Choice; it's a beautiful thing.

One of the greatest gifts I believe we have as humans is the ability to make a choice. Even before I started doing the Belief Re-patterning training I loved that I could choose how to respond to a situation. I could choose to eat breakfast or not. I could choose to talk with someone or I could call them back (thank you voicemail). I could choose to apply myself or I could choose not to but the idea that it was a choice was always there. After working with the material during my certification, I have an even deeper appreciation of the word. You see, as part of the technique, I gave myself the gift of no guilt. I also get to help others to recognize they have choice too. I love that.

Our subconscious is so powerful and if we were led to believe we didn't have a choice, we can follow what was demonstrated for us, often in a place of lack. We have no choice about life....we do. We have no choice about bettering our life....we do. However, if the brain has been taught we don't, it will benefit from help to show it we do in fact have a say in how wonderful or crappy our life is. It is a relatively easy process and one I am so grateful to know because it helped me so much this past weekend.

Every week Donna reminds me I have a blog due on Sunday and Wednesday. Thank you Donna. Every week I intend to have them written ahead of time so it doesn't hold her up in posting the newsletter. I even accomplished this; one week in a row! A few months ago. I'm so proud of myself. The challenge comes in I often feel the energy to see what all of you could benefit in hearing so to force a topic just doesn't work for me at this time. Here is where the choice came in; I did not want to write this weekend. Nope, nada, not going to happen. Oh, I tried. I sat down several times and even had some topics that would have worked but I couldn't get my fingers to type it up. Not because I didn't want to write but because I was exhausted. Too pooped to pop. The words would have been drivel and I didn't want to put out junk. So, I made the choice to be easy with me and not write.

In doing that I had to be ok with the emails asking me where the blog was. I had to be balanced in my inner coach so when the inner critic wanted to talk, I would have a nice but firm response. My response was, I don't want to so I am choosing not to. No one is going to stop breathing because I didn't blog or because I didn't study for this weeks class or because I haven't updated the classes on the website yet. Nope, pretty sure there will be breathing going on all over the world. So, I chose to clean a bit, visit with friends, get a massage, take a nap and walk the dog, not necessarily in that order.

I chose me over obligation and responsibility and you know what? It felt pretty good. I was able to rest and restore and come to the conclusion that as long as I am over eighteen every time I check my drivers license, I can do what I wish. Years ago I would have given into the guilt of saying I would post twice a week and that people were depending on me. I'm so glad I found the re-patterning work and myself as it has practically eliminated the woulda, coulda, shoulda's in my life. I get to make and live my life from an authentic place and I am so grateful for that.

Do you ever choose you? Can you respect that our cute brains like a choice, black or white, up or down, rest or write? When you give yourself a choice, the whole subconscious relaxes. Isn't it nice to relax? The next time you are presented with a perceived obligation, stop for a moment and check in with yourself to see if you would choose to do whatever it is or if you are doing it because you feel like you are supposed to. Hint: if you want to it is in alignment with yourself, if you feel you are supposed to it is fed with guilt. Please feed the kids though, they get really cranky if you don't.

Some circumstances are not open to the do it or not do it option but how you feel when you do them is a choice. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to go with the flow and see how it turns out.  If making decisions is challenging for you, give me a call as I'd love to help you learn to love choices too!

Choosing to love my life,


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