What if life is more than a watch battery?

Lately, I've had this fascinating pain in my left shoulder. Since I am well versed in energetic causes of pain, I did my due diligence to look at all the emotional reasons it could be bothering me so much. I see it as a bit of a treasure hunt. You can actually feel the pain let up when you are close to releasing the issue and tighten when you are ignoring it or brushing it off.  While the emotional and energetic excavation was going on, I supported it with care from my team of keep Vicki thriving practitioners.  As mentioned in a previous blog, it took a lot of practice and re-patterning to be able to allow myself the care necessary to live the life I do being wired as I am.  Part of the team is an over the counter TENS unit.  I love this puppy!

A TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit provides stimulation to the nerve endings that are sending messages to your brain saying "um excuse me, you seem to have some unshed issues here and I'd like to draw your attention to them" and does it well.  In a former occupation, I used to dispense the machines, now I go to CVS and buy one to use at home.  I also receive this when my chiropractor deems it necessary in his office.  Anyhoo, I was using the unit to help my cute shoulder that was trying to help me see my issues in my tissues and it needed a new battery.  When I changed it out, and it didn't work because I had it in backwards, I had an "a ha" moment about the two sides to a battery.

We are all familiar with the positive and negative ends or sides to a battery.  Please don't ask me about a car battery, that still stumps me.  So, this battery that I had to replace had it's positive sign and negative sign.  After I figured out how to get it in the machine.  I thought well, hell, we aren't batteries so why do we divide things up into negative and positive?

I hear on an almost daily basis someone saying "I am trying to be more positive."  "I use positive affirmations and they don't work."  "I tell people I don't want to hear the negative in life."  Well, what if there aren't two sides to how we see our emotions, experiences or challenges?  What if we stopped separating them and cut to the chase of "this is how I feel, this is what it is and this is where I'd like to be."

What is positive and negative anyway?  What I may think of a completely supportive process, another person may think it stinks.  I took my older sister to work out with me one night and while she did very well, as we were leaving she said, "I am never doing that again.  You are insane."  I thought it was very funny and complimented her on her stamina and ability to make a choice.  In this circumstance, there is no side to be chosen. She has every right to not want to do that again and I have every right to enjoy it and do it twice a week. (ok, I don't always enjoy it.  This week was hard!)
  • What if instead of trying to quantify our experiences we learn from them, move through them and assessed life from an "I like that place"?
  • What if we stopped trying to convince others that if they don't like what we are doing, that we have to discuss it, argue about it or think our relationships are lost causes?
  • What if we gave ourselves permission to see all experiences as opportunities to assess our I like that meter and adjust accordingly?
Yes, some experiences are going to hurt.  They are going to really, really stink but most of the time, those are the experiences we look back on and say, wow, I am totally amazeballs and lived to tell of it.

For this week, as we celebrate living in this amazing United States of America (for those of you who are in other countries, celebrate your home as well) why don't we see how fortunate we are, how fantastically diverse we are and what opportunities we have to grow everyday without restriction.  No matter your circumstances, you are the only one who can restrict your thoughts and can limit yourself to descriptions of positive and negative.  There are so many colors in between, why aren't we using them all?

  • A couple of statements to help you; "I forgive myself for believing life only comes in positive and negative descriptions."
  • "I give myself permission to see the amazing opportunities in my life."
  • "I choose to be open to appreciating all of my experiences and what I can learn from them." 
  • "I am learning to see my world as open and expansive."
  • "I am so grateful to my forefathers who believed anything is possible."
I wish you the best of weeks as you open up to having more sides than a watch battery.

Charging through life,


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