrationally jazzed energy? Do you want to go kicking and screaming through it or do you want to glide through with a sense of connection and appreciation for YOU and your journey? Guess which one I am choosing?

I would suggest that you use this weekend, the solstice, the new beginning, the planet alignment and Hayley Terris birthday (shout out! woot!), to surrender your ideas of fighting, struggle, conflict and strife to allow in the beauty of the gift we are being given. In this time of holidays, it would be an opportune time to remind self of just how wonderful this universe is and how grateful we can be just to experience the gifts it offers.

The shift that is happening is going to allow things to manifest VERY quickly so please be aware of the energy you are offering and decide consciously to be in a feeling of flow and allowing. The manifestations will meet you where you are energetically so if you aren't offering the highest of self there will be evidence of this very shortly. The good news there is you always have the opportunity to shift and to offer up a higher vibration.

Whether you see this as an ending or a beginning, it really doesn't matter because there is an eternal loop that happens and each ending is a beginning and each beginning is part of the ending before it. Focus on where you are and how you would like to experience this journey you are on and you will find that you start to really enjoy those transitions. You can start from where you are right this moment. ah ah ah, stop looking backward, start from right where you are now..and now....and now...get the picture?

I am so grateful to have you as part of my journey and all the lessons and amazing opportunities I have had with everyone, whether we have met in person or not we are part of a whole. Each individual has the amazing ability to decide how they are going to feel and I am feeling very grateful.

Take this day to assess how you are feeling, how you would like to feel and then how you will arrive at that feeling. You can make small steps, no giants required here, just make some movement so you will be with me along this ride! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Hands up!

I will see you all on the other side....of December 21st. :)

Viewing life from the aerial perspective,



  1. As always, you have a way of putting everything into a perspective that is both enlightening and comforting.

  2. Manifesting towards a better future...Here I come!!!!
