It is great to be prepared. That is why most of us purchase the original AAA coverage but I'm wondering how many of you have purchased the AAA belief pattern?
I'm talking about Aquired Age Anxiety. This week alone I talked with five people who have purchased this policy and didn't even know they were paying for it.
This AAA is where you believe, through an acquired belief system, one you've learned though parents, teachers, society etc., that once you've reached a certain age there are automatic road blocks.
As with any policy, people are able to fine tune the coverage they want. Some will start at 21 with the belief they can drink legally now and make fools of themselves. This second part is a rider added by certain individuals, but not all, and doesn't always stop at 21.
Around this same age is a freaking out that adulthood is here and I better get my butt moving. Some will. Others will tread water because they are denying what they've seen in anothers policies and they want no part of that.
The next seems to be around thirty with "what have I really accomplished?" Look at so and so, they've done so much! Then it's the forty and panic about a number and on and on. I really don't understand this because as I see through my work, each day could be your last physical one in this lifetime. Would you really want to spend it lamenting about what could happen in a limiting sense?
The longer we live, the longer people are purchasing policies. This is great because it means the longer we have to change up this mindset that a number has power over us.
It is also very challenging for some because they are using someone else's policy. The anxiety policy. The, I'm going to be fifty and don't like my life but woe is me, it's too late to change anything now. It makes me want to remove the hand they've attached to their forehead with Velcro and say "snap out of it!"
By virtue of definition, if you have something acquired, you have gotten it from someone else. PUT...IT...DOWN! As your parents said, if it's not yours, leave it alone.
Since we are living longer and longer, doesn't it stand to reason that we could enjoy it rather than lament on it? You only run in to your own road blocks. If you are the one buying the policy, doesn't it make sense to not put those puppies in there?
I understand it may be challenging to shift a belief system that's in there. It is why I studied Belief Re-patterning in the first place. I know we can get some embedded in there that aren't serving us and could use someone to change that flat tire. While I'm no mechanic, I know how to change a belief tire. I can even give you a tow to the next vibrational level.
Ask yourself where you may be using someone else's policy and become clear about how you would like to write yours. I know that after I turned 38 things got better and better. Was it always easy? No. I had my own flats to change but lament about the age I am? Not a chance as I have a say over how I live, whether it is for a day or decades.
So, if you wish, trade in that policy you have and create a new one. One that says I embrace my experience and trust that others will as well.
Awesome Age Acceptance is also a AAA. Let us see if we can get that belief system to catch on, shall we?
Rocking 45 like the gift it is,
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