...which I am thankful for, first of all. Second of all, after hitting the snooze button three times, I realized I had this incredible feeling of "let's get this done!" I am not entirely sure who the company is with me that makes up the let's but I am grateful for the feeling and I hope they are ready to play. I've felt myself wanting to both lay around and enjoy the summer season along with the desire to get as much experience in as possible with the thawed out weather.
I'm sure I am not the only one feeling this as the energy of late has a very hurry up and wait feeling to it. My mother used to say this all the time about my father whenever we went anywhere because it seemed like he knew EVERYONE! A simple trip to the store always included a lot of conversations while we waited for him to be done to drive us back home. I had a good chuckle about this the other day as I tried to explain the feeling of the energy lately. It was the perfect analogy, in our house anyway.
It took me until about ten to realize that wait....I don't have to wait. I can have what I want when I want it. I am willing to show up and do my part so bring it universe! There was an incredible ripple that went through my system which I take as confirmation that I am on to something.
How done are you about waiting for things to happen? I know there is divine timing and all that, but the feeling of having to earn it, work for it, deserve it because I did something nice for someone else is a bit archaic isn't it? How about realizing that we wouldn't have agreed to be souls in this amazing universe if we weren't able to hand the good stuff? (A little universal humor here; as I write this the song Anticipation is on the radio. I love synchronicity!)
Are you willing to show up and be accountable for your part? Are you willing to call the person to connect you for the next step of your life, do the research necessary, go to the gym, turn the excuse-o-meter off in your head? Are you willing to leave the story behind of how tough it has been and start looking at how amazing it could be?
I'm not a Pollyanna who is clueless that life has ebbs and flows but I am a big believer in we don't have to suffer through those ebbs. We can see that as the wait part where we assess the message and decide what we want to feel next.
What if you believed it wasn't about deserving something or earning it or suffering in order to prove you can have it, the ole, eat your vegetables so you can have dessert syndrome. What if you said, ya know what, I am willing to celebrate this life process and rock it while I start with dessert!
Some may want to offer their well meaning fears and be careful's and that is fine. If they want to live like that, let them. It is their choice. You get to decide for you and if you don't believe you can decide for self, perhaps their beliefs are stronger than yours right now and you need to ease into this concept. That is fantastic. Take your time, come see me and I'll help, then enjoy the knowing that it is the perfect example of you showing up. Go you!
I did so love the irony of me hitting the snooze three times (wait) and then the feeling the let's do this energy (hurry up). Being conscious of where and how I am is so much fun. The messages of the energy are here to help, not define how we live. We get to decide if hurry up and wait is where we want to leave the statement or if we mix the order up for what works for us. Be creative people.
We are in an amazing manifesting space right now. Take advantage of it, see what you are waiting to enjoy and then hurry up and enjoy it!
Thinking the moon is NOT the limit,
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