So, how has the energy been treating you lately? Wow, has it been flying around. I love it. To me it feels like we are going down hill on a bike with the wind in our faces, laughing like when we were kids. That is most of the time. Other times it feels like I could leave everything behind and go live on an island in a tiny house and only converse with the island creatures. The ones without a lot of legs. They give me the creeps.
As I've mentioned a cabillion times, energy ebbs and flows and we get these surges when collectively we are ready to make some huge strides. That excites me. I love growth. I believe because I am so curious about why we do things and how did we get here and where the heck are we going?
We all have choice in how we handle these energy surges. They have happened your whole life thus far and will continue to happen for the rest of it. Might be good to create a way of accepting them and then eventually, using them to your advantage. I often get a lot done on the mechanical side of my business when these come up. I also make huge decisions that thankfully, although tough at the time, have always served me. I realize that while it may seem like a lot on the plate at the time, I know that there will be an ebb where I play more and allow all the time I've put in and intentions I've set to manifest. It works for me. It may not work for everyone.
Some people may find that during this time, they want to find an old cave, crawl in and pull the rock behind them until it passes. Ok, go for it. That is your choice. I probably won't be here when you get out but someone will and that is the fun of such a mobile life. Much like when we are swimming at a public pool. You know how they have lanes so you don't wander into someone while doing laps? (I and those who swim at the same time are grateful these exist. I wander!) Well, these lanes are a great way of recognizing how we can all be in the same body of water, yet doing our own thing. I personally stink at the crawl, but my side and backstroke have power. You may do an amazing butterfly while our mutual friend in lane six is completely rocking freestyle.
We, as humans, tend to compare ourselves to those around us. I think it is evolutionary and helpful in some regard, limiting in others. I often listen to autobiographies about long distance runners because there is a desire in me to do that some day. I listen to them, I don't compare. I observe what they have to say, laugh about their adventures and wonder, who the heck wants to run over a hundred miles at a time? I love the diversity of we humans. Yet, I see so many people wrap themselves up in what the other has accomplished or has or acts like. So wrapped up that they can't even see how amazing they already are.
I have a friend that often will compare how much I get done in a day to what she does. I always laugh with her and say she is probably making it bigger in her mind what I do, than I actually accomplish. I've had to learn that it is her billy club she uses to beat herself up with, not mine. I used to diminish in my mind what I had done but that wasn't serving either of us. I can encourage her to see we are all wired differently and have that same ebb and flow as the energy but I can't (other than to offer her Belief Re-patterning.) change her mind for her. Nor can I take on the fact that she is paying so much attention to my backstroke that she wandered into my lane and isn't paying attention to her butterfly. I can gently push her buns back into her lane by not joining her in her self limitation and encourage her to get down the length of the pool (life) in any way she can. Doggie paddle counts, you know.
So, let me ask you this; where in your life are you wandering into someone else's lane? Is there anyone in your lane as you are enjoying your swim? If there is; can you gently yet assertively, show them their own lane and suggest they pay attention to their own stuff. Perhaps you can meet after the swim and get some lunch, but for now, lane respect.
Focusing on what someone else thinks of you, what they have, what they've done to you or where you feel they get all the breaks, is wandering into their lane. Being concerned about who they are dating now, what promotion they just got, or how you wish they would just see you as who you are, is wandering too.
What if you paid attention to yours, worked on your technique and laughed about your turn at the end of the pool when you are about to do another lap?
It is absolutely possible that when you do this that the other person may get out of the pool and head to the showers, i.e., leave your life. It is also possible that they may have some resentment toward you because you have stood your ground, ummm water lane, and they don't like it. A lot of things are possible and I have found that if we live in this fear of what could happen, life happens all around us. I don't know about you, but I've grown tired of being worried if someone was going to leave. Having friends and partners pass will teach you this real fast if you are paying attention. Things happen. People leave. As my friend Dave would say to his kids, buck up!
Adding to Dave's brilliant advice, buck up and choose your dang lane. Appreciate that we all came to do our own souls journey while living and connecting with others. It is a lovely, wonderful, respectful, fun, full of silly life when we do that.
The energy that is here now is only going to grow in vibration and that means that if you aren't looking to solidify your amazement and choice that life is for living and enjoying and choosing your lane; then I wish you well and might suggest something to calm your nerves. Perhaps coming to see me to re-pattern that or going for a swim.
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