Guess what I forgot?

I completely forgot I wrote a book. I mean, I know I wrote one, I have it on my shelf and I get a royalty deposit in my account whenever someone wonderful purchases one. However, it wasn't promoted to it's highest degree as life got a bit complicated around the time it was published.  Like, my husband had MAJOR surgery, our house was de-leaded and renovated, and I had three businesses to run.  In hindsight, perhaps not the best laid plan but hey, I know I can do amazing things in any situation and I am really proud to have something in print. 

How does this effect you? Well, I decided having the book sit on the shelf isn't doing anyone any good, so you will see chapters (don't worry, they are short, bite size pieces of Vicki to go.) showing up in every other blog. You can also purchase it through Amazon  or come see me if you like the old fashioned paper version. 

The book is called, Everyone has an IT, a guide to Accept, Accentuate and Appreciate Yours.  Here is the explanation of that title, as well as, the intro to the series of chapters:

Everyone has an It. What it is isn’t necessarily known, but we all have one. What is your it? Do you even know if you have one? If you did, would you want to name it, claim it or blame it? Where could you take your it? Would you want to display it? Would you want others to even know you have one?

Well that would depend on where you are in accepting of self and all the wonderful things that goes with finding out who you are and how many its you have. You see, ITs don’t discriminate. They are like belly buttons, everyone has had one at one time and probably didn’t pay too much attention to it...until they realized someone else had one and wondered “is mine the same? Is mine missing something? Is mine defective? What would THEY say about mine?”

As random as it may sound it resonated didn’t it? You started thinking about what was yours like and does it compare. Silly really when it is our individuality that makes this universe go around and around. Diversity being one of the most exciting things we have going for us as souls. The intention of this book is to help you not only identify what it is you have but to become so comfortable in having an IT that you relish in finding more. Each time you realize you have something that is calling to you, you get excited because that is one more layer of truth and individuality you can uncover. How exciting would it be to be able to look at your IT’s and celebrate them or at least refrain from groaning in their presence.

So, what exactly is an IT? An IT is individual as well as a group of the wonderful characteristics, thought patterns, belief systems and behaviors that have been cultivated during your journey. It can be a great thing, like Inner Truth, or it can be a great thing like an Inner Trickster. Ahhh, you thought I was going to say a bad thing didn’t you? Nope, just because something comes up that isn’t in the most favorable light does it mean it is a bad thing. This is what I would like to help you shift your belief and patterns around. There isn’t anything bad or negative about you or who you are. While there may be some stuff that could benefit from tweaking a bit, it isn’t bad. All of us got to be who we are through the various experiences in our lives and when we accept that and realize we can only move from today, the load gets a bit lighter and the journey gets to be more fun.

When one considers that although we all have different packaging, there is a lot in common underneath, there is often a similarity in our behaviors and our actions. I am not a mental health professional but I have seen my share of individuals in an advising capacity and one thing I have come to notice is just how a like we really are. Individuality is a wonderful thing and I know how special each person’s soul is and honor that uniqueness. It has been my observation though, that while searching for that special sense of self, that we tend to mimic patterns and behaviors and downright quirky trends. One only has to look to the news programs or tabloids to realize how much we all want to be alike while striving for our own sense of self.

It is in this observation that I asked myself, what is IT that makes us all have it, want it, create it and live it? Why is it that we don’t always want to admit we have one too? In this compilation of stories and experiences and techniques, I hope to help you become comfortable with your It and perhaps even be able to embrace whatever it is you are working on enhancing, creating, releasing, challenging, and believing.

This work was created to be taken in bite size pieces. You can read it all the way through and then go back or you can take it one chapter at a time. You could even skip around if you would like. Each chapter is designed to open with an idea, discover who you are through the process and then close with an affirmation that you are wonderful in whatever you were able to offer that day, week, month or longer if you wish. See, it is all about choice. I thank you for choosing to read this book and I appreciate you being a part of my journey.

I hope you enjoyed the first entry. Please let me know what you feel and if you'd like more! :)

Consistently accentuating my It's, 



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