Given that my blog comes out on Sunday's I could go with the obvious topic of love on Valentine's day but I am making a choice not to. It isn't because I am jaded or don't believe in love, quite the opposite, I believe there is love in everything, however, I don't believe giving it attention one day makes it authentic.
When I realized I was choosing to write about something other than retail love, I decided it was a good time to introduce choice in the Belief Re-patterning I offer. There are six amazing steps to the Belief Re-patterning technique and all are equally effective but choice is my favorite. Don't tell the others.
Don't get me wrong, forgiveness, where we learn to release the past and permission where we start to develop courage are fantastic, but choice, where we start making conscious decisions is so empowering, I can't help but love the little bugger.
We all have that voice in our head with the not so complimentary vocabulary. This inner critic, as it is often called, is revealed every day to us. It chatters and offers its opinion even when we don't want it. Wouldn't you love to hear the voice that supports you and encourages growth? The choice place does that. Using the statements offered and breathing deep, one creates a new pathway in the brain that can become the default program rather than the previous critic one. A coach on board so to speak.
Think about it in terms of the holiday in the states this weekend. We could choose to be bitter about such an obvious ploy to raise poor sales in February or we could choose to feel grateful that we are are talking about love in the first place. That and the discounted candy after the fact are amazing perks! By utilizing choice in our life, we realize we do have a power in our happiness. By using it in Belief Re-patterning, we create a pathway to be used in every area of our lives.
I believe in what I call front loading, getting in there and creating new pathways in the brain before we are in any state of panic or confusion. The technique is fantastic when one is in those places, but if you do it before, you will have it when life happens. Now that is an act of self love. (ok, I had to get it in there somewhere, you know I did.)
So, if there was an area of your life or a message playing in your head that you would like to release, what would it be? Be honest. What isn't lining up any longer for you. Being dissatisfied isn't a permanent state. It's a way for your soul to communicate to your human self that there is more to life then settling for listening to that voice of less than.
If you could choose, and you can, to shift it and live with a supportive voice in your head, why wouldn't you? So, this Sunday, after you eat some full price chocolate, have a chat with self and decide if you are ready to invest in you.
Love the love that is you,
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