If you join the band that is. Every year has it's own vibration. This year has had a theme of in your face. So, basically, anything that you were avoiding was brought to your attention. For some it was their health, for others relationships, career, spirituality and that long time question of who am I?
While each year has a theme, we are ultimately responsible for creating a life that works and is joyful so no blaming the year, ok? Take responsibility for your emotions and your choices and every year can rock.
The year 2015 has such a giggly feeling to it, I for one, am very stinking excited to see how that reveals itself for everyone. This year has a vibration of fruition with it. So, any energy you have put into creating your life will have the extra battery pack of this year. Now, that also includes if you are holding onto anger or blaming someone else for your issues. If you are holding onto that, you could very well create some challenges that will present as learning curves of their own. Don't do that.
This year represents, in my humble opinion, the moving forward point. For the last six years, SIX YEARS, we have been in a pattern of slowing down so our messages can be abundantly clear, although some still don't listen. After slowing down for the first three, the second half of the six years, starting in 2009, were about the messages being in your face. Did you see them? Did you pay attention to the messages that said this relationship has to change, that this job is no longer serving me, that YOU had to change?
If you didn't, you aren't doomed, you would benefit from some self reflection, but screwed you are not. It amazes me when people don't want to look at themselves and see where they could grow. I understand how scary that may be but you are the only one who can do it, so be brave for at least five minutes and take some inventory of yourself and be willing to see what you would like to change. No one is listening to your inner most thoughts, thank goodness right? If you don't listen though, your thoughts can become behaviors and then your behaviors become belief systems and then belief systems become habits and then you have to shift them again when you realize that doesn't feel good either. Sooooooo, if you were willing to hear them when they popped up first and willing to address what doesn't feel right, think of the time and self judgment you could save! If it seems too challenging to do by yourself, come see me and we will re-pattern those belief systems and have you on your way to creating the successful life you dream of.
So, what can you do to harness the energy of this year? You can be aware of some goals or success points you would like to experience this year and put some time into creating a loose plan to follow. You can clear your house with sage so you start the year in clean slate energy. You can reach out and connect with a support system to help create the best year yet! You could decide to be happy. That one can be challenging for some people. One must decide to be there in order to manifest it and the habit of happiness. It is a choice whether to be happy or miserable. Make a choice for the next year (Please choose happy. I honor your free will but come on people, miserable is NOT effective.)
You can also take this next week to assess where your dreams are and if you even have any. Be nice to you as you do it. If you find there aren't any dreams there, allow yourself to daydream and see what happens. Use the phrase what if... but use it in wonder. What if I really did trust myself to hike alone? What if I took that class and I aced it? What if I believed I matter, imagine what could happen?
(My gift this year from my husband so I guess it really is true! I'm not the only one!)
What if you made this the best year you have ever had and you shared the joy with others. Imagine the world we could have. In the words of John Lennon, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." Join me in the dream that life can rock and the intention to have it do so.
I wish you the best of 2015 and am so grateful to have all of you in my world.
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