Mama mia, give me the scissors!

Have you felt a bit off lately? Perhaps a bit more tired than usual and a tad more, shall we say, touchy? Well, I hear ya and have had the duct tape nearby in case I needed to tape the mouth shut. Self awareness is a great thing. I am often appreciative of the push the universal energy gives me to look at my stuff and this one feels very pushy. I have had a pain in my left shoulder for going on three weeks now. I am not impressed. I knew it was emotional in nature, as all of our issues start as, and have been peeling away the layers to see what it was and if the finger that was in my shoulder could possibly get the hell out!

I feel like I could have a ticker like Twitter where I could tell of what is trending. Now, it is not going to be regarding Hollywood or the music scene but it will be what is trending in peoples lives, energetically. This last month has been all about the mother relationship. I saw it in quite a few people but still hadn't really put the connection together that we were in a universal pattern until I got a whammy awareness about my own stuff as related to my mother while in a craniosacral session. My physical therapist could practically smell my brain smoking as I put it all together. I won't get into all the details but suffice it to say I was seeing the relationship as more than hearts and unicorns as my accepting mind wanted to see it all these years. *palm to the forehead*

The universal pattern? Recognizing ourselves as separate from our mothers. Of course we are all walking around without the umbilical cord attached but I was seeing the relationships in a whole new way. When we are born, there is a removing of the umbilical cord as we take our first breaths on our own. Whether we remain with our birth mothers or go on to our chosen parents, the experience is going to be the same. I have been seeing the people I was meeting with, an energetic cord that was still attached to our mothers. I joked with one woman that we could all get together and do a ceremonial cord cutting with our adult selves being the holder of the scissors.

This process is one that I feel is fantastic but it is a bit discombobulating at the same time. I have known something was happening regarding my process both as a mother and having been mothered but I chalked it up to the "I am always looking to see where I can improve and how I can participate in this world most authentically" process. To be clear, removing this energetic cord doesn't remove the person from your life. It does though, help us to be able to see ourselves as individual souls and thereby having a bit more space to really know, and become, who we are.

I believe this is happening as the result of the influx of feminine energy that started to come in over four years ago. Girl power! In order to hold ourselves in a powerful place, we have to be able to appreciate those around us without carrying them or being tied to what their challenges may be. What better energy to start with than your mother? For those who may have been adopted or raised in foster care, or by other family members, it would relate to the mother figure most present in your life.

If you would like to take advantage of the power surge of maternal internal quest, ask yourself these questions:
  • What is it about the relationship with my mother that I would want to change? If she has passed, you can still connect and shift whatever wasn't in alignment. (For me, I realized I was trying so hard to not be my mother, I became her in many ways. Luckily, she was a lovely woman who had her own fears and preferred to be home. Unless you said shopping and then she was IN!)
  • I may love my mother, but do we like each other?  Would we hang out together if we weren't related?  Would I hang out with me if we weren't related.  (That's fun, isn't it?)
  • Is there anything unfinished in our relationship and if she is physical, can we work on it now? If she is not willing, can YOU do the releasing and completion for yourself? 
  • Am I able to see we both did the best we could with what we had at the time? 
  • If the cord really is released and I am my own self in the great big universe, how will I hold that space and celebrate me, the giver of life to ME?
Take this process slowly. Gestation and birth takes time and birthing ourselves requires patience, as well as, a lot of self care and love. Be willing to nurture yourself and appreciate whatever relationship you have had with the maternal example in your life for it got you to who you are today. Now, go out there and be even more wonderful!

Mama mia, we are amazing, aren't we?


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