The ultimate light recycling program

The ultimate light recycling program
There is a lot of talk about solar energy and harnessing it and I totally agree. I love the sunlight and the feeling of basking in something so huge our brains can't even fathom holding that power and position. We think we understand the function of the sun and appreciate what it has to offer, but what if we could connect in another way other than what it gives us? What if we knew that we have more in common with the amazing ball of light than the darkness that seems to draw some into its grasp?
While sitting on my newly built back porch (thank you husband Howard), I felt the most blessed connection to the light and to the power that it holds. It took me a bit to realize that it wasn't simply the warmth and glow but that it was activating in my own light. It was telling me that I have that light and like the sun, I can beam it out wherever I am whether others see it or not. For how often have we thought the sun wasn't out simply because a cloud was blocking it? It is still out. Science class will tell us it is out even when the skies are dark. It is out somewhere, it is still shining, not questioning whether it should shine, it just does.
What if we were the sun? What if we held that position for even a short time each day. Imagine the light recycling program we could create? We could power the very heart of every person. Sharing our light when they forget they have a light. Sharing our brightness even when someone would like us to dim it for their benefit.
While growing up I was often told not to be too smart. Now, sometimes that was my mouth that got me that comment but most of the time it was in a don't be too big for your britches statement. I can recognize now that it was meant in a protective way but what if I had heard, you shine that light Victoria. You beam it as far as you can and light the world and universe. What if EVERY kid heard that? I get giddy at the thought alone.
What if we saw ourselves as solar panels and collected the beams and held them in a most loving way, willing to share, willing to offer and willing to bask. I really believe that when one is happy within themselves, they share that and in the sharing recycle it back to the Earth to make it a better place to be. It isn't hard. You can smile at someone, you can hug someone, you can go for a walk that fills your reservoir and be the example of what happy and content looks like.
Sure there are going to be experiences in life that challenge that light, but come on, that is the fun part. Shining your light when everything is good is easy. Shining it when there is conflict or hurt or growing pains is harder, but the pay off is bigger! The feeling of I kept my light, I let it shine and dang if it didn't get brighter! Don't let the clouds of life block your sun!
What can you do this week to charge your battery pack and shine your light? When we take in light, we give off light. It is as simple as that. You plug in your cell phone so it charges, why not charge your own solar panel so you can power up your life and maybe give another a shine!
As a challenge this week, look for opportunities to light someone's day. That is the easy part, the lighting up, the challenging part is not getting attached. Simply offer. Simply shine. Simply wonderful!
Light on!
p.s. as I write this it is cloudy out but I KNOW there is light there. :)
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