Feeling the Energy flying around lately?

s many of you may know, I can be a bit sensitive. I am very proud of that fact and even strive on a daily basis to expand on that sensitivity, not just for the sake of my business but also for my own soul's growth. While this wiring can be challenging at times, for the most part it is an absolute delight and hey, I am never bored!

I bring this up because what I have noticed over the last few days is a desire to whine about how sensitive I am. whaaaaaaaa. Ok, got that out of my system. I figured if the energy of the last few days is throwing me, I'd be willing to bet there is a whole gaggle (great word) of people out there who are experiencing the same.

So, over the last week or so there has been an increase in vibration in the universe that is having my head spin and my husband saying that I concern him. Why do I concern him, well, the simple tasks have not been so simple lately. Normally a very independent person and I feel quite intelligent, I couldn't figure out how to use the new smoothie machine I bought. Now, we aren't talking about a machine that would be in a smoothie store where hi tech explanation would be necessary. We are talking about a glass, a mini blender and only three parts. Now it is very funny, then, not so much. I could have chocked it up to being tired...I had already gotten up and gone for my morning walk. I could have chocked it up to stress....there is tons but I don't give it drama energy. I could have chocked it up to a moment where all cylinders were not firing....and boy have there been times of that. But, what I realized as I was giving Howard the deer in the headlight look is that my vibration was going higher and I couldn't figure out how to be on Earth and do that kind of stuff and allow it to go wherever it needed to.

Luckly, my wonderful husband gets this and just calmly takes whatever I am struggling with and shows me how to put it together. Probably while assessing me for a stroke, but he doesn't mention this part...out loud.

So, if you are feeling a bit spacy lately and you are not quite sure what has stolen your brain and when it will return...relax. It will only be a bit longer. There are, I am sure, many reasons for the shifting and someone with an astrology or physics back ground could explain it in their way but in my way it is all about how are you feeling? Be willing to look at that and then ride with the not so smart moments and you will be great.

What is happening is your physical self and your non physical self are trying to assimilate and come into some kind of alignment so that the skills you have, like basic reasoning, can be used and not leave you staring at the ingredients for a smoothie and not be able to factor it out.

There has also been a great deal of sadness around with a lot of souls not knowing how to handle that either. Our emotions are so powerful, they are a good indicator of where we are and how much we are dealing with. While they are wonderful and I believe we wouldn't have them if we weren't meant to use them, often they are effected by the vibrational frequency in the collective universe. So, if you are feeling more lately and you are not sure what to do with it ask this all important question first, is it mine or is it someone else's? Very often it isn't even ours and that can lead to all kinds of misdirection and sadness that is carried but not effective in pointing out the direction that is best for us individually. If it comes back to you that the emotions aren't yours, well, wish whomever they belong to well and step back from the energy.

There have also been a lot of souls choosing to pass at this time. Now, the choice would have been made previous to them arriving here but now is when they are leaving. I know how hard it is to experience that passing of another soul,either human or pet family, but if we could honor that souls energy it would be easier on everyone and much more healing than focusing on the space that their physical body no longer inhabits. It is truly a gift to be able to cross, for the path of this lifetime is complete and that is reason to celebrate.

The reason I bring this up is to help you learn to discern where the sadness, emotion, energy, feeling, whatever you want to call it is coming from. We will continue to grow and raise the vibration of ourselves and this universe, as well as all others, and it is an exciting prospect and one that with a little awareness we can learn to celebrate as well as navigate.

So, if you find yourself exhausted and not really sure where it is coming from, it doesn't really matter, just listen. Just take the time to breathe, relax and allow whatever is passing through to pass. Like everything, the less you fight it, the faster it goes. Eventually it all settles into a feeling of expansion and ease..at least until the next time you are growing. Isn't this fun?

Remember you are a soul having a human experience so this growth goes on exponentially and that in itself is amazing. As are you and like any good recipe, the time you take to marinate only makes it better.

Viewing this life as a party in the making,



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