...but it doesn't have to be. Whatever the struggle is about, it has occurred to me often before that we fight the movement of forward motion. I see it a lot and I know I have been lately. As much as things have changed since July, I find myself wanting to sit still and not change too much more. While I know this is not possible as life is all about change, my system seems to want to hit that pause button on the dvr of life. This is fine if we are talking taking a break, nap or a time out but if it becomes a way of operating, it can down right painful.

We as humans make things so difficult sometimes. I can make it so hard on myself if it means it will effect another person.  Specifically, I have been going back and forth on a business decision for over six months now. So, to be clear, since before Howard, the dude, husband and vice president of our company, croaked. We talked about it a lot before he went in the hospital and even when he came home on hospice. To the point, where his response was always, "you have to do what's best for you, Hon." "Yeah, that's a lot of help", I would say to him.

This week I completely get what he was talking about. I do have to do what's best for me and at this time, it is to not take any appointments where clients want to specifically communicate with those who have crossed. While this has become a smaller part of the work I do over the last few years, it has also become much more challenging for me to do. Read: So incredibly painful I have all I can do to be upright after a session.

It is so hard for me admit that I have a hard time doing something. Do you have this fun part of your personality too? I can easily hire someone for a job I don't know how to do and be happy to pay them, but to choose to stop doing something I can obviously do, feels a bit like quitting. I'm very much a suck it up buttercup when it comes to myself. I can have compassion for another and their conflict while expecting unreasonable levels of performance from myself. Most of the time, I love this about myself. I like a goal, target, carrot, intention or dream. This week I realized this isn't serving myself and it certainly isn't serving my clients, to whom I am so grateful, if I ask them to listen to self but don't do so as well.

This gratitude is what has had me doing the sessions this long. I am so appreciative of the trust people place in me and so freaking proud of the ethics I have held in my work. It is also because of these ethics that I felt I had to say something. I could have let it be quietly known or leave it to Donna to tell people, but I feel honesty is always the best policy.

Since my friend Dave passed in March, the communications from those who have crossed have been comforting and affirming of what I have always known; croaking is a good thing. When Howard passed in August, they have been as well, but I find it challenging to do my growing process while tapping into the realm where they are, which is where your loved one are too. It turns out I may be human after all!

I felt like I would be a hypocrite if I asked people to be themselves and listen to their hearts and not do that myself. My heart is hurting and my abilities don't give me a free pass on that. I feel my clients pain when they come in and while I can support someone who is grieving quite well, to feel the pain of their process related to someone passing while communicating with that soul, has become emotionally debilitating. NOT a fun place to be!

To be clear, I will still be doing readings, coaching and Belief Re-patterning as I have done for almost fifteen years. The abilities I use to do this actually come in two different forms. So, I can turn down the medium aspect of my work and be quite strong, even more clear, in helping people to see their paths.  I will still be offering the guidance and my special blend of intuition, tools and belief in others. It will now be with the clarity of knowing that while those on the other side continue to support us in a session, their messages will need to be felt by you, for you. Which is very possible if you would open up to being able to communicate yourself.

As I was reminded today, all is well. Deciding to focus on my Belief Re-patterning and intuitive coaching business, where my strengths are right now, brings healing too. What it also gives me is an appreciation and knowing that when I listen to me, I can be of the most help to others.

I do hope you realize that you never really needed a medium to communicate with those who have crossed. Your heart does that. I was simply a microphone for your heart. It is ready to sing on it's own.

Listening to my heart and holding you a part of it,

Do you like people? I do, I really do. There may be some I choose to be with more than others but people are fun. In this chapter I talked about our individual topography. Who are we in our own fabulous selves? I am so glad this chapter came up this month because just yesterday I said to my theracoach (She's both a therapist and a life coach. How blessed am I?) "I don't know where I stand. Am I single? Am I still married, because it feels like I am. Am I independent? Flying solo? I know I am not a widow because I am not a fan of the word. The spider is fine, but the word is not for me."  I know I am my own person and thankfully we had that kind of relationship where we weren't dependent on each other for air, but what the what, man? Where am I?

Call it practice or knowing myself, but I ended up answering her by saying, I am Vicki and that is all I need to know right now. I will focus on that and allow the other questions to float out into cyberspace to never return, hopefully! I am the only person who can be me and you are the only one who can be you. Isn't that fantastic? 

As you read through this, assess for yourself where you may be entering into another persons topography and establish clear property lines. Believe it or not, when we stand in who we are, relationships get really, really good!

Here is to your IT.....

My IT may not be Your IT, but it’s Still an IT

Everywhere you turn there are people, people who are busy with their lives, people who are ignoring their lives and people who are living their lives to the fullest. I love people in all of these areas, I love people. It may sound corny but it is true. I love the intricacy of people and how creative we are in our expressions. I believe there is an inherent nosiness in us that keeps us looking at others and trying to figure out what they have that we don’t. Call it an innate desire to grow or just plain ole nosiness, it really doesn’t matter; we do it.

Remember that saying “keeping up with the Jones’s”? Well, that is similar to what is inherent in us without the materialism. How much have you learned from someone over your life time? Certainly you learned how to talk, eat, and walk along with a myriad of other skills. Just watch a baby when you are talking with them, they will mimic the lip movements you make, so cute yet so smart. Yet, somewhere in the path it starts to go the other way, where we look to others and compare. I know you do it, we all do it. 

We look to them to see if they have better clothes, are they happier, do they know something we don’t know or are they looking us? Again, this is something that is innate in us but somewhere along the message gets changed or conditioned and we forget we are individuals and all special. For each of us there is a divine spark, that gas that keeps us moving and wanting to learn on this wonderful planet and if we listen to that as an individual frequency, I believe we would all be happier.

There have been teachings that we are all one and I believe that confused people. While I do believe we contribute to the whole, we are individual humans inside our individual souls excitedly exploring this energy based universe. If there was more thought to how we can be individual, I believe, and have seen in my own practice, we can then contribute to others lives without a feeling of being drained or asked to change. One of the concepts I ask my clients, and practice myself is knowing who self is. If you know who you are, the tendency to look at others is less and the comparison thing, while it may show up on occasion, is less likely to stick. So ask yourself these few questions so you can see where you stand in holding your own IT, Individual topography. Where do you begin and end without relation to others.

  • Do you find yourself comparing to others?  If you do, what is it about?  What is the literal subject matter?
  • Do you recognize your own unique offering to this universe? It doesn't have to be something huge, it is YOU, and simply because you are here that is amazing.  Can you see that?
  • Can you accept that you may have a few IT's but hey, they are cute in their itness and unique in their own way and comparing to others isn't going to help with them but rather add to the challenge of balancing them?
  • If others are doing well, do you have a hard time with that and ask, where is mine?
If any of these are challenging for you, simply take the time to breathe and ask how can I get back my own IT?  How can I revel in the fact that I am wonderful, unique and a pleasure for this universe to have?

Another concept I have asked my clients to consider using when they are having challenges with comparing or if they have someone in their lives that does the comparing for them. I ask the client to meet the person for the first time,each time they meet them. 

I had an epiphany one day that part of the reason that a sibling and I had challenges was because of the comparison thing. I felt good in whom I was becoming but they had an issue with me being in my own space and while they wouldn’t cognitively create an issue, energetically and emotionally there was one there. While on the way to a family function I was asking myself how could I go into the day and enjoy everyone and not feel like I was being sucked dry by the energy of neediness. I love my family and they are a FUN group so I wanted a fun day of connecting without old issues getting in the way, issues that I completely take responsibility in fostering over the years. So, I asked a few times on the way over of myself, how can you change how you interact because you can’t change another person, only self. I realized that if I went in and met my sibling with the energy of new acquaintance and who are you today and what are you offering, not only would I be in the now but I would also be erasing old stuff, or so I felt. 

So, I did that. I met her with an energy of less baggage and true interest in who she was as a person. I had a FABULOUS day because as I started to practice this I noticed she didn’t want anything to do with me and kept avoiding me. Now, I didn’t have a good day because of that because I truly do enjoy her, I had a great day because whatever I was feeling would work, DID! I recognized that even if she wasn’t cognitively aware, her own intuition told her something was up and the old story was not going to work any longer. I kept my boundaries about myself but I also started to extend this to others that were there. Now, I have seven siblings and they all have families so that is a lot of people to practice on in a day. I loved it. I met all for who they brought that day and laughed more than I ever remember laughing at a get together, and that says something because we are a good humored family.

I also learned that day how I had been contributing to how others treated me, mostly because I had been comparing. I wasn’t aware of my own Individual Topography, where did I fit in the universe and how was I contributing to its beauty. The conclusion of the day fascinated me even more. As I was giving my sister a hug goodbye she asked me what I did differently, she couldn’t get to me. Now, I truly know she didn’t know what she said as I felt it was a confirmation from spirit that I was on to something here, so I hugged her and gave her a kiss (we are huggers too) and said you were you and I adore you for that. I drove home saying “that was fascinating” over and over and over again.

I have continued to use this day after day with people whether I am meeting them for the first time or have known them for years. It feels like it drops the energy of conflict before I get there so there is nothing for them to grab hold of and react to. It keeps things harmonious and it allows for them to have their own Individual Topography that I can admire from afar but not take away from. I recommend people try this with those they may be experiencing conflicts with. If that is difficult, try it with the person checking your groceries or bag at the airport. Not only does it allow you to meet all kinds of fascinating people, it will light you up in ways you didn’t even know were available because you won’t be allowing the dimness of the past to interfere with wonderful relationships.

So, take some time right now and see where is your topography? Where does your map end and others begin? Is there space in there for all to grow and expand and work the land? If not, take some steps back and do a survey of where you would like to be living with your IT’s and how you can create space for others and their IT’s without comparing and without feeling effected. It is possible and I know you can do it.

Each of us has the ability to create our own map, be our explorers and discover new lands within ourselves. Let's get to it, shall we? 

Exploring hill and dale, 

Have you ever had that feeling that things in life are coming into alignment and perhaps achieving a place of flow? After a fleeting moment of, oh man, this is cool, there is the feeling of, what next? Perhaps wondering what was going to go wrong that would upset the peace? Or if you are like I am, really curious about this place in the middle that isn't the old, but not quite the new, sometimes referred to as the ever elusive present.

I was describing this to my coach and wondering if I am procrastinating or starting to create a habit of avoidance when I realized, with her help, holy macaroni, it isn't so much about productivity as much as it about how I've lived my life up until now and how a lot of us live our lives. I realized that up until very recently, no matter how much I meditate or intend to be present, I had been living my life with the feeling there was a hot poker at my bum (cleaned up for the newsletter company who doesn't like me to swear) pushing me along.

This poker has changed over time, raising kids, career, financial obligations, soul pursuits, relationships, you name it, there are a lot of pokers. It was living in survival mode. I don't know about you, but I am so done with that way of living. Branding ourselves with the poker, calling it motivation or havetogetitdone syndrome, either way, it is pushing us to the point of stress, competition and total crappy experiences.

I believe there is a difference between the feeling of pressure and the feeling of inspiration. Sometimes we feel pulled or pushed in a particular direction but it feels really good. That to me is inspiration. Some part of our soul talking to us and saying "hey, this would be really great if you could get your stuff together and see your way to putting something into action." Pressure rarely feels good, except in a massage. :)

I realized, that the poker feeling is an external one. One that often includes other people or obligations. While inspiration, comes from an internal place. Perhaps part of the journey for us is to be able to recognize this and shift the GPS to our own internal process.

So, is there anywhere in your life where you are living from a place of havetogetthisdone? Where the push on your own bum is one of practice being in the stress of life rather than the joy of it? Or where the poker is being applied by others and you are allowing it to be applied.

I don't know about you, but my intention from the writing of this, at this very moment, is to start using that internal inspiration to be the driving force of what I would like in my life, how I will help others, and what I will bring to the universe. We all have a unique perspective, a special branding , it's time we allowed this to show.

So do you want to join me? Do you want to be in this place called the present and use it to become aware of what your branding is? I think it's pretty exciting.

You can ask for help. Some of my most brilliant moments lately are coming from working with my coach who is also a therapist and totally gets my wiring. If that's not a brilliant manifestation on my part, I don't know what is. Ask for help, seek information, start sketching your own brand. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Let's use excitement about what could be in front of us as the inspiration and leave the red hot pokers in the past.

Heading off to design my own tattoo as that is the only external branding I will allow. 😍

So, recently I traveled to Canada for a training. The flights over and the first one back were pretty uneventful. The last flight was another story. It was one of those puddle jumper planes with propellers. Yup, didn't even know they used them still. Anyway, I load up with eleven of my closet friends (people I just met but if you are going into this type of plane in the rain and wind, you get close, fast!), the pilot and co-pilot (Who, by the way, I think I have shoes older than.). 

As we are about to take off we are told there is a slight delay as we have to wait for ice to melt. Yeah, ok, I'm still good here afterall, I know I am going to land safely. My fellow passengers were not so convinced. Two young, strong men next to me looked like they wanted their mommies while trying to not showing they were scared. I made eye contact and said, "I promise you, we are going to land just fine and the flight is only an hour. We've got this!" They didn't look convinced. 

Twenty minutes into the flight it got interesting. We were dropping altitude and the tipping sideways. I'll admit I said a holy macaroni and said "oh, heck no, my kids are not losing both their parents in one year!". Then I remembered, I love roller coasters and if I get freaked out, I am adding to the energy of the other passengers. I look over and the young man next to me is taking his pulse. Seriously? Ok, time to do some Belief Re-patterning. I asked them if they would be ok saying some phrases and breathing with me. They, thinking they were helping me, agreed. We had fun and shifted the energy and in another ten minutes were making the descent into the airport. 

When we landed I said "Man! That was fun!" The gig was up. They realized I was helping them, not the other way around. They said I was a bit off, but laughed and thanked me for distracting them. 

I could have allowed myself to be scared out of my mind, but what was that going to serve? If it was my last flight, I didn't want to go out freaking out when Howard had been so brave. We enjoyed healthy competition and he wasn't getting that one! 

We have a choice about how we respond to a situation. We have a choice whether to see something as fearful or as exciting. How much more exciting can being 35,000 feet up in a tin can being pushed around by Mother Nature can you get? Bring it on, I say. Enjoy this chapter on how to do the switch and be excited by your flight in this life too!


Have you ever sat in a movie where the scene was very dramatic, a good place for drama is the screen, and waited on the edge of your seat because you just KNEW something was going to jump out and you were going to scream? Remember that feeling? Was it fear of the scene and what would happen to the girl who ALWAYS went downstairs to see what the noise was, or was it excitement that she just might do it again? It’s hard to tell isn’t it? It is really difficult to distinguish between the excitement and the fear of it happening. This is true of the movie of our lives as well. 

One of the best processes I learned along the way was to picture my life as a movie, with myself as a character, and watch the interaction, hopefully without being engaged in the story. I rarely go into the basement if I hear a noise so it was pretty easy to stay detached. Try this the next time you find yourself getting involved in the story of something. Take a step back and allow yourself to just view and see if you aren’t able to find a solution because you don’t get bogged down in the emotions of it all. It feels really good to surf on the plot rather than the drama and perhaps write a different ending than what would occur if you were emotionally engaged. It may just give you a perspective that in your too involved state you wouldn’t have seen and make room for those a-ha moments we love so much,

If you are able to see the story you are brilliant, but what if it is harder to identify? It doesn’t mean you are less brilliant, it simply means your compass could use some tweaking. I was reading for a client a few years ago and while we were discussing how she could learn what she could from the relationship she was in before she left it as it was perfectly safe for her to stay in it and discover herself, and perhaps that it wasn’t the relationship that was the issue, the difficulty in seeing the next step to take was really what she was stuck on. As I was watching her movie, I asked her if she was aware fear and excitement have the same vibration in the universe. It really depends on how we are programmed to respond on which identity is used. If one hasn’t felt safe in their lives, for instance, they will usually respond with a fear feeling but if one has been raised or wired to have an open mind and see the adventure in life, they will often respond with an excited feeling. 

For this client it was extremely difficult for her to determine the difference in the short time we had to work together so I suggested a few exercises that may help you as well. 
  • Take a nice deep breath and exhale ALL the air. Really let it go and clean out those cobwebs. Now do that again with gusto! 
  • Close your eyes and imagine a time when you were feeling frightened and unsure of what to do. Open your eyes (unless you can read through your lids). Can you feel that within yourself? Do you feel where it resides in you? It is different for everyone so really identify where fear shows up for you as it will be the beginning of adjusting that compass. Ok, notate where that was as we will come back to it soon. 
  • Take another really deep breath or two and clean out the fear vibration. 
  • Now, remember a time when you were so stinking excited you couldn’t stand it and wanted to shout from the rooftops. Feel that zing. Where does it show up in your body? What speaks to you as the location of that excitement?  Notate this as well. 
  • Ok, now take three really deep breaths all the way down into your belly. Now, expel the air and feel that cleansing energy putting you back to center. 
So, how was that for you? Did you get to know a little bit more about yourself and where you hold energy? Good! That was the point! So often in our busy lives we go through the day without any intentional breathing that it is a good thing it is an involuntary process or some of us would be in real trouble passing out all the time when we forget to breathe! 

Now, even though those two exercises are at opposite ends of our emotional yardstick they still result in similar physiological responses. Your breathing changed, your heart rate went up, your awareness of the situation you recalled was at an all time high and you weren’t certain you could maintain it long. This is what drew me to feel the vibration of both of them without any response and darned if they weren’t the same frequency! This was very exciting to me as it explained why so many people had a challenging time shifting behavioral patterns once they were conditioned into them. It is fascinating how we have moved away from our senses looking for things to make sense when the information was there all along. 

Let’s try the fear exercise again and see if the energy changed for you now that you are a little bit more aware of yourself. Repeat the steps from above but this time try to feel where it could possibly be excitement for you rather than fear. Of course, if your example was a danger situation, it doesn’t apply because our fight or flight response is there for a reason. If you are in a dark alley, do not stop to try this experiment, get out. 

My client and I worked on this for a few sessions and she has gotten really good at seeing her programmed response was to flee a situation when it felt like it was changing. She wasn’t confident in herself to allow herself to simply follow the bouncing ball of life and see where it took her prior to this realization. Now that she is able to take a moment and feel out the situation or the opportunity, she has built confidence and now if she feels fear she evaluates it and decides if it is time to leave or if she could stay and adjust her energy from reaction to responding. By taking the time to breathe and feel she shifts from that reactive place to one of response and confidence. Also since that time, the relationship has gone from one she was going to leave to one of marriage and so far two little ones. Amazing what breathing will do isn’t it? 

As you read in the introduction I LOVE acronyms so when I read years ago a quote from Neale Donald Walsh, a self described spiritual messenger and author, which read “FEAR is an acronym in the English language for “False Evidence Appearing Real”. While I loved this quote and had used it often, I found it shifting for me to False Expectations Appearing Real. A little bit of literally license on Mr. Walsh’s expression but one that fit well for what I was seeing in my clients. There were a lot of false expectations on how something was supposed to work so they would get so disappointed and not be able to move forward as they were so tied to how they thought it would turn out. One of the dangers in this is it will block some really great synchronistic events from happening. Our universe is so magnetic that we are literally drawing to us our experience and I felt that if we were always trying to figure it out we were negating those opportunities coming to us by our control. 

One of my favorite clients, as she has become a great friend, Lisa Liberatore is the queen of acronyms. She has come up with some really amazing, always funny, ones over the years and always with joy and excitement of what it could manifest. So, when we started discussing this vibration within her own life she, of course, came up with an acronym for Excitement to which I had to share with you. As she sees it FEAR is very black and white, not real fun at all so it remains just false expectation appearing real. But Excitement is a whole different story for the world of acronyms, and the always fashionable and usually dressed in pink Lisa, so here I give you Excitement as seen by Lisa Lib as I call her along with my descriptions in parenthesis. :)
  • E=Energy (because everything in the universe is energy) 
  • X=Xengenous which is defined as due to an outside cause which she saw as how we often see how our lives are but then find that we are always connected to self and realizing that is so exciting.
  • C=Certainty (the knowing we all have inside that once tapped is a calming source of balance and the gas pedal for moving forward) 
  • I=Intuition (Of which we are all born with and carry eternally) 
  • T=Trust (what we are born with and learn to do once again if we are willing. Trust in self.) 
  • E=Expectation (because it’s a great word when applied with forward motion in regards to the greatness of one’s soul and ability to succeed in whatever is tried.)
  • M=Movement/motion (always moving forward and being willing to see what is rocking and rolling in front of us!) 
  • E=Enlightenment (that place that many are trying to achieve only to find they had it all along if they would just listen to self. ) 
  • N=Now-ing (Allowing oneself to be in the Now and accepting things as being present and not something in the future. Trade marked word by the creative Lisa Lib. ) 
  • T=Totality (the feeling of the total self when physical self and soul become aware of each other and function as a whole unit, powerful, fun and totally awesome. ) 
Can you come up with your own acronym for Excitement? What would you choose for the words? Give yourself the space to be creative and to put words that mean something to YOU in there, who knows, it could be exciting! 

This life's journey really is about how well we can fly it. Before Howard passed he asked me to keep being me and to fly as high as I possibly can in this life. While it is still a navigation doing that, I know he can meet me at those heights now and that is freaking exciting. Want to join us?

Who needs a spaceship? We've got our souls!

The heart is an amazing thing isn't it? It is responsible for pumping our blood, electrical and functional at the same time, what we consider emotional balance and being the symbol of Valentines day. It has so many jobs and euphemisms in our vocabulary, it's no wonder it gets tired sometimes and has to quit working or short circuit so we will listen to it.

Shortly after the dude croaked I had heart palpitations. I let the Dr know during my visit and after a few fun EKG's, it was determined it might just be stress. Ya think? I made an appointment with my acupuncturist for a reboot and he correctly ascertained I was out of balance in my electrolytes. It seems all the working out, heat and stress I was under took me out of the game a little. I'm happy to say the flutters are less often now and I know what they are connected to and I adjust.

The amazing thing that happened though during the process was I had to look at what was causing some of the pain. I don't believe in saying we have a broken heart because the heart isn't what's hurting, it is the emotional center that resides near the physical heart. I didn't want to create a physical issue because of what was so obviously an emotional one. I also didn't want to alarm anyone so I decided to do the work quietly, which is what I needed anyway. Quiet.

I was really hurting emotionally one day and while walking the dog, where all great epiphanies happen, I thought, what if the pain I am feeling isn't because I "lost" someone I love so much, but what if it was because my heart is so full of his love that the physical body is trying to adjust?  What if when he passed and because he is pure positive love, he was sending infusions of love at levels I wasn't used to? I am very fortunate that as much as I could let Howard push my buttons with his humanness, I always knew I was the love of his life.  A lot of pressure sometimes, but I had that knowing and I am very grateful to have felt that kind of love. Who knew there was more? Holy macaroni! We are impressive as souls aren't we?

This week I have been at a conference for Belief Re-patterning and had the opportunity to attend a Flip Your Switch event in person. Again, I say holy macaroni, because there was so much love, authentic love there I felt that same pain in my chest. Luckily, I know it now and didn't get concerned, until I was trying to run here. The lack of oxygen at this level is impressive for this New Englander. Anyway, love is something I am learning to let show and in. I fully admit I allowed Howard to be the focus and the reflection of my love and without him here, I have to be that and it is a bit foreign. I am really good at showing people I love them through action, but in expression, I have room for improvement.

I am going to work on bringing the event to the Berkshires because we could use the example and man, it was a lot of fun too!

What if you looked at your life and where you thought you had an emptiness, you felt into it and asked is it because you aren't letting in light, love, humor, joy, playfulness, reverence, people, spiritual growth? The list is going to be as diverse as people are so check in there and see what the inventory really is.

What if you weren't afraid to show that you really do care about people, authentically and without reserve? What if that caring started with yourself? Imagine the joy we could create in this world. Brother Sun is a band I love and they have a great song called In The Name of Love. It is about being brave enough to be the person to hold the belief in love being a great force. I hope to be that person one day who exemplifies what honest loving is. Allowing people to be who they are. Wishing them well when they have to leave our lives for whatever reason and using that space to fill up with more love.

Authentic love is one that knows value in all, starting with self, in order to align with what resonates with self. It means, to me anyway, that we don't need to put up with any behavior that is less than. The band also has a song called Jericho Road that states hate is too great a weight to bare. I agree as that is often what causes the heart conditions we see in our world. Holding that pain, hate, anger, less than feeling in blocks the love which clogs the heart. I don't know about you, but I am done being a part of the world that lives in that fear.

One of the things Howard used to say to me is I gave people too many chances to show me who they really are. I agree with him, I've often been hurt because of that but you know what, I'm ok with that because it means at some point someone believed the most in them and I believe that energy travels along with them but if I hold resentment, anger, hurt or hesitancy, that hangs with me. No thank you. I want my heart center beating and emanating to match the love the non physical show us is possible. If I explode in the process, I will blast off and shower the love everywhere!

This is a process (said with the long o after being in Canada for a week!) and I know that. One I am excited to get going on. Would you like to join me in creating a world that shows love as a strength? I certainly hope so.

Loving lifts us up. Let's fly!