What if there was a way to....

....to shift how you thought about things, your beliefs, your health, your relationships, to realize your own potential and to get out of your own way? I especially like the last one because we are so good at getting in our own way. Well, there is and I am so stinking excited to say I am able to bring it to you! 

It is called Belief Re-patterning. Belief Re-patterning is a revolutionary technique that addresses how you are able to identify those beliefs that do not serve you and replace them with new beliefs that will literally open up the doors to create the life you desire.  Belief Re-patterning is an extremely effective method for creating calm, peace of mind and the ability to live your life "on purpose".  Not only will your life improve but also the quality of your relationships, resilience to challenges, and your confidence and ability to accomplish goals.

I literally tripped over this work which I translate to the universe saying "VICKI, PAY ATTENTION!"  I was walking home one day listening to pod casts I had downloaded and this woman came on talking about this technique.  At first I was annoyed because I didn't remember downloading it and still maintain there was a spirit guide who got in the way to get this to my play list.  The more I listened, the more I thought, I HAVE to learn about this.  That was over a year and a half ago and I have been training ever since.  As with any modality, I believe we go into it for ourselves first and I have definitely benefited from this work, which is why I decided to become a practitioner.

It seemed too me to be the perfect complement to readings and coaching.  It helps the person to shift, which is one of my favorite words and actions.  Speaking of words, it is HUGELY based on the language we use in combination with breath work.  I love words and am often helping people to change the words they use and to breathe, so how perfect is this?  If you can speak, breathe and are ready to move through old beliefs, you can do this!  I had been looking for something that could combine my intuitive abilities and talent for getting to the heart of the matter, with a tool kit for lasting change for my clients.  This is that method.  One session is often all it takes for significant change in a person's perspective.  One client I have worked with as part of my apprenticeship has quadrupled her business income by creating new ways of thinking.  Of course, she had to take action after but, come on, that is amazing!  I personally have been able to move through challenges around my physical health using the re-patterning.  I am so grateful.  I still have to show up but it is so much easier when that voice in the head isn't yelling at me any  longer.

This isn't just on the emotional level or a simple suggestion of affirmations, it is a twenty year tested method of creating new neural pathways in our brains.  It effects all levels of our lives and has lasting effects.  Plus, it is soooooo easy, you can take it with you and use it for any area of your life you would like to change for the better.

While I have been working with a few clients, I wasn't able to annouce it until I passed.  PHEW!  I passed.  I will continue to level up in my study of this work but it's time to bring it to the masses.  :)

I look forward to answering any questions you may have and to helping you create the life you would love to live!

Grateful to Suze Casey, the developer of Belief Re-patterning,


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