Surprises can be fantastic!

Every month I do an event I call Share an Evening with Vicki. Twelve people and myself get together where I do readings, coaching and Belief Re-patterning. We laugh a lot, there are tears occasionally but not usually from me. This month was very different.

I have always said I have the best clients. I know other practitioners think they do, but I know I do. (We can all have the best ones for us though, so rejoice in your best clients too if you have them!) Genuinely wonderful people. In every group there is support for whomever I am working with at the time as well as patience as I haven't been able to figure out how to do a short and sweet session if something is coming up that is significant. It's entirely possible someone may not get read when they come. Not likely, but possible. 

There is a great joke among those that have come more than once that I have an issue telling time. The event runs for two hours. In the five years I've been doing it, I have stuck to that exactly once. Once. Yup. So, it wasn't a surprise that this one ran over. I always tell people, feel free to leave if you need to as I understand you didn't sign up for three hours! People rarely do. 

As I finished up with one of the great guys who came, another gentlemen raised his hand to ask a final question. He initially gave a request stated in a way that usually makes me groan as it's so vague "Something is happening soon and I have a choice and I want to know which way to go." Okkkkkkk, that is going to take some energy that to be honest, I didn't know if I had after thirteen hours of readings that day. 

As it turned out, I didn't need to be concerned at all because the flash I got on my movie screen was so clear, we could wrap this up quickly, or so I thought. My response was to say something along the lines of "I don't really see that there is a choice. You have already decided and it looks really good so, go for it." 

He did. Right there at that moment! He stood up, then got down on one knee (you can swoon here if you want), and asked his girlfriend to marry him! Right there in my office, after three hours of sitting there waiting for his turn. So sweet.  

I told you I have the best clients. The rest of the group, and I was probably the loudest, started crying and laughing and clapping and his parents, who came with him, were the most adorable, proud couple I have seen in a long time. 

I happen to like surprises. Probably because it doesn't happen a lot for me. I often get the "preview" before something happens so when I am truly surprised, it's such a rush.

I know not all surprises are what we consider to be good news, but given the news we usually see lately, isn't it nice to receive a feel good post? I hope you agree. 

So, to W and T from Friday night and all those who bring amazing surprises and love to this world; I thank you. My heart thanks you. 


P.S. I hope I get invited to the wedding. (Blatant, perhaps, but I've rarely been accused of being subtle.)


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