I interrupt the series on understanding Belief Re-patterning to bring you this energy update that is absolutely driving me bonkers because it won't leave my head until I post it. Ever have one of those days? Welcome to my world.
So, since the thirteenth of February the energy has felt like a little kid who was just told their favorite superhero is coming to live with them to be their own personal friend and roommate. Exciting and forward moving and quite frankly a bit freakish in the "whoop this is it" vibration. I'm not sure if that is the technical term, but whoa baby, does it feel like that to me.
I am not your astrological expert nor am I that tuned into whatever dimension we are supposedly accessing for the first time in our human lives but I can tell you that when I get these super excited feelings, I listen. I listen mostly because in the past, I may not have. I would have gone about my life putting out fires, focusing on more production and wondering why in the heck it feels like I am amped up on caffeine when I haven't had that much. I do appreciate the little jolt now though as I am a decaf chic now. However, by not listening in the past, I had to work so much harder than it was necessary. I don't want you to have to work that hard.
As I said, there was a shift around the 13th of February and it seems to be gaining ground. Meaning, that if you have a project you are working on, including yourself, a change you would like to make or an area of your life you have been waiting to start; yeah, I'd get on it. Why not use the natural energy to make some headway and to see some results coming back to you that may just inspire you to keep moving.
I keep seeing the visual of a starting line. All of us stepping up to the starting line of our lives and getting to determine what that means while knowing, absolutely KNOWING, that we have trained, studied and committed enough of ourselves to enjoy success. Of course, it is all going to be relative to what we each want in our lives. You may not want to be on a big stage helping people to shift their beliefs and how they talk to themselves, but I do. I, trust me, do not want to run a restaurant or open a day care or explore the inner workings of a cave in Madagascar....ok, maybe the last one but not as a career or anything.
My point is along with the energy of forward movement is a vibration of "celebrate who you are and shine that proverbial light until everyone needs sunglasses" theme. Isn't that stinking exciting? I am so excited to see what kind of sunglasses we all will be wearing.
This energy can bring about a feeling of what we believe is fear too, but I promise you, if you look at it a little bit closer you will see that it is wearing the old coat of fear and underneath it is a shiny new outfit of you stinking rock! If you need help in finding that outfit, come see me. I know how to find them in all the cool places, usually hidden right in plain sight! I am a matchmaker extraordinaire when it comes to helping people meet themselves. Don't ask me to pick out a wardrobe though. That takes a totally different eye to which I am so grateful people who can do that exist! I think Garanimals may have been invented for me. :)
We are on a quest, you see. We are all on our own quest to realize we are amazing individuals and the fact that we are different yet all vibe with a heartbeat, is the most beautiful thing about the quest. Howard used to say "the same but different" when describing things to me. It drove me BATTY because I didn't get how that could be, but this appreciating our differences while realizing we have so much in common may just have been one of the things he was talking about.
If you are reading this, please take the time today to appreciate exactly all it is that makes you unique and then choose one way to accentuate that. It isn't a big head that you will get from the process, it is a big, loving heart you will receive by appreciating self and lining up with this wave of energy that I believe will be here through May. Woo hoo. Then, after you realize how good it feels to really like and appreciate yourself, use that momentum to help someone else see it in themselves.
There will be many starting lines in each of our lives. You do not need to do all of them at once. Pick one that feels the most fun and go with that. If you are experiencing life as a single person for the first time in a long time, be kind to you. If you are leaving one occupation for another and aren't sure you can do it, be kind to you. If you've decided that old patterns are no longer serving you and you will be brave and face the old in order to release them, be kind to you. If you have a wonderful idea for a product but the old voice tells you it's nothing. Listen and move forward while being kind to you. See a pattern here?
Universal energies are very supportive of our path especially since we have contributed to them by wanting something different then what we have had, but they aren't about pushing so fast that it is counter intuitive to our path. The days of cracking the whip for productivity and results are done. Did it every really work long term anyway? Kindness is a much more efficient and Eco friendly energy source.
Use this time of support and excitement to really ask yourself what you would like in your life and then create the plan that will help you get there. Using intuition along with our intelligent brains is listening to the brilliance of this time.
Some people are not going to want to believe you, come along with you or listen. Be kind to them. Some are going to croak because they perhaps can serve best on the other side. Be kind to them. Some will want to diminish your dreams because their's scare the heebie jeebies out of them. Be kind to them. The theme continues.
You are made up of energy so doesn't it make sense to grab this energy wave and see how well you can ride it? Sure, you may get nervous up there on the crest of it, but perhaps that is the life force energy you have been looking for all along in your own personal caffeine buzz.
What if, just what if...the superhero you want to live with you...is you? Tights optional.
See you on stage,
YES! I definitely am feeling this and holding on AND going forward!
Thanks! No tights for me though.
Oh, come on. Tights can cute. :)