I am so grateful to the souls that come to me for communication. Those that are in the physical and those that have passed. The lessons I have learned from them have helped me immensely to appreciate my own life. That is a value that is immeasurable.
Often people ask me what is the opinion of those on the other side. I have to be the bearer of information that they really have no opinion. They have an intention that each of us will live our best lives but they don't have a desire to give their view on how we should each do this.
A few weeks ago I was doing a group session and someone who is pretty familiar with my work asked me questions on what her loved ones were doing on the other side. I was happy to respond with what they were giving me as their activities. Her next response was to go into a story of how they were like here. A very common next move.
It is often difficult for people to wrap their minds around how someone was here was because they were humans learning to appreciate they have a soul too. In all the beauty that is humanity there are also limitations. These limitations do not exist on the other side. Once you transition you begin to realize that limitations are something that are very human based and something you don't have to adhere to any longer. I feel like this is very refreshing for us when we cross and therefore those who are on the other side are no longer willing to entertain the idea of limitations any longer. Isn't that fantastic?
The next line goes to total credit to her loved ones for it was a wonderful example of how we can lock ourselves up into the story of how someone may have suffered or may have been committed to their own belief systems. The quote that her dad gave me was their lives were all part of an equation that includes us but it's the sum that is important not the different components. I took this to mean that each of our own experiences add up to a greater experience but we have to be responsible for our own part of the equation. When one crosses they will continue to be responsible for theirs but it won't be through a less than experience, meaning a lack view. It will all make sense and the focus is on the total number of their life not on one specific beliefs system or experience when they were here whether that was a physical limitation, an emotional one or a view of life.
Her dad, in his soul self, was able to articulate that it was fine if she wanted to continue running her own story or beliefs but he would appreciate if she didn't assume that they were still running those beliefs on the other side. What a wonderful teacher he is. What a great gift to be able to communicate what is observed in his experience. On the other side you begin to realize your own stuff but they (and eventually we) don't run their stories anymore because it's no longer pertinent to them (us). It was all part of the equation but it's the sum that's important not the different components. I love this.
What if you could adopt this as a knowing? What if you allowed yourself to let go of all the little things you judge about you and started looking at your total number? Imagine the relief you would feel. It would be like croaking without having to! Thanks Karen's Dad!
Give this a go and start appreciating you! The added bonus is this makes math fun!
Totaling my own experience as I type,
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