Being alone; maybe you could give it a go?

I've been thinking about this a lot for the last few years. It doesn't consume me or anything, more like a lingering thought that circles around so often that you think, perhaps I should look at this! The this is our challenge with being alone in this time in our existence. I'm grateful for the wondering about it because it gave me the idea that I would benefit from getting good with my own company. It also made me realize the falsehood we are fed that as long as we have someone, people, companions, partners, a goldfish; we are good to go. Well, life has shown me otherwise this year and I am thankful.

I'll tell you why I am thankful. I have realized that we are always alone and that is freaking exciting to me. This isn't meant to depress you, and if it does, well, you may want to look at if you like your own company, truly like it. It is meant to empower and maybe bring some relief because I believe we all feel this on some level and aren't willing to speak of it. That suppressed energy creates anxiety. I'm not a fan of anxiety, so give me a task that can help me to not feel that and I am all over it!

Yes, we come in through someone’s uterus, but we are essentially a soul borrowing a human form while trying to balance all that goes with that job. That soul, even though connected to so many, far beyond what we can even comprehend, is still alone. It has decided to do a journey (sorry Phil, I had to use the word. He's not a big fan. :)). In this journey, it has committed to learning as much as it can while aligning with its intention to serve in some capacity on this planet. Call me silly but that makes me so stinking excited. Somewhere in all the infinite intelligence in the universe, my soul trusted me to learn how to be my own self in this lifetime and to grasp the concept that while I love having people in my life, they do not make my life. I do.

I see many people in the transition phases of their life. It is what, I am told, I am most gifted at helping people with. We are always in some transition of some type in our lives, but some are noticeably bigger than others. Buying a new pair of shoes is a transition (especially if you run. Holy moly are there a lot of choices!) but this isn't nearly as big a transition as when someone crosses, we get fired, divorced, move, or change direction in life. These transitions in themselves show us that life doesn't stand still and again, even if there is another person involved, the spouse that you are divorcing perhaps, the friend that you no longer align with, the cat that decide that it was complete with all of its nine lives in this lifetime, so many variables and yet; we are still alone in how we are processing the transition.

A friend of mine told me after her former husband passed there was a lot of people around, attention and support and then.....crickets. Silence. I have to tell you, this was some of the best news for me after Howard passed because I longed for my time to myself. I wanted that transition time to be mine so I could further figure out who I was becoming. When I got to the cricket stage, because my life is not others responsibility, they were doing their alone journey, I was sad initially and then remembered, oh yeah! This is what I was looking forward to exploring. I decided to make my crickets an orchestra and allowed them to play the most amazing music ever. They accompanied my joining up with my soul and being peaceful in that.

What happens to you when I suggest that you may be alone on this flight around this lifetime? Does it totally freak you out? It's ok if it does but DO NOT SIT IN THAT FREAK OUT. Recognize that it makes you nervous and perhaps ask why? I promise you, your soul is brilliant in choosing to come into this lifetime to learn this as well. We all did. Hmmm, perhaps in that we are not alone.

What happens when I suggest that even though the person you sign an agreement, license, lease, soul contract with has every right to want to be alone too? What if you step back and rather than seeing them as the person you thought would never leave or change their mind, is a soul doing their journey to alone? Their journey to learning who they are and the time with you has helped, but they must move on to do more of it? Doesn't that feel a little better than the ego rant you've been on about them leaving you, or you not being worthy, yada yada yada?  Plus, it's true. Who are we to say someone must stay to make us feel secure?

Do you know the difference between alone and lonely? Lonely is a sadness created from being apart from others where alone is simply being apart from others. There is a distinction there. They may both be, by definition similar, but one has a deficit to it; lonely. It has the component of sadness. That perhaps our happiness can only come from being with others? If you learn the distinction in what you are feeling, you may just find that alone feels amazing! Did you also know that alone is defined as being without equal or unique according to Webster’s Dictionary? I LOVE that. There is no other you! You are unique and by being alone, and accepting alone to be a good thing, you can learn to really appreciate that.

I wish you a most blessed discovery of your alone space. If you need help navigating that, you know where to find me. I would be happy to help shift the limiting belief system and help you realize the relationship with self is a most precious commodity.

Using some of my alone time to ponder,

1 comment:

  1. Perfect for me. Alone time is good and I am just discovering my new me space. One of my smart daughters told me,"Mom, you are an extrovert, you get your energy from people but you need your alone space to digest it all." It's all about balance. I try not to live in the "lonely place" although, let's face it, the missing place is deep.There is a lot to miss in that empty space but I am moving forward, one little step at a time. Thanks Vicki <3
