Go authentically or don't go at all!

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being un-apologetically you.” 
― Steve Maraboli

 Can you imagine that? Can you feel how it would be to go through a day and just be you? The freedom to feel whatever you want, when you want and be able to articulately express it in a way that brings awareness and completion to self. Of course, we all have this right but is the ability there?

I have found in my work that most of the time people do not even realize that have this right never mind having been taught to show up as themselves and no one else. Not the person your parents wanted you to be or your first partner or the boss who signs your paycheck, but just you. My belief is that if we don't start doing this for ourselves we will be missing out on one of the greatest parts of being human...us.

Unless we learn to listen to self and be willing to be brave enough to step out on the stage of our own lives we will continuously be shortchanging ourselves. I am not saying rent a billboard and tell everyone how fantastic you are, although if you want to, go for it, I am saying simply holding that energy of "I'm good and whatever is going on around me does not define me nor does it have to short circuit me unless I choose to allow it to."

The theory that the world is ending brings that BEST time to shift how you have been living. I mean think about it, if it was ending wouldn't you want to be authentic in your last couple of weeks, days, minutes? I know I would but I also know it isn't ending and even when we croak, it's not ending so therefore my focus is a bit different, but I digress. If your physical life in this time was coming to the transition place, wouldn't you want the opportunity to look at it and see where you could be in alignment more or get there?

Well, we have that opportunity every day it's just most of us don't take it because no one is putting our feet to the fire and we are great procrastinators. I have been using the whole December 2012 energy to ask myself if how I am living is how I want to be living. Is who I am who I want to be? How can I bring more light and joy and clearing to myself, my body and my soul so that when I do croak I can have that all important meeting with myself and say "ya know what kid, ya did ok."

I am going to challenge you to do the same and not because I feel my way is the only way but because I KNOW how good it feels to be authentic and to be able to be who you are without apologies to anyone, especially yourself and I want you to feel that good too. No, it isn't a constant state of blissed out I love ya man, but it is pretty darn good to be in it the majority of the time and to know that when I am not, it is possible but also my responsibility to raise the vibration.

So, where is your life are you not being authentic? Where are you going through the motions and not living to your true nature, whatever that might be? You don't have to change all of it at once, choose one area and shift that and then allow another and shift that. If you need help, you know where to find me.

Use the humans tendency for drama and each time you hear something about December 21st, 2012, stop, breathe and ask yourself if you are in alignment with self and if you get a no, ask gently how you could help you get there. Yes, it feels a bit weird at first but once you get used to checking in with you, you won't be able to go back to the old way of hiding, or lying to self. It just won't feel right any longer.

For all the obligations of the holiday season remember to check in and see if you really want to participate because if you can't go authentically, then you shouldn't go at all.

Viewing life from a place of gloriousity today,



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