Call me scaffolding.

For a few weeks now I have been grappling with how to describe my work. As I expand my business to include the Belief Re-patterning and am being called on to do more team building in offices, I felt a desire to become more concise in explaining what I offer. It hasn't been easy. First of all because while I know I provide a great service, I don't really see it as that big of a deal. I'm being me. This is me offering what I know and loving helping people grow and believe in themselves. How do you label that? No, really, if anyone has an idea, feel free to send it along. :)

Second of all, I realized it is not that easy to toot your own horn! I've certainly suggested to people to do this and do it proud but when it came to listing what I offer, I found a resistance there to doing so myself. One of the reasons my business is so successful is because I walk the walk, so I've been told. So, I walked my buns right into a re-patterning session with myself. Why does this work? Well, because it allows me to recognize that I had a resistance and rather than lament, I could shift it. By doing the breathing and statements that make up a session, I was able to, quite quickly, move to a feeling of acceptance and even excitement around tooting. Toot toot! 

See why I love this technique? Once you learn it, it is portable and applicable to any situation. When I work with clients, the blending of the technique with my ability to feel deep into a situation allows for exponential growth but most importantly, a feeling of calm and possibility for the client. I realized a few years ago that I wanted to be able to offer that to those coming to me for help. I wanted them to feel what I knew about them and be able to apply it in life and therefore create amazing relationships and opportunities. (See how I tooted my own horn there? Twelve years of music practice is coming back to support me!)

So, while I was talking with a client today I used the analogy of scaffolding. In her life she needed to create some support and while she didn't need to lean on it like a crutch, she would benefit from knowing it was there. I was curious when I finished my work today to see what the definition of scaffolding was in other contexts besides what we know of construction. Here is what I found from; Scaffolding is a teaching approach that moves students progressively toward a strong understanding, skill acquisition and learning independence.  Like physical scaffolding, the supportive strategies are incrementally removed when they are no longer needed, and the teacher gradually shifts more responsibility over the learning process to the student.   

Well, shoot, all this time I've been scaffolding! Obviously replacing student with client, friend, family member and anyone else who may have heard me chatter on. It makes so much sense because I never wanted to be anyone's crutch. I believe everyone knows what to do and how to do it but they may not know the way to do it. Whatever IT is in their life. For whatever reason, I have been given a gift of seeing how to get there and a desire to help support people while they are on their way. 

Isn't self discovery a lot of fun? No? It's not? Then you are looking to the lower vibration of life rather than the one that is in alignment with life's true intention, fun and love. This can be re-patterned because it is something you learned, probably before the age of six, and not who you really are. Old beliefs can be released while new ones are formed. Our brains, body and souls are amazing like that. They can learn new ways of being and thrive if we are willing to look at what isn't in alignment in the first place. 

If you had to describe yourself in a positive manner right now, could you do it? Could you toot your own horn? Could we get an ensemble going? I'm talking about self-esteem and confidence not bravado and self centered. A healthy sense of self and belief in that self is what encourages us to try new things, to meet new people, or to travel. I love to travel. 

I am going to ask you to list five things that are positive or supportive about yourself and really enjoy the fact that you are doing it. Be easy about the process. The first five things that come to mind. Do you cook well? Do you laugh easily? Do you have amazing legs? Do babies love you? Whatever it is, be willing to write it down and then celebrate those qualities. That is a fantastic starting point! Go you!

I am still not sure what that label will be on my next brochure, but I do know this, the clarity I found through being willing to look at what felt scary, doing a re-patterning, and sharing it with you, is what is really meant by it's all about the journey, not the destination. 

Traveling on, 


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