Does anyone else feel like these last few months have gone by in a whirlwind and that the speed of it is a bit disconcerting? Oh, good, it isn't all me. Right? Maybe it is, but wow, it has been amazingly fun, confusing, overwhelming at times and utterly fascinating.

I can explain the energetic part of it as the increase in energy we are all creating spiritually is raising our vibrations and therefor also raising the speed at which things can manifest. I get that part of it quite well. What blows my mind is the connections that get created and the fun of having a life that makes you wonder, is this really happening?

As you may have read, I have handed the baton over for the mediumship readings to Pam Ellis. Meaning those that are wanting to solely connect to those who have crossed. While I so love, and can still do, that, my soul is and has been pushing me in another direction and I have to listen or I won't be fulfilling my own experience here. Contrary to what others may say, I believe that we are here to serve ourselves first by listening to that voice within and THEN help others within that alignment. It took me years to get that but now that I do, I can't pretend to want to offer anything but what is exciting to me now. Besides, wouldn't that make me a hypocrite to suggest that the people in my life from clients to family members to my all important friend circle, follow and create what they love and not do it myself? Yeah, I thought so too.

I knew this switch was coming. I could hear the voice inside me guiding and even pushing me to the point of now saying of course I will continue to offer readings for people. These readings will be the kind that so light me up. Helping YOU to be able to hear the VOICE within YOU! We all have it in there. We can all access it, but sometimes a guide is necessary to be able to utilize it. That is my love. That is what I do well and that is what I offer with clarity now.

I absolutely adore helping people to realize they matter. The dreams they have matter and that they can come to fruition with a bit of focus, releasing some fears and a little attention to their internal communication system.

So, if...

  • you are having difficulty hearing that all important voice within. I'm your gal. 
  • you want to live a life where your brain, soul, gut, heart and spirit all speak the same language; well, I can help with that too. 
  • you are plain done with the drama and don't know how to shift to living with peace, direction and love; hey, what do you know? I can help with that too.
  • you are thoroughly bored and exhausted from carrying the burdens of the past, some of which may not even be yours; I'm here to help. 
  • you want someone who is going to give it to you straight. Trust that you are capable of hearing it and then help you process through whatever it is...come on in. Hey, I wrote the book of IT; I can help. 
  • your business is not flowing and you have no stinking clue as to why...make an appointment. We will get to the bottom of it and create a strategy for moving forward. I'm really good, and love, creating plans that work for the individual and the business. Including team communication because without that, abundance can't flow. 
  • you want to love you and have no clue in how to get there....I am especially good at this. It would be my honor to help. 
These are a few areas, there are as many as there are people on this Earth, that I have seen the most requests from my clients over the last few years and it is where I choose to focus by blending the intuitive gifts I have, with the training in coaching and Belief Re-patterning along with my, let's call it, direct approach. As I said to someone recently, if you want to go to someone who will blow smoke and tell you all is well, go for it. If you want to actually change and enhance your life; come work with me. There may be tears, that is life, but I promise you will like you and hey, I give really good hugs I am told. There may be hugs. 

I hope this clears up the whirlwind of what has been happening in announcements and direction of what is being offered here at Baird Enterprises, Inc as the IRS knows me. I chose that name because being enterprising is about reinvention and following your heart so that the service you offer is authentic. I have to be authentically me. 

Stay tuned for some exciting extras that will be coming along as well as more collaborations and announcements. 

For your own life, what if you gave yourself the gift of recognizing you have that internal voice to start?  Acknowledging it is there is often the greatest first step in being able to hear it talking with you. 

Thank you for being along with me on this journey and your continued support, 

Does anyone else feel like these last few months have gone by in a whirlwind and that the speed of it is a bit disconcerting? Oh, good, it isn't all me. Right? Maybe it is, but wow, it has been amazingly fun, confusing, overwhelming at times and utterly fascinating.

I can explain the energetic part of it as the increase in energy we are all creating spiritually is raising our vibrations and therefor also raising the speed at which things can manifest. I get that part of it quite well. What blows my mind is the connections that get created and the fun of having a life that makes you wonder, is this really happening?

As you may have read, I have handed the baton over for the mediumship readings to Pam Ellis. Meaning those that are wanting to solely connect to those who have crossed. While I so love, and can still do, that, my soul is and has been pushing me in another direction and I have to listen or I won't be fulfilling my own experience here. Contrary to what others may say, I believe that we are here to serve ourselves first by listening to that voice within and THEN help others within that alignment. It took me years to get that but now that I do, I can't pretend to want to offer anything but what is exciting to me now. Besides, wouldn't that make me a hypocrite to suggest that the people in my life from clients to family members to my all important friend circle, follow and create what they love and not do it myself? Yeah, I thought so too.

I knew this switch was coming. I could hear the voice inside me guiding and even pushing me to the point of now saying of course I will continue to offer readings for people. These readings will be the kind that so light me up. Helping YOU to be able to hear the VOICE within YOU! We all have it in there. We can all access it, but sometimes a guide is necessary to be able to utilize it. That is my love. That is what I do well and that is what I offer with clarity now.

I absolutely adore helping people to realize they matter. The dreams they have matter and that they can come to fruition with a bit of focus, releasing some fears and a little attention to their internal communication system.

So, if...

  • you are having difficulty hearing that all important voice within. I'm your gal. 
  • you want to live a life where your brain, soul, gut, heart and spirit all speak the same language; well, I can help with that too. 
  • you are plain done with the drama and don't know how to shift to living with peace, direction and love; hey, what do you know? I can help with that too.
  • you are thoroughly bored and exhausted from carrying the burdens of the past, some of which may not even be yours; I'm here to help. 
  • you want someone who is going to give it to you straight. Trust that you are capable of hearing it and then help you process through whatever it is...come on in. Hey, I wrote the book of IT; I can help. 
  • your business is not flowing and you have no stinking clue as to why...make an appointment. We will get to the bottom of it and create a strategy for moving forward. I'm really good, and love, creating plans that work for the individual and the business. Including team communication because without that, abundance can't flow. 
  • you want to love you and have no clue in how to get there....I am especially good at this. It would be my honor to help. 
These are a few areas, there are as many as there are people on this Earth, that I have seen the most requests from my clients over the last few years and it is where I choose to focus by blending the intuitive gifts I have, with the training in coaching and Belief Re-patterning along with my, let's call it, direct approach. As I said to someone recently, if you want to go to someone who will blow smoke and tell you all is well, go for it. If you want to actually change and enhance your life; come work with me. There may be tears, that is life, but I promise you will like you and hey, I give really good hugs I am told. There may be hugs. 

I hope this clears up the whirlwind of what has been happening in announcements and direction of what is being offered here at Baird Enterprises, Inc as the IRS knows me. I chose that name because being enterprising is about reinvention and following your heart so that the service you offer is authentic. I have to be authentically me. 

Stay tuned for some exciting extras that will be coming along as well as more collaborations and announcements. 

For your own life, what if you gave yourself the gift of recognizing you have that internal voice to start?  Acknowledging it is there is often the greatest first step in being able to hear it talking with you. 

Thank you for being along with me on this journey and your continued support, 

...and just blurted out something brilliant. Then you hope to heck you remember it so you can check into it after taking care of morning business? I know, I know, have a notebook at your bedside. I do and have suggested that as a great tool, but the epiphanies at that hour are few and far between and I don't like clutter. Luckily, the awareness I had stuck and I'm glad it did because I think it will help me and hopefully, you too.

It may not be a new concept to some and it's not even a brand new concept to me but when something clicks, it is worth celebrating.

What I heard myself say when I woke up was "OHHHHH, it's not the situation I am in that makes me sad. It is the fact that I miss him." In this case it was regarding Howard, my husband who passed a year ago this week. See, it gets all mixed up doesn't it when we are in the middle of something. We group together all of the components and then it's more challenging to move out of the sad, depressed, anxious, pick your feeling, space because it's so convoluted we can't see our way out because it all must be connected, right?

It isn't the fact that I am single now or that the household and pets within it depend solely on me. It is not the fact that I have to financially float the whole boat or that when something needs fixing; and it's a one hundred and sixty year old house, something always needs fixing, that is on me too. The sadness I have been feeling is directly related to missing his company and physical self.

Of course I have realized that I miss him. What I didn't realize is it can be a separate experience from all of the rest of the details that come with adjusting a life path.

I think as humans we like to bundle things. Who doesn't like a deal, right? What I wonder though is, is all this bundling worth it?  How often have you heard someone say it's going to be a terrible day because they spilled their coffee or they didn't get enough sleep last night. That an event is going to be terrible because so and so is coming and they always ruin it. Or my personal favorite, this experience, divorce, surgery, a person/pet passing, trip across the country, etc is going to stink because it did for me. Really? Because you couldn't see the situation separate from yourself I have to suffer? No thank you.

It's true, when I go home he isn't there physically. That stinks big time but that isn't going to change either so I have a choice in how I live my life. I can remain in the place where it is all sad because I miss him, or I can arrive in the place where the rest is pretty darn cool and sometimes I miss him. I believe I will go with the latter.

You have that choice too. Yes, you may be going through a difficult time, but you aren't the experience unless you want to make it a Lifetime movie. Sure, there is pain in life and someone may have done something that you then created a hurt around, but who is that serving to carry it as part of how life has to be? Certainly not you.

We experience pain and sadness and laughter and joy and all the emotions in between. We can respect those feelings and learn to let go of a reason to drag the lower vibrational ones forward like some kind of badge of courage. This is the gift of time for us. We are no longer in the moment that the pain may have been created but we pull it behind us and sometimes in front like a well worn blankie we don't want to give up.

What if you reminded yourself of the date and the fact that you are no longer in that moment or experience and yes, you can feel the emotions around it but stop the story of suffering because of that moment. It has passed. Move on yourself. It takes some practice and your brain may want to go back to bundling in order to keep you trapped in the poor me's. Your life is more than your brain. Bring in your heart and soul and remind that cute brain that one or two experiences does not a life define. If it wants to stay stuck, call me, that is the perfect situation for Belief Re-patterning.

Of course we are going to miss those who have passed and yes, remember the past, what I am suggesting is we choose to no longer live there and recreate it each day. So, if you are willing, pick whatever situation you lament about often, and be honest, we all have some, and decide if you want to drag that dirty blanket around any longer or if you want to release it and be grateful to yourself for doing so.

Grateful for morning messages,

We all have a different lens in which we look at the world through. More glasses then even Elton John owns. That is one of the things I love most about people. We each have a special recipe of experiences that got us to where we are today and where we will be tomorrow. Sure, sometimes I wonder how someone could come to the conclusions or beliefs that they have, but it always fascinates me to consider the ingredients that went into the recipe.

All of these experiences are the creation of the lenses we see the world through. The lenses are your filters of where your world is today. Each lens is added on top of another. Each time someone shared their opinion with you when you were younger and so absorbent, you got a new lens. When you had a joyful moment, you got a lens and similarly when you had or witness a sad event, you got a lens.

So, with all these lenses it is no wonder people have difficulty seeing and knowing their own truth sometimes. It is also why when looking at new situations it can be tricky discerning what to do or how to be. Imagine having a pair of glasses on your nose with all those lens's on top of each other, lens's that aren't even the ones you picked out. How heavy would that be, not only to your nose, but your psyche too?

One of the aspects of integrating my intuition with Belief Re-patterning I love so much is that through the process we are able to peel back those layers, without always visiting the story, the who, the why or how. As my business continues to build with the sessions, I am humbled each time to see how resilient our brains, heart and soul are. Just this week I worked with someone who ended up in happy and amazed tears saying "That is who I am? This person? Really? All along?" I will admit I was tearing right along with her.  Did I mention it is a compassionate process?

I have encouraged my amazing clients to use the technique on their own before issues arise. I call it front loading. Of course, having it available when life happens and stress hits is a gift I am not sure I can even quantify, but learning and doing sessions when in a desire to grow space is priceless.

We have every ability to choose how we want to live our lives. We can also choose to change how we see it. Taking those lenses off and looking at what we believe about ourselves is the first step to being at peace with self and others. Learning to manage the energy of our lives rather than deal with the result of living from the subconscious is a human ability. I don't think we should squander that.

What lenses do you know you have on your cute little nose? Where they applied by parents, teachers, the media, self perception or did you come in with something on the soul level that you just can't seem to shake?

Do you speak to yourself in a voice you would never use with your children, friends, co-workers or family members?  Do you know you learned to talk to yourself that way? If the soul you really are was able to be heard by your mind and did the talking, it would be kind and encouraging. Wouldn't that be a great way to be in this world?

My husband used to say to me that I really do walk around with rose colored glasses on. Eventually, he came to realize that I wasn't oblivious to people's actions; I was choosing what I allowed into my conscious and subconscious self. It took a while to learn this and be able to function in this world. I was well on my way when I discovered the Belief Re-patterning and why I get so excited about it. We don't have to work so hard to shift what we have learned from the external and integrated to the internal.

It is my wish for the time I am of this Earth, this go around anyway, that I help as many people as possible learn to be nice to themselves, then take that out in to the world, which can then return it in as accepting of a fashion. We don't have to love everyone on this planet. We really don't, but we do have to learn how to love ourselves and use the lens of our soul to guide us to acceptance of others and self.

We are all here to learn self acceptance. That is what I believe to be our life purpose. We have different roads to take in order to do that, sure, but that is why we are here. Wouldn't you like to get started on that consciously? Statements and can do that right? I thought so.

Seeing your beauty so clearly, I wish you saw yourselves the same way,


To book your appointment.