's a good thing

Change really is a good thing. It doesn't always feel that way when you are right in the middle of it but one of the gifts of life is that there is always change. The secret is getting good with it and realizing if it is always going to be there, it may be in your best interest to embrace it.

Now, you can embrace it with the wimpy hug some people give, you can go in with gusto and squeeze the stuffing out of it, or you can greet it like a dear friend, a good squeeze with an honest to goodness happy to see you feel.

I choose the last one for the most part. I feel that if nothing is stagnant then I better be good at going with the flow and recognizing what is in front of me so I can use it to my best interest. I have learned over the years that if I go in wimpy, I freak myself out. I will over analyze, I will be in my head way too much and I will inevitably create an outcome that I really don't want. It is best to see it as an opportunity to grow and to assess where it is I still require some patience.

Recently, I decided if my business was going to grow in the direction I would like it to, I had to start making some decisions and changing how I do business. Basically, it had to grow up. It had to become a business with an intention of moving forward and it needed me to be decisive and not so go with the flow. So there is constantly tweaking in this change process I am realizing for myself.

I also had to stop worrying about how others would be when my business changes and instead be the example of that loving change with grace and humor. My current task is in hiring an assistant. Someone who could be independent in their thinking but get that when I say there is a deadline on something, I'm not kidding and I'm probably not going to hug you when it isn't met. Someone who loved what they do as much as I love what I do and would be willing to grow as my business grows. People say they want to but a lot of the time that is a platitude they are offering because they think that is what I want to hear rather than what they really want.

So, this time the change is being methodical, business oriented and clear about what I am expecting and not being willing to settle because the person is a good soul and just needs a chance. This has been my pattern in the past and it doesn't work, does it? Have you ever giving someone a job, or hung out with them or kept them in your circle because they were a good person but you didn't really align with them? I realized how condescending that was the other day. Like I was the only one that could help them? Please. They have to help themselves and want to and no amount of me wanting them to is going to get anyone anywhere.....and often the job didn't get completed so there was the universe with my cosmic 2x4 telling me, Vicki, seriously, do you want someone to do a job or do you want to offer a safe haven. Ummmmm, option number one please!

I bring this up because often our change involves others around us and the tendency is to hold back on our expectations for desires for a fantastic life while we wait for others to join us. This waiting can lead to frustration, resentment or a really nasty attitude and then who wants to hang with a person like that..except others that know you are really a good soul and they are waiting for you to show up....what a cycle we get into.

I know the person I end up working with will be a good soul, because we all are inherently, but I also know that because I looked at an old pattern and decided to change it that we will match well and not only be productive, but FUN!

Where is there a place in your life that requires some change? What could use a little cleaning up, changing up, fluffing up to where you feel like you have seen change, met change and been excited about it? If you feel some resistance to change chances are you have already grown past it and just don't want to admit it. We have a class this weekend that would help with that...if you are ready for some change.

Take one small step today to address the area you feel could use some change and then celebrate yourself for taking action. It really will feel good to do something about it instead of sitting in the what ifs of it all. THEN you can start creating the life you really want to have.

So, as I sit on my couch typing this is occurs to me I will want to have something written up as I meet with all of the applicants to remind me that I've changed....and it is for the better. :)

Viewing life with new eyes and intention,


  1. Thank you Vicki for the timely reminder. Change is indeed a blessing. Kudos to you for being aware of and staying true to yourself! ~Michelle

  2. "I know the people I end up working with will be good souls, because we all are inherently, but I also know that because I looked at an old pattern and decided to change it that we will match well and not only be productive, but FUN! "

    I love this paragraph V, i tweek'd it to apply to the happy perminant place that I am going to be working with very soon. Productive & Fun are a nice combo (: ..LiZ

  3. Change is difficult; I think we all like that which is familiar, for better or worse. I tend to stay in relationships that, while sometimes unhealthy or long past their expiration date, are familiar. I have stayed in jobs that I probably should have left sooner than I did, didn't leave until the pain was great enough. Growth doesn't come from a position of comfort. Sometimes I don't initiate the change even when the signs are there so the universe or powers that be rip the Band Aid off and I'm left stinging. In hindsight, I always thank my lucky stars. I have to find a way to do that when the stinging is still there ...

    1. Perhaps Bloddylymey, you could see it before it has to sting? Wouldn't that be fun and empowering?
