"Before the risin' sun, we fly. So many roads to choose. We'll start out walkin' and learn to run. And yes, we've only just begun." Carpenters
Admit it, you are singing the song now aren't you? Well, that is good. It can become a mantra for you when the energy feels like it is zinging you from your crown to your toes because it is only going to get zippier. I am so excited...and sleep deprived.
So, everything has a vibration right? Well, if the last five years have been been water simmering, we are coming to a full rolling boil.This is a good boil and will create the movement of energy that is necessary in manifesting as well as increasing your own vibration. You may be noticing that you are a bit more sensitive as well as a tad more tired than normal. This is all the integration of a higher vibration that we are reaching as a universal community. When the vibration of each individual goes up, the vibration of the universe goes up, when the vibration of the universe goes up, the vibration of each individual goes up. It is the ultimate recycling program.
What does this mean for you? Well, it means that if you pay attention to how you feel and what you would like in your life as well as where you are putting your attention, things will get easier. If you decide to buck the current boil and ignore the fact that whether you believe in energy or souls or the law of attraction, it is happening, then things could require a seat belt and a helmet. Which would you rather do, ride in a forward moving, sometimes turbulent ride or one that requires therapy for spiritual and physical whiplash? Personally, I am going with the first one. Turbulence can be fun and can shake off old habits and belief systems that are keeping us stuck in old patterns. Spiritual and physical whiplash? No thank you! Been there, done that, moving forward and doing it with a song in my heart!
Now this is not a one time thing. This is the new energy of our universe and time. If you are one that likes to bury their head in the sand and not move with the energy, then it has been nice knowing you, I gotta go! For the first time in all of my life the energy actually feels like home. I feel like I belong on this planet and I am not going to waste one moment lamenting or feeling bad about what is behind me or what others may think of me moving forward. I hope you are able to join me as well. With the support of the energy, your intuition is going to be much more available and you may experience all the fun I have been having for the last fifteen years. (Take note of the sleep deprived comment and do yourself a favor and get to like naps. I didn't learn that until very recently!)
While being in touch with your emotions, intuition and guidance system can seem foreign at first, I promise you, it is a BLAST when you realize that you are individual and no one else can do you, so you may as well!
If you are one of the ones that is realizing you can now feel things, see things, hear things and are a bit overwhelmed remember the most important thing ever....breathe! This is not abnormal, this is normal it just hasn't been talked about in the mainstream until now. Kids are particularly sensitive at this time so let's all have some patience and practice this line; "no honey, I don't see/hear/feel what you do but I believe you." Let's all raise a generation of souls that are connected to themselves so they don't have to find ways to disconnect later in life.
I wasn't kidding when I said it has only just begun. The energy is ramping up to a higher vibration in February and all kinds of wonderful openings in understanding as we learn to really hear each other and to respect that we aren't carbon copies and that if someone has something we don't, that is ok. We can be happy for them and create what we would like. No comparisons and no feeling like you have less than others. You have you, that is enough. You get to build on that and if you are smart, which I know you are, you will use the energy to help you.
Take care of you during this time and remember that you have a physical body that is trying to acclimate to it's new vibration and it may need to release some old messages via bodily fluids. That will put a spin on a cold that you hadn't thought of before, won't it? Be grateful for the fluids and remember to thank your body for the message that you may be resisting growing. Wheeeeee, fling that old limiting belief system into the hedges and celebrate being you, a limitless soul who was brave enough to do this human thing AGAIN! How great are you?
I am so excited to be alive at this time. I hope you are too so we can play together!
Welcome to my playground,
This explains it all.... Can't wait for the ride!!!
ReplyDeleteI really need help with keeping my thoughts 'UP'. I have so many things that make me sad. I have to keep reminding myself to think positive. I try mantras. Looking at pictures of my beautiful grand daughters, daughters. But sometimes the negative thoughts win over.