You are free to create an amazing life.

If you've been following the blog for the last few weeks, you know I have taken you through the first few steps of the Belief Re-patterning process; forgiveness, permission and choice. In each of these steps one releases, moves forward and begins to act with intention.

The next stage of the process is the Freedom place. This is a fun place for me because it is where we get to try on what the new belief systems being introduced are. I love action and this technique is so based in feeling that the actions garner immediate results. I also love results. Who doesn't love a good return of data?

When was the last time you actually realized you were free to think, be, and feel whatever you wanted?  Sure, we claim that we can because we are in a free country but most of us hide from our feelings so we never really feel completely open to explore what might be the most amazing place of all... our own potential.

I have said before that the Belief Re-patterning that I became certified in via Suze Casey, the developer of the process, added a tool to my kit that allowed me to be completely present when Howard was going through his last tour of Baystate Hospital. When the nurses and doctors asked me how I could be so calm, I told them I front loaded with the process so my brain was ready and able to handle the information I was receiving and my emotions were grounded enough that I could understand the magnitude of the situation without needing a room myself. That and my daily run through the hood allowed me to be my best self when he needed me to be and to continue it afterwards when I needed me to be.

It has been six months since Howard passed. Six months! That both flew by and feels like it's been years. While I have my moments and man, do I miss my friend, I am upright and taking nourishment as he would say when asked how he was, and I am doing quite well.  I KNOW it has to do with the pathways I created in my brain to support my emotions through this process. That is why I get so excited about it and want everyone to do it and use it in their own lives so maybe, just maybe, we can have peace within and then have that extend out.

Someone said to me today that I was so brave to go through this. Me not having much of an edit button lately, said, well, what other choice do I have? I can't bring him back and wouldn't even if I could, because it is his journey to take. Then I quickly said, you know what? I do have a choice. I could have fallen apart and stayed in my own hurt and disbelief and created a great big bowl of poor me soup, but I didn't. That isn't really my personality anyway, but I was able to act otherwise because I knew on some level that I have a choice in how I feel and I opt to exercise the choice of feeling appreciative.

I am free to feel these things. I am free to recognize the love I was blessed to have and even to know the frustration of being with someone who didn't want to be in this realm anymore.

In the freedom stage of Belief Re-patterning we are able to feel the power of who we are and to try on a little bit more of the self-support it can take to be human. We are free to feel the possibility of life and add that to our own potential for a very successful combination.

There is energy in everything and when I work with a client they will often say at this stage they can feel their energy rising up and practically vibrating. As someone who lives being able to discern all of the vibrations in the universe, that makes me absolutely giddy for others to feel.

Think about your own life right now. Is there some area that you know is not how you would like it to be but you are confused about how to shift it? Or, can you see the possibility but can't get out of your own proverbial way? Then you would love the freedom place. Well, you would most likely appreciate all the other steps too but, freedom would have you feeling amazing. So, let's say it is about your work life that you would like to improve, we may progress this way:
  • "I forgive myself for believing I have to remain in a position that does not support me any longer." 
  • "I give myself permission to release _________" (whatever emotion is keeping you feeling stuck). 
  • "I can choose to stay in the ______ place or I can choose to be excited about new possibilities. I choose to be excited."
  • "I am free to explore the idea of a job that supports me financially, emotionally and spiritually." 
We may use a few more statements in each stage, but this will give you an idea of how it may progress. There are two more steps after this one that affirm and support the new beliefs being created. 

Wouldn't you love to have a method that supports you and creates a calm, supportive way of being?  I would love for you to have that. You are free to have that, I promise. 

I am free to believe you rock, 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you once again! Instead of the poor me soup I will go for the fresh spring veggie of possibility soup.
