What kind of dance do you do with the unknown?

Let's be honest, I have created a business helping people deal with the unknown. Whether that is because they are coming for a reading and believe I can give them the picture of the potential (I can and my track record is pretty good thus far!), or whether I am helping them to believe in self so the unknown no longer has the control they thought it did, either way, I hear this word A LOT.

One of the messages I know I am here to help deliver is a form of lighten up people, life is not as difficult as you are making it. Stop creating a soap opera to feel like you have a valid reason to feel. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel and that solves that, eh?

Perhaps not so easily once trained to make mountains out of molehills though.  One of these mountains is feeling like you don't know what is going to happen in your life and you need to know. You have to have direction or you have to understand what is up with that other person. What if, rather than freaking out about the mountain of unknown, you saw it is an adventure of not knowing? What if you realized you didn't know for sure where you would be today and you still made it here so you already have the skill to navigate the perceived unknown.

Let me shine a little light on what I hear really freaks people out and they use the word unknown as the descriptor. I believe what is the challenge for people is not the not knowing, it is the limbo that it feels like they are in when they don't know exactly what is going to happen. We are not so comfortable in that limbo space especially the more distracted we get with noise and technology. This limbo place is where one doesn't know what is going to happen and worries about it or creates a story around not knowing being scary. It's not. It just isn't known. So what?  Relax.

Two weekends ago my husband and I took a weekend trip to the Finger Lakes in New York. On the way there, the kayak on the top of the car broke loose and was flapping in the breeze at 70 miles an hour. I let Howard know what was happening above us and he calmly pulled over and we tied the little bugger down enough to get off the thruway and address the issue. As we pull off the thruway, the car overheats. Yeah, it was that kind of beginning to the trip. Now, years ago I probably would have been panicking about not making it to our destination or where were we going to get help on a Friday night at 6pm in the middle of nowhere and he would have been annoyed and crabby. This time, we realized, hey, no one got hurt, a car has needs too and we will attend to it. After trying to eat gas station food and letting the car cool down, we got back on the road. Only to go five miles and realize, the car was in more distress than we could limp along with and we needed AAA and fast.

A lovely tow driver named Francis came to our aid and after a particularly scary moment where he, my husband and myself almost became grill art for a driver not paying attention, we were towed to safety and I got to ride in a very big tow truck!

Limbo, we were in limbo. We obviously were not going to make the next two hours we had to go and we weren't going to sleep at the garage so on to next detail, the hotel. I called one and only one, took the one room they had available (casino town on a weekend in the summer) and we were on our way. Now, I could have been all freaked out about the circumstance and lamented that our trip was ruined because of this issue but thankfully, after helping so many people and doing my own stuff, I shifted that limbo place of freaking out about what is next and shifted it to peace of mind of the situation.

Peace of mind in the unknown is realizing you don't know what is going to happen but not being concerned about it either. Recognizing that the universe really does have your back and acting accordingly with the information you have at hand as well as the skills you have developed thus far. We can't hear if we are freaking out. Addressing the issue of housing first, a ride to the hotel (in the big tow truck again! SCORE!) and then on to food, rest and seeing what the garage said in the morning was how I stayed in the adventure of the unknown.

Where do you spend your time regarding the unknown, or otherwise known as life?  Do you distract yourself from today by worrying about tomorrow? You do know while we are eternal, there is a finite number of days you will have on the planet and to spend it worrying about tomorrow and not really living in today is a bit crazy making, right?

What if you took today to realize that part of the fun of being a human is having a choice in how you live. You have a choice in whether you limbo with the unknown or you do a fun line dance or jitterbug, whatever lights you up in the dance world. Don't forget to use jazz hands!

Sure, life can throw us some pretty amazing dance choreography, but if you are willing to see you have the starter skills in dancing this dance and open to learning some new patterns, life becomes so rich and fun. Time slows down and there is a sweet spot of appreciation that we are not in charge of how the Earth spins anyway, so sit back, trust and enjoy the dance.

The car?  Well, it was just fine after a new part was installed, which happened to be in stock at the garage that was only open for a few hours Saturday morning and after some canine love from the resident pooches, we were on our way to the most amazing lakes and waterfalls I have seen.  More amazing because of the gratitude that Howard and I have learned to appreciate the journey as much as arriving at the destination.

Jazz hands people! They aren't used enough, get them up!

Peace out,

p.s.  If it seems challenging to shift from the limbo to the mindful place of peace, give me a ringy dingy and we will re-pattern that.


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