How is your pilot light?

With winter approaching in the North East, thoughts have turned to heat sources. There are so many ways to heat a home, gas, electric, pellet, oil, wood, or solar powered. Regardless of how you heat, there has to be a source of ignition. Something creates the start of the heating process, a pilot light so to speak that, spreads the message to the rest of the components that warmth is required.

I believe we, as humans, have a pilot light too. It is our power center that when ignited and well maintained, can charge our life with vitality and excitement. So many people have either lost sight of their own power or have allowed another to snuff out their pilot light. This is a challenge because without that light, so many other systems do not work well.

The power comes from self esteem and a connection to your soul, that eternal part of you that KNOWS you rock!  It comes from what we think and feel about ourselves. Too often the thinking gets in the way of how we feel and creates a real issue with keeping that light lit. Another thing people run into is a disconnect between what they think and feel, so in the terms of heating, the pilot light may be lit but it isn't strong enough to switch on the furnace which leads to a not so warm winter, or a cold feeling towards self.

How is your pilot light? Can you feel even a slight glow of self appreciation? Does it need overhauling or a new one installed? As people, we can't just go to the hardware store and order a new part. We have to be willing to work with the one we have and discover what it takes to light it again. That is why I love my work. I help others to light their light.

If you were to re-light a pilot after it went out, you may need a long match or an aim and flame. Luckily for us, when re-lighting, things rarely blow up so you can get closer! One way to check your pilot light is to ask yourself if you find life fulfilling. Do you find that you look forward to the day or do you dread it? With a burnt out light, it is really challenging to find the excitement of life.

How could you light yourself up this week? Could you meet with a friend for lunch? Get that journal out and start writing again? Organize a closet?  I'm not kidding on the last one. You will be amazed how good you will feel when that linen closet is clean! It isn't just about doing something, it is about connecting to self while you are doing that light you up idea. Get that pilot light lit so you can then heat your life up with joy, purpose and delight in the fact you even have a light within.

So often in spiritual circles you will hear, shine your light and I agree with that but first you have discover that you have one and how to work with it to the best lumination that is you!

If you have a hard time with this, I am here to help with sessions, Belief Re-patterning, coaching or the blend of all three!

Shining my light at the highest wattage possible. :),


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