Have you ever had that feeling that things in life are coming into alignment and perhaps achieving a place of flow? After a fleeting moment of, oh man, this is cool, there is the feeling of, what next? Perhaps wondering what was going to go wrong that would upset the peace? Or if you are like I am, really curious about this place in the middle that isn't the old, but not quite the new, sometimes referred to as the ever elusive present.
I was describing this to my coach and wondering if I am procrastinating or starting to create a habit of avoidance when I realized, with her help, holy macaroni, it isn't so much about productivity as much as it about how I've lived my life up until now and how a lot of us live our lives. I realized that up until very recently, no matter how much I meditate or intend to be present, I had been living my life with the feeling there was a hot poker at my bum (cleaned up for the newsletter company who doesn't like me to swear) pushing me along.
This poker has changed over time, raising kids, career, financial obligations, soul pursuits, relationships, you name it, there are a lot of pokers. It was living in survival mode. I don't know about you, but I am so done with that way of living. Branding ourselves with the poker, calling it motivation or havetogetitdone syndrome, either way, it is pushing us to the point of stress, competition and total crappy experiences.
I believe there is a difference between the feeling of pressure and the feeling of inspiration. Sometimes we feel pulled or pushed in a particular direction but it feels really good. That to me is inspiration. Some part of our soul talking to us and saying "hey, this would be really great if you could get your stuff together and see your way to putting something into action." Pressure rarely feels good, except in a massage. :)
I realized, that the poker feeling is an external one. One that often includes other people or obligations. While inspiration, comes from an internal place. Perhaps part of the journey for us is to be able to recognize this and shift the GPS to our own internal process.
So, is there anywhere in your life where you are living from a place of havetogetthisdone? Where the push on your own bum is one of practice being in the stress of life rather than the joy of it? Or where the poker is being applied by others and you are allowing it to be applied.
I don't know about you, but my intention from the writing of this, at this very moment, is to start using that internal inspiration to be the driving force of what I would like in my life, how I will help others, and what I will bring to the universe. We all have a unique perspective, a special branding , it's time we allowed this to show.
So do you want to join me? Do you want to be in this place called the present and use it to become aware of what your branding is? I think it's pretty exciting.
You can ask for help. Some of my most brilliant moments lately are coming from working with my coach who is also a therapist and totally gets my wiring. If that's not a brilliant manifestation on my part, I don't know what is. Ask for help, seek information, start sketching your own brand. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Let's use excitement about what could be in front of us as the inspiration and leave the red hot pokers in the past.
Heading off to design my own tattoo as that is the only external branding I will allow. 😍
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