For a few weeks now I have been grappling with how to describe my work. As I expand my business to include the Belief Re-patterning and am being called on to do more team building in offices, I felt a desire to become more concise in explaining what I offer. It hasn't been easy. First of all because while I know I provide a great service, I don't really see it as that big of a deal. I'm being me. This is me offering what I know and loving helping people grow and believe in themselves. How do you label that? No, really, if anyone has an idea, feel free to send it along. :)

Second of all, I realized it is not that easy to toot your own horn! I've certainly suggested to people to do this and do it proud but when it came to listing what I offer, I found a resistance there to doing so myself. One of the reasons my business is so successful is because I walk the walk, so I've been told. So, I walked my buns right into a re-patterning session with myself. Why does this work? Well, because it allows me to recognize that I had a resistance and rather than lament, I could shift it. By doing the breathing and statements that make up a session, I was able to, quite quickly, move to a feeling of acceptance and even excitement around tooting. Toot toot! 

See why I love this technique? Once you learn it, it is portable and applicable to any situation. When I work with clients, the blending of the technique with my ability to feel deep into a situation allows for exponential growth but most importantly, a feeling of calm and possibility for the client. I realized a few years ago that I wanted to be able to offer that to those coming to me for help. I wanted them to feel what I knew about them and be able to apply it in life and therefore create amazing relationships and opportunities. (See how I tooted my own horn there? Twelve years of music practice is coming back to support me!)

So, while I was talking with a client today I used the analogy of scaffolding. In her life she needed to create some support and while she didn't need to lean on it like a crutch, she would benefit from knowing it was there. I was curious when I finished my work today to see what the definition of scaffolding was in other contexts besides what we know of construction. Here is what I found from; Scaffolding is a teaching approach that moves students progressively toward a strong understanding, skill acquisition and learning independence.  Like physical scaffolding, the supportive strategies are incrementally removed when they are no longer needed, and the teacher gradually shifts more responsibility over the learning process to the student.   

Well, shoot, all this time I've been scaffolding! Obviously replacing student with client, friend, family member and anyone else who may have heard me chatter on. It makes so much sense because I never wanted to be anyone's crutch. I believe everyone knows what to do and how to do it but they may not know the way to do it. Whatever IT is in their life. For whatever reason, I have been given a gift of seeing how to get there and a desire to help support people while they are on their way. 

Isn't self discovery a lot of fun? No? It's not? Then you are looking to the lower vibration of life rather than the one that is in alignment with life's true intention, fun and love. This can be re-patterned because it is something you learned, probably before the age of six, and not who you really are. Old beliefs can be released while new ones are formed. Our brains, body and souls are amazing like that. They can learn new ways of being and thrive if we are willing to look at what isn't in alignment in the first place. 

If you had to describe yourself in a positive manner right now, could you do it? Could you toot your own horn? Could we get an ensemble going? I'm talking about self-esteem and confidence not bravado and self centered. A healthy sense of self and belief in that self is what encourages us to try new things, to meet new people, or to travel. I love to travel. 

I am going to ask you to list five things that are positive or supportive about yourself and really enjoy the fact that you are doing it. Be easy about the process. The first five things that come to mind. Do you cook well? Do you laugh easily? Do you have amazing legs? Do babies love you? Whatever it is, be willing to write it down and then celebrate those qualities. That is a fantastic starting point! Go you!

I am still not sure what that label will be on my next brochure, but I do know this, the clarity I found through being willing to look at what felt scary, doing a re-patterning, and sharing it with you, is what is really meant by it's all about the journey, not the destination. 

Traveling on, 

It is great to be prepared. That is why most of us purchase the original AAA coverage but I'm wondering how many of you have purchased the AAA belief pattern? 

I'm talking about Aquired Age Anxiety. This week alone I talked with five people who have purchased this policy and didn't even know they were paying for it. 

This AAA is where you believe, through an acquired belief system, one you've learned though parents, teachers, society etc., that once you've reached a certain age there are automatic road blocks. 

As with any policy, people are able to fine tune the coverage they want. Some will start at 21 with the belief they can drink legally now and make fools of themselves. This second part is a rider added by certain individuals, but not all, and doesn't always stop at 21. 

Around this same age is a freaking out that adulthood is here and I better get my butt moving. Some will. Others will tread water because they are denying what they've seen in anothers policies and they want no part of that. 

The next seems to be around thirty with "what have I really accomplished?" Look at so and so, they've done so much! Then it's the forty and panic about a number and on and on. I really don't understand this because as I see through my work, each day could be your last physical one in this lifetime. Would you really want to spend it lamenting about what could happen in a limiting sense?

The longer we live, the longer people are purchasing policies. This is great because it means the longer we have to change up this mindset that a number has power over us. 

It is also very challenging for some because they are using someone else's policy. The anxiety policy. The, I'm going to be fifty and don't like my life but woe is me, it's too late to change anything now. It makes me want to remove the hand they've attached to their forehead with Velcro and say "snap out of it!"

By virtue of definition, if you have something acquired, you have gotten it from someone else. PUT...IT...DOWN!  As your parents said, if it's not yours, leave it alone. 

Since we are living longer and longer, doesn't it stand to reason that we could enjoy it rather than lament on it? You only run in to your own road blocks. If you are the one buying the policy, doesn't it make sense to not put those puppies in there?

I understand it may be challenging to shift a belief system that's in there. It is why I studied Belief Re-patterning in the first place. I know we can get some embedded in there that aren't serving us and could use someone to change that flat tire. While I'm no mechanic, I know how to change a belief tire. I can even give you a tow to the next vibrational level.  

Ask yourself where you may be using someone else's policy and become clear about how you would like to write yours.  I know that after I turned 38 things got better and better. Was it always easy?  No. I had my own flats to change but lament about the age I am? Not a chance as I have a say over how I live, whether it is for a day or decades. 

So, if you wish, trade in that policy you have and create a new one. One that says I embrace my experience and trust that others will as well. 

Awesome Age Acceptance is also a AAA. Let us see if we can get that belief system to catch on, shall we? 

Rocking 45 like the gift it is,
One of the greatest gifts I believe we have as humans is the ability to make a choice. Even before I started doing the Belief Re-patterning training I loved that I could choose how to respond to a situation. I could choose to eat breakfast or not. I could choose to talk with someone or I could call them back (thank you voicemail). I could choose to apply myself or I could choose not to but the idea that it was a choice was always there. After working with the material during my certification, I have an even deeper appreciation of the word. You see, as part of the technique, I gave myself the gift of no guilt. I also get to help others to recognize they have choice too. I love that.

Our subconscious is so powerful and if we were led to believe we didn't have a choice, we can follow what was demonstrated for us, often in a place of lack. We have no choice about life....we do. We have no choice about bettering our life....we do. However, if the brain has been taught we don't, it will benefit from help to show it we do in fact have a say in how wonderful or crappy our life is. It is a relatively easy process and one I am so grateful to know because it helped me so much this past weekend.

Every week Donna reminds me I have a blog due on Sunday and Wednesday. Thank you Donna. Every week I intend to have them written ahead of time so it doesn't hold her up in posting the newsletter. I even accomplished this; one week in a row! A few months ago. I'm so proud of myself. The challenge comes in I often feel the energy to see what all of you could benefit in hearing so to force a topic just doesn't work for me at this time. Here is where the choice came in; I did not want to write this weekend. Nope, nada, not going to happen. Oh, I tried. I sat down several times and even had some topics that would have worked but I couldn't get my fingers to type it up. Not because I didn't want to write but because I was exhausted. Too pooped to pop. The words would have been drivel and I didn't want to put out junk. So, I made the choice to be easy with me and not write.

In doing that I had to be ok with the emails asking me where the blog was. I had to be balanced in my inner coach so when the inner critic wanted to talk, I would have a nice but firm response. My response was, I don't want to so I am choosing not to. No one is going to stop breathing because I didn't blog or because I didn't study for this weeks class or because I haven't updated the classes on the website yet. Nope, pretty sure there will be breathing going on all over the world. So, I chose to clean a bit, visit with friends, get a massage, take a nap and walk the dog, not necessarily in that order.

I chose me over obligation and responsibility and you know what? It felt pretty good. I was able to rest and restore and come to the conclusion that as long as I am over eighteen every time I check my drivers license, I can do what I wish. Years ago I would have given into the guilt of saying I would post twice a week and that people were depending on me. I'm so glad I found the re-patterning work and myself as it has practically eliminated the woulda, coulda, shoulda's in my life. I get to make and live my life from an authentic place and I am so grateful for that.

Do you ever choose you? Can you respect that our cute brains like a choice, black or white, up or down, rest or write? When you give yourself a choice, the whole subconscious relaxes. Isn't it nice to relax? The next time you are presented with a perceived obligation, stop for a moment and check in with yourself to see if you would choose to do whatever it is or if you are doing it because you feel like you are supposed to. Hint: if you want to it is in alignment with yourself, if you feel you are supposed to it is fed with guilt. Please feed the kids though, they get really cranky if you don't.

Some circumstances are not open to the do it or not do it option but how you feel when you do them is a choice. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to go with the flow and see how it turns out.  If making decisions is challenging for you, give me a call as I'd love to help you learn to love choices too!

Choosing to love my life,

The definition of believe is to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.  I love this because there is so much wiggle room there.  I can believe whatever I want and don't have to have proof.  This is pretty much how I live my life.  If I had waited for proof, I would have never done my first reading.  We wouldn't have the house we have that I love so much in her 1800s glory (and draftiness) that our Realtor believed was not a good fit for us.  I wouldn't have the fun I have every day believing in the seemingly unseen.

I was on my way into work this morning and I kept hearing the song written by Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham, Jimmy Shirl and Al Stillman in 1953, I Believe.  It is the one that starts with "I believe that for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows."  Anyone who was in chorus in Pine Plains, NY knows this song.  It was a favorite of the choir director, Ms. Midthun.  Who knew thirty years later I would reference it?  I believe she may be still singing it!  I am grateful as I do believe the words of the song, written to give people hope during a time of war.  I trust these messages.  I listen to them because I believe there is power in words and there are many opportunities for us to bring ourselves back to the present and into a place of peace.

We have recently celebrated the holidays where belief abounds and already people are complaining about life again.  Seriously?  Sometimes it takes all I have not to yell, you don't have it so bad!  Yes, it's cold but you have a coat on and a hot coffee in your hands. Zip it!  Then... I breathe and start singing, I believe for every drop of rain that falls...

I use this method as well as an attitude of gratitude to get me back on track when I feel like I may join those that have lost their compass that points to their own gratitude spot. Another way to shift that is to list what you believe:

  • I believe everyone has greatness in them.
  • I believe all deserve the very best and we are here to have fun, not suffer. 
  • I believe puppy breath is just amazing. 
  • I believe children have the best laughs ever. 
  • I believe music can heal the soul.
  • I believe embracing a day, rather than greeting it with, oh crap, makes for a wonderful start. 
  • I believe that when we invest ourselves, we get back the greatest gift of self esteem and a happy dance. 
  • I believe when I hurt that is on me and no one else. It is my responsibility to heal me.
  • I believe I will run that half marathon this year. I believe I am a little crazy to do so, but I still believe in me. 
  • I believe you reading this is a gift I could never repay but I also know it isn't my job to do so. My job is to be the best soul and person I can be and in doing that, I attracted you to this blog. Go us!
  • I believe if you look someone straight in the eye, you can see their essence and if they can't, you can reflect your belief that they matter to them. 
  • I believe in saying hi to people I don't know. It might be the only hi they got that day and I love that exchange. 
  • I love a good one liner and believe in the healing power of laughter. 

These are just a few of my beliefs. Won't you list yours today and connect with self and feel who you are and perhaps not what others have suggested you are or you have come to believe because of another's words? I believe you can. 

Believing in you,

With all the talk about a new year starting and a chance to change things up I was thinking the other day about those that have the lucky life. Admit it, you have looked at others and thought, man, they are so lucky. They have "it" all. They step in "it" and come out smelling like a rose. We've all thought it or said it but what does lucky mean anyway?

I have read for those that have unlimited wealth and others that save up to come see me. I have spent time with people who some would say were lucky as they look at the exterior of things, but have had some of the most challenging paths I have ever heard. I have been that person that others say is so lucky because things seem to come easy to me, but in reality what is really going on is those that seem to have it all are really in alignment.

Whether one is aware of what being in alignment means, or not, the wonderful law of attraction is in action. All things in the universe are great big magnets including humans, especially humans. We draw to us our experiences. Some people don't want to hear that because it means taking responsibility for their emotions and thoughts. Maybe you are one of those people and that is fine, it really is, it is your life after all. Feel free to be someone who continues to look at others and lament how they have it better. could ask how can I be in alignment and be observing how blessed I really am?

Luck to me seems so random, like the lottery, but blessed includes oneself in the process and is available to all. Isn't that fun?

So, to be in alignment one only has to be willing to admit when they feel good and decide to shift if they don't. Easy peasy right? Not so much. Often it is really challenging to admit when we don't like how we are living or how we are feeling. I believe this is because most don't take the time to ask themselves who they are and if they remember ever being in alignment. It really is ok, but if you want to feel blessed and increase what is great in your life, you have to pay attention to yourself. There really isn't any other way around it. So, shall we get to it then?

Chat with yourself:
  • Do I like me? Would I want to hang around with me?
  • If I were to treat me like one of my friends, what would I do for me?
  • The one thing that isn't in alignment (feels right) right now is ________________.
  • One thing I could do to help it be in alignment is ____________________.
  • I will do this by _______(this afternoon, tomorrow, one week).
  • Would I talk to my loved ones the way I talk to me in my head?
Being lined up with self is a lifelong process. It is not something you do once and walk away from. It is always in transition and once you get good with that, it is a lot of fun. Energy doesn't stand still, why should you?

I know I am blessed and I know how much effort I put into being in alignment. One of the ways I do that is I no longer do things because others expect me to. If it doesn't feel right in my gut, I don't do it regardless of how another may feel. After all, how they feel about me is none of my business! Of course I pay my bills and show up to what I've committed to but dinners I don't want to attend, nope, committees I don't want to be on, nope, donations I no longer want to make, nope. It is very freeing to be able to make decisions about how you feel rather than guilt or obligation, it is also authentic and in alignment. When those elements are there, you have a recipe for success. Success others may call luck, but we know differently, don't we?

Blessed to know you,