Special Energy Report :)

Holy macaroni this week has been emotional hasn't it? Anyone else feeling like they've been tossed around in a salad spinner? I have had the most challenging time finding my equilibrium this week. It started last Friday and seems to still be a bit heightened.

I was describing it to a friend of mine and said it feels like the last few years have been a long continuous earthquake and there was a pause for a month or so and now here comes the Tsunami. The beauty of being aware that a Tsunami is coming is you can get your surf board ready.

The energy of these next few days will be sort of like having had a caffeine IV placed and running at full open volume. Regardless if you are a caffeine person or not, the feeling is going to be similar. Now, I personally love my coffee in the morning but the feeling of antsy energy of more than one cup is not a favorite one. What to do with this energy? Well, get active. Give yourself the gift of a conscious list of what you could get done if you had a bunch of inspiration (read: energy!). A Ta Da list.  A to do list is so last century. A ta da list allows you to celebrate what could be done rather than what should be done! Fun right? 

This energy is simply the ushering in of some WONDERFUL supportive energy in the universe. Are you ready? I know I am very ready to feel supported and encouraged. Of course, it is up to each person to be willing to feel good. I know it doesn't make sense, but some want to sit in their story and what has happened to them. The new energy is not supportive of our old wounds but rather the strength we have created in having gone through them. Each will have to make the choice of wanting to be present and being willing to move forward.

It is much like the surfer learning how to be on top of the water. It happens over time as you find your balance. Begin balancing. Begin practicing. No worries, the surf boards have those little ties so you don't lose them in the water should you fall off the wave. Those boards are really your skills you have built in this lifetime and the connective rope is the community and support you have created. If you feel isolated and without community then move those buns again. You are the only one who can create that, stop waiting for someone or a magic pill to do it for you. There is no magic pill, there is you! You can be magical, I know you can.

Be smart, use this influx of energy to start a manifesting of what you would like to see happen in the next few years of your life. Dream big please, like the great big waves that are happening.

It will calm a bit after a few days and then we will be in a higher frequency and in a space of showing up for our lives. There isn't a script, you get to show up on your stage however you would like to but no more hiding behind the curtains. The universe needs your light to become a more loving, supportive, fun place to be. Don't be stingy with your gifts and for goodness sake, stop hiding.

As we assimilate to the higher energies we will have the opportunity to become clear about the people we connect with, that community, and those that are no longer resonating. So many relationships are shifting because of this energy that is coming in and to be clear, we asked for this clarity so don't go blaming it on some unseen force called the universe. You are part of the collective universe so what we experienced has been placed in order by us. Responsibility will be the energy that is called in, as well as, accountability. It is so much fun to be accountable for your stuff. I hope more people realize this over the next few months of the gentle push so they can feel free of their baggage. Feelings are valid, excuses are not.

So, be good to you and others. Drink lots of water, ground yourself and wiggle out any anxious feelings. Energy is neither good nor bad, it simply is, how you work with it is up to you.

I'm going to go spin around like a top now because it feels like I have had a six pack of cola with no food to absorb the sugar. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

So stinking excited for this energy to be here,


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