Time to find that compass again.

Did you know you have a built in compass? It has been there all along. As a matter of fact, it was connected to the mother ship when you first landed. Well, the tether was, the compass itself in an internal force. Your compass is your gut knowing. It is conveniently located near the belly button, I believe so we never misplace it!

When we first get here physically, the umbilical cord is cut, releasing us from a physical connection to another and the joining of soul and physical self begins in earnest. It is a very auspicious time as well as precious. Some would say a baby is not knowing of where they are and what is going on. I disagree. I believe when we come in is when we are the most wise. We have just left our non-physical experience and bring all of that source knowledge in, if adults were just willing to listen.

This compass is fully in tact at this time and if nurtured by the community, a fantastic resource and guidance system. Often times though, the compass is reprogrammed by those around us who believe that they know best for us. I am not speaking of the, don't touch that it's hot thing, or the eat your veggies, those are important, I am talking about the be who we want you to be and not what you would like to be programmers. It is not always in a forceful way. Sometimes the messages are so subtle we don't recognize them until we are older and go, hey, that's not how I feel. Not how I feel at all!

This re-birthing, so to speak, of our selves is a great time to get back in touch with that compass and figure out what it is that you really do feel, think, know, want, etc. Sometimes the compass needs cleaning or tweaking a bit, as it's been sitting in a box for however many years since you packed it away when it was easier to follow what you were being told than to forge your own path. Be nice to that compass, sometimes much like the GPS in your car, it has to recalculate!

It can also be a little daunting to ask oneself, what do I really know? What do I want and is it ok to want? Do it anyway, no one else can tell you how you feel or what direction to take any longer....you found out you have a compass...BUILT IN! This doesn't mean you can't ask directions, but you get to decide what you will do with those directions.

The best way I know to connect with this compass is to ask yourself what you feel. If you ask what do I think, your brain is going to jump in with the collective answer. Anyone whom you have ever had an interaction with is going to get a vote in that brain, even if it was a passive one such as watching the news. Asking how do I feel brings it home. It brings it back to that belly button and it allows the answer to be what is in your best interest. Sure, it takes practice being able to hear it, but it is so worth the effort.

By knowing you have this available, you will also turn down the monkey head. The over thinking, over analyzing, over everything processing head. Think of it as giving that monkey head a banana. It will be happy and hopefully take a nap after it eats! Each time you connect with the feeling part of you, you will feel awakened and you will get better and better at recognizing a hungry monkey that just wants a story and not necessarily what is in your best interest. I don't know about you, but I am done with the story of anything. What is happening now and what, if anything, can I do about it? How can I feel the best in my own space and contribute to the world this feeling of greatness?

This shifting from thinking everything to allowing the body to feel and answer you will allow integration of all the systems. Mind, body and soul will be on board and you can make executive decisions from there. It isn't about negating the mind at all, it is about them all playing nicely with each other and to do so, this connection to feeling has to exist.

What does your compass look like? It is an older version with really cool brass on it? It is modern with it's GPS ability and can literally talk to you? Is it very organic and made up of the directions of the Earth? Whatever it is comprised of, start utilizing it more and doing your own navigation. Paying attention to others compasses is only going to get you lost and searching for home base again.

There is a great part of a poem by J.R. R. Tolkien that says "Not all those who wander are lost." Although to my future son in law's dismay, I have not read or seen the Lord of the Ring stories, it is a fantastic line and I have used it often. One of the great things about knowing you have a compass is knowing you are never lost, you are simply where you are until you decide to move in a new direction. Refreshing isn't it?  You can almost feel your thinking head going ahhhhhhhh, that is nice, a break from that ticker tape of confusion.

Give yourself the gift of reconnecting with your compass today. If it needs rebooting, come see me, we will do it together.

Heading due North,


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