Surrender to the idea you are amazing.

Do you ever want to toss up whatever is going on around and within you to the stars, Gods, angels, guides, person on the side of the road as you realize life is a little bit too much right now and you don't want to carry it at this moment?  I trust if you are human, you have felt this. I hope if you are human, you have done this. I also hope you have felt the relief that can come from surrendering. Realizing the truth that we really have no control over anything except how we carry ourselves, can be so freeing.

The final stage of Belief Re-patterning is called Surrender. Now, the first visual of that may be a suspect who puts their hands up and stops fighting with an official, but how I see it is an "oh, thank goodness, someone else is going to take my worries and carry them away" action. According to Suze Casey, the developer of Belief Re-patterning "the Surrender stage is about accepting a new truth for yourself. It's the declaration: This is the way I create my world! This is who I really am."  I love the way she says it so succinctly because this is what I feel I help people with the most; learning and being who they really are.

Surrendering in this way is not about giving away your power but rather about giving away those beliefs and patterns that are no longer serving you. For me recently, it was about releasing a thought pattern that if I wasn't producing, I wasn't being valuable. I have said so many times to people there is divine timing. I truly believe that too but wasn't applying it to myself in order to allow space to be. Space to surrender to what my newly wired brain wants for me. Peace, accomplishment sure, along with peace. ahhhhhhhhhhh

So, after we travel through the other steps of the process, and a bit of breathing, we arrive in the place of surrender where we cease resisting our true selves. Much like in yoga, if you resist in a pose, you will never be able to deepen it. You've got to be willing to trust in the new muscles and flexibility you have developed to reach a bit further, to deepen the love of self and to relax. One of the best poses in yoga to me is savastana, or corpse pose. One because it signals the end of the practice for that moment and two because it took me a long time to be able to surrender, let go and melt into the floor and allow it to support me. Tense at the end of yoga. Yup, if I can shift that way of being, anyone can!

The act of surrendering opens us up to our true worth. Wouldn't that be so lovely to feel on a consistent, natural basis?  I want that for you. I hope you want that for you too. My dream is to help people realize how much they matter and that they have a value in being themselves. I had to learn that within myself, and it's still growing thankfully, to help others. I hope this walk through the steps of Belief Re-patterning process has intrigued you, got you thinking and perhaps entered an idea that you too would love to live in a peaceful, fun, belief in self, confident, contributory self. You can do it, you know.

Combining all the steps of the technique allows for a supportive subconscious. One that operates from a place of coaching you along, recognizing where a shift in gears could happen, shifts and then supports the new space. We are always growing in this eternal process we agreed to. Wouldn't it be nice to have a system like Belief Re-patterning that grows with you?  You can and now that you know a bit more about it, perhaps you will give it to self. 

I believe in you,

P.S.  I am offering a complimentary Belief Re-patterning event on Tuesday, April 12th at 6:00 pm.   Seating is limited, so be sure to call the office (413) 499-9791 or email to reserve a seat.


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