We all have a different lens in which we look at the world through. More glasses then even Elton John owns. That is one of the things I love most about people. We each have a special recipe of experiences that got us to where we are today and where we will be tomorrow. Sure, sometimes I wonder how someone could come to the conclusions or beliefs that they have, but it always fascinates me to consider the ingredients that went into the recipe.
All of these experiences are the creation of the lenses we see the world through. The lenses are your filters of where your world is today. Each lens is added on top of another. Each time someone shared their opinion with you when you were younger and so absorbent, you got a new lens. When you had a joyful moment, you got a lens and similarly when you had or witness a sad event, you got a lens.
So, with all these lenses it is no wonder people have difficulty seeing and knowing their own truth sometimes. It is also why when looking at new situations it can be tricky discerning what to do or how to be. Imagine having a pair of glasses on your nose with all those lens's on top of each other, lens's that aren't even the ones you picked out. How heavy would that be, not only to your nose, but your psyche too?
One of the aspects of integrating my intuition with Belief Re-patterning I love so much is that through the process we are able to peel back those layers, without always visiting the story, the who, the why or how. As my business continues to build with the sessions, I am humbled each time to see how resilient our brains, heart and soul are. Just this week I worked with someone who ended up in happy and amazed tears saying "That is who I am? This person? Really? All along?" I will admit I was tearing right along with her. Did I mention it is a compassionate process?
I have encouraged my amazing clients to use the technique on their own before issues arise. I call it front loading. Of course, having it available when life happens and stress hits is a gift I am not sure I can even quantify, but learning and doing sessions when in a desire to grow space is priceless.
We have every ability to choose how we want to live our lives. We can also choose to change how we see it. Taking those lenses off and looking at what we believe about ourselves is the first step to being at peace with self and others. Learning to manage the energy of our lives rather than deal with the result of living from the subconscious is a human ability. I don't think we should squander that.
What lenses do you know you have on your cute little nose? Where they applied by parents, teachers, the media, self perception or did you come in with something on the soul level that you just can't seem to shake?
Do you speak to yourself in a voice you would never use with your children, friends, co-workers or family members? Do you know you learned to talk to yourself that way? If the soul you really are was able to be heard by your mind and did the talking, it would be kind and encouraging. Wouldn't that be a great way to be in this world?
My husband used to say to me that I really do walk around with rose colored glasses on. Eventually, he came to realize that I wasn't oblivious to people's actions; I was choosing what I allowed into my conscious and subconscious self. It took a while to learn this and be able to function in this world. I was well on my way when I discovered the Belief Re-patterning and why I get so excited about it. We don't have to work so hard to shift what we have learned from the external and integrated to the internal.
It is my wish for the time I am of this Earth, this go around anyway, that I help as many people as possible learn to be nice to themselves, then take that out in to the world, which can then return it in as accepting of a fashion. We don't have to love everyone on this planet. We really don't, but we do have to learn how to love ourselves and use the lens of our soul to guide us to acceptance of others and self.
We are all here to learn self acceptance. That is what I believe to be our life purpose. We have different roads to take in order to do that, sure, but that is why we are here. Wouldn't you like to get started on that consciously? Statements and breathing...you can do that right? I thought so.
Seeing your beauty so clearly, I wish you saw yourselves the same way,
To book your appointment.
How many lenses are you walking around with?

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