You may have noticed that these last two months of August and September have been a bit challenging. I have an incredible reserve of strength and I am at the point of tossing up the hands and saying screw it and I would if I didn't also have this incredible faith that all things turn out as they are meant to for our highest interest and I wasn't just a bit curious about what is coming. It is both a blessing and annoyance at the same time.
I trust that our souls have a path and while I do not believe it to be completely pre-determined, I do know that some of the tougher passages are there to help us strengthen our beliefs and encourage us to grow. That doesn't mean we don't want to say to hell with this all and tell someone to pound salt when they say think positively.
I don't bring this up to depress you but rather to say, hang in there. It is shifting. We have been facing an intense push these last three weeks and while it is winding down a bit, it will increase again in mid October. Typically, I don't do the energy alerts ahead of time because people use it as an excuse to act like poops if there is conflicting energy happening but I realize I am not in charge of what people do with it, so here goes.
If you have lived with any other humans in the last four years, you know it has been a time of getting clear on what you would like in your life and who you would like in your life. This is so freaking hard sometimes. Be nice to you and realize it isn't to be done all at once but rather in stages. We are in one of those stages right now and your soul will be asking you to stop lying to yourself and feeling bad if you have to release someone, something or some belief.
Howard's passing has made it very clear to me who I want to have in my life and I have released some that one would think were close to me. I decided I wasn't going to do false anywhere in my life and I didn't have to. He was one of the most honest people you could meet and I used to say to him, you can accept people for who they are and still have them in your life. His comeback was usually, "not if they are asses, hon, I don't have to." I used to think he was being coldhearted. Now, I get he was being authentic to himself. A great teacher for me.
Relationships are ending whether it is through a passing, divorce, break up, decision to no longer talk to someone or geographical differences. Jobs are ending that don't line up with the individual. Bodies are rebelling if we aren't taking care of them and yelling loudly that we might want to or croak ourselves. There isn't much patience in the universe right now for things that don't line up.
My suggestion? Pay attention to the areas of your life that annoy, give you grief, talk to you or are generally conflicted. Be willing to look at them and ask what you would prefer and then for goodness sake, act on it. Have a conversation, stop eating crap, move your butt rather than complain about it's size, start coloring, find a therapist, shift your beliefs or find an island where you are the only person because it will only get louder if you don't listen.
There are amazing things happening too. People are lining up with work they love, opening businesses, changing their current business, running for public office and creating fundraisers for those they care about. It is completely possible to ride these energy waves and be upright and strong while navigating the surf. It takes strength, courage and a bit of bravery to do so, but it is possible.
Listen to yourself and pay attention to where your thoughts, complaints and conversations go. If they aren't supportive, then you have to decide what you will do with that. Perhaps get involved in a project that means something to you, start working out, go to school, or whatever will light you up at this time.
As we transition into October you will be glad you did. Doing the prep works allow us to walk through these times with grace.
Being human isn't always easy but it is full of opportunities to show who we are at the core of our being. I know for sure that this is what is what the soul longs for, lining up with our greatness. Will you join me?
Taking deep breaths and occasionally swearing,
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