Have a headache? It could be because you haven't had enough water or you have tension and are wearing your shoulders like earrings. It could also mean that your skeleton needs some attention and an adjustment. There is also the possibility that you are avoiding thinking about an area of your life and your head is saying "umm, hello? Hi! If you use me to address that issue, I will ease up and not have to cramp you like a vise grip squeezing your head. Just a thought. It's what I am here for."
Have heart palpitations? Yes, it could be your addiction to caffeine but it could also be that you are hurting and not allowing yourself to feel all of the emotions because they seem too great. I have personal experience with this one lately. My body was trying to tell me that while I thought I was relaxing and allowing the emotions to flow, I wasn't at the level I was now capable of. Of course, we have to follow due diligence and go to the doctor to have the physical vessel checked, but being aware it is giving you feedback can help to alleviate the issue before it becomes a true medical problem. I am very fortunate, because I won't settle for less, to have a medical practitioner who will hear me when I say that I believe it is emotional and a deficiency of minerals, but we have to check out the ole pumper as well. I am so excited to do the stress test! Talk about tangible feedback!
What this recent visit to communication with my body reminded me is that we have pathways that have been created from previous experiences and if we listen to them, we can shift and really be in alignment with self. The feedback loop that is created is like a great conversation. One being talking. The other listening. Then taking turns. What you give in a conversation comes back if you are willing to listen. Truly listen. In a session with someone this is what I do the best, I believe. I listen to their words, their body, their soul and their energy field. One may not know what is being said by their body, mind or soul and it's my job to help figure that out and then change the pathway that will change the perception that then changes the habit... Exciting, isn't it?
For the sake of practice today, let's stay with the body. What is it trying to tell you? Do a body scan and see what organs, muscles, bones or systems are talking to you. Yes it will feel weird at first, we have been taught to think of our body as a secondary consideration. A vehicle that gets us to from point A to point B but it is so much more than that. If your car made a clunking sound, you would try to figure that out wouldn't you?
We are quick to jump to a prescription and a diagnosis in this society. What if you listened to the messages and then created a working plan from there? For my seemingly broken heart I could stress out more, demand a prescription and a diagnosis, or I could listen, take steps to change how I was responding to life and accept that this process is not an overnight one and that I can learn sooooooo much by opening my inner ears to hear what my heart needs. It works people, and if you can't hear yourself, that is fine. Locate a practitioner that can help you hear what your body, mind and soul are telling you. Then take it from there. Drive your own feedback vehicle.
Feedback. I love feedback. It is the data that makes my brain so happy, the action my body likes and the acceptance my soul is here to learn. It is also the knowing that I have the tools to have them all work so well together. So can you.
Grab your toolkit, we are going in!
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