The reason this has come up is for the four millionth, five hundred and thirty second time is, I tried to explain what it is I do to someone the other day as part of our Mastermind Group. I say try because it has been challenging for me to describe the work I do with people as it can be so different from one person to another, but I decided to really think and feel the answer to see what would come up. Thankfully, she has had a session with me so it helped to take the pressure off wondering if she would understand the experience as described from my point of view.
This is what I came up with; I have the unique ability to be able to see someone's soul and it's intention in coming into this lifetime along with the agreement it made with the human self. Along with this flight plan filed before they came in as a human, I then look to see what the blocks may be in place and how I can help. Once I have a clear picture of this, I use my intuition, coaching and Belief Re-patterning to remind the person they have a soul with intelligence that would like to work in connection with their physical being to create the life that is most successful for them, in all areas of their experience, at what successful means to them in the moment.
The way I described it feeling is like when Tinkerbell sewed Peter Pan's shadow back on to his body. When the two were separate, Peter wasn't happy and the shadow was bouncing all over the place trying to get his attention. That is what it feels like to me when someone isn't listening to themselves. It's a bit distracting, but with practice, I have learned how to communicate in a way the person can hear me and suggest they connect up to their soul knowing so this journey of being human doesn't seem so hard.
I had seen this as the what I did but not taken the time to connect it to how I did it and certainly never told anyone so succinctly. Phew, that felt good. As a side note; she asked me if I had ever thought of writing this out to help others know what it is I do. Insert a dramatic pause shaking my head no....full belly laughs from both of us. It was a fantastic moment of knowing I would have thought to go there immediately with a client but not with myself. Ahhhh, this soul/human thing is so fun, isn't it?
As happens often in my life through the law of attraction, within two days of me articulating this, I had three people say back to me; "It's like you see my soul and describe my whole path and who I am without even knowing me and in a way more clear than I could say myself." Ummmmm, yup. To be fair, isn't it always easier for someone else to see our stuff? Add whatever homework I did in a past life to be able to intuit the way I do and it's easy. I love that I am able to help through whatever wiring I have that allows me to see paths, blocks, future events and to help people line up with what is best for themselves.
Obviously, the people I work with have to be willing to grow, change and embrace the knowledge that lifetimes of being a soul have given them or me seeing their potential isn't going to help anyone in the long term. That is where working together in an ongoing basis can really expand a person and create that growth exponentially. It takes courage to be a human, but we don't have to do it alone.
I decided to write this up as a blog form as there have been many questions as to why I am no longer offering the medium readings any longer. Along with the fact that it is gut wrenchingly hard to do since my husband completed his soul journey while I have not, it is simply that I encourage others to do what they love the most and I would be a hypocrite if I didn't do the same.
Through these last nine months, I have had to ask myself on many occasions if I am living as my soul intends in conjunction with my human path and when I come up with a not really; I feel so completely pushed to do so. I know what it feels like to not listen and I really know what it looks like after doing this for fifteen years with you amazing people. The soul is here to be curious, to expand and explore. We owe it to ourselves to do just that!
I am so grateful to Chantal for helping me find the clarity, myself for being brave enough to say, hey, this is what I do, and you amazingly wonderful people who have been part of this business that doesn't seem like work. I am appreciative to have signed up to be here at this time.
What do you believe to be your superpower? What is your soul saying to you it wants to be curious about? Are you brave enough to listen? It's ok if the answer is not really. That's why I'm here. Give me a call and we will do it together!
One of my favorite quotes is by Theodore Roosevelt;
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Be daring, be messy, stumble, make errors, but for goodness sake, be willing to be,
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