One word expresses the pathway to greatness: voice. Those on this path find their voice and inspire others to find theirs. The rest never do.” Steven Covey
The voice is an amazing thing. It conveys content of our brains and emotions. It can carry a tune and can generate great joy with humor, inflection and inspiration. It can also be very missed when it isn't working to what has become accustomed to being "normal". I have found this out this week. What I thought was a few allergies last week has blown into a full on cold with laryngitis and a cough that would impress the keepers of any tuberculosis ward. During this time I have been perplexed, as anyone who knows me can tell you, I am a talker. I can talk to ANYONE and often have a great time doing it. I have a pretty good vocabulary and can carry my part of the conversation quite well.....but not without a voice. The only one who understands my flailing hand signals seems to be the dog! Mostly because he's just hoping there is a treat associated with the flailing.
I have tapped into what this could be about, what am I not saying in my world and because the throat chakra is about listening too, I asked what am I not hearing? I have both been relieved that I didn't have to talk if I didn't want to and frustrated that people find it funny to point out my recent silent retreat like they've been waiting forty three years for this silence....and perhaps they have....I am a good talker as stated before. :)
Stick around any philosopher or self awareness class long enough and you will hear someone say where are you not using your voice? Where do you feel you are not expressing yourself? I have asked these questions of others myself and obviously of myself this week. They are fantastic questions to ask and I would suggest doing so before creating a health issue for self!
When we aren't using our voices to express what works and what doesn't work in our lives, the energy gets all backed up and can create everything from a tickle in the throat, ear issues to thyroid issues and other glandular challenges.
Where could you be using your voice more effectively? Where would it feel good to you to express how you are really feeling? Do you hold back because you are afraid what someone else may think? Perhaps you just need a jump start in expression.
This can be done in any number of ways. You could literally speak or sing your truth , you could do an art project or you could write a letter or a journal entry. Keep in mind if you write a letter, you do not have to send it. You can rip it up or burn it to release whatever had been pent up inside you.
If you are interested in the journal idea, feel free to sign up for a free account at my journal site It's a great way to express right at your finger tips and completely private. Another way technology is here to help!
However you find your expression is fantastic and a gift to self and one never knows what is hidden under unexpressed emotions. Sometimes it is our genius just waiting to get out. I certainly hope this is the case with myself and one more good cough is going to release it!
I am certain my voice will be back and stronger than ever (this could be seen as a heads up) and when it is, amazing a ha's for my life along with it. That is the fun part, the a ha. Now if you'll excuse me my doctor is going to assist with the return of my voice so I can go apologize to the woman at the coffee drive thru for having to put up with my squeaky request this morning. Amazing the places we use out voices and don't even think of, isn't it?
Formally known as chatterbox as a child,
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