What's luck got to do with it?

With all the talk about a new year starting and a chance to change things up I was thinking the other day about those that have the lucky life. Admit it, you have looked at others and thought, man, they are so lucky. They have "it" all. They step in "it" and come out smelling like a rose. We've all thought it or said it but what does lucky mean anyway?

I have read for those that have unlimited wealth and others that save up to come see me. I have spent time with people who some would say were lucky as they look at the exterior of things, but have had some of the most challenging paths I have ever heard. I have been that person that others say is so lucky because things seem to come easy to me, but in reality what is really going on is those that seem to have it all are really in alignment.

Whether one is aware of what being in alignment means, or not, the wonderful law of attraction is in action. All things in the universe are great big magnets including humans, especially humans. We draw to us our experiences. Some people don't want to hear that because it means taking responsibility for their emotions and thoughts. Maybe you are one of those people and that is fine, it really is, it is your life after all. Feel free to be someone who continues to look at others and lament how they have it better. Or.....you could ask how can I be in alignment and be observing how blessed I really am?

Luck to me seems so random, like the lottery, but blessed includes oneself in the process and is available to all. Isn't that fun?

So, to be in alignment one only has to be willing to admit when they feel good and decide to shift if they don't. Easy peasy right? Not so much. Often it is really challenging to admit when we don't like how we are living or how we are feeling. I believe this is because most don't take the time to ask themselves who they are and if they remember ever being in alignment. It really is ok, but if you want to feel blessed and increase what is great in your life, you have to pay attention to yourself. There really isn't any other way around it. So, shall we get to it then?

Chat with yourself:
  • Do I like me? Would I want to hang around with me?
  • If I were to treat me like one of my friends, what would I do for me?
  • The one thing that isn't in alignment (feels right) right now is ________________.
  • One thing I could do to help it be in alignment is ____________________.
  • I will do this by _______(this afternoon, tomorrow, one week).
  • Would I talk to my loved ones the way I talk to me in my head?
Being lined up with self is a lifelong process. It is not something you do once and walk away from. It is always in transition and once you get good with that, it is a lot of fun. Energy doesn't stand still, why should you?

I know I am blessed and I know how much effort I put into being in alignment. One of the ways I do that is I no longer do things because others expect me to. If it doesn't feel right in my gut, I don't do it regardless of how another may feel. After all, how they feel about me is none of my business! Of course I pay my bills and show up to what I've committed to but dinners I don't want to attend, nope, committees I don't want to be on, nope, donations I no longer want to make, nope. It is very freeing to be able to make decisions about how you feel rather than guilt or obligation, it is also authentic and in alignment. When those elements are there, you have a recipe for success. Success others may call luck, but we know differently, don't we?

Blessed to know you,


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